drugs Flashcards
relief of pain w/out intentional production of altered mental state
decreased apprehension with no change in level of awareness
protective reflexes maintained. independent maintenance of airway/O2 sat/ventilation. REsponse to physical and verbal stimulation
conscious sedation
profound effects with loss of one or more of following: protective reflexes maintained. independent maintenace of airway/O2 sat/ventilation. response to verbal stimulation
deep or unconscious sedation
sensory, mental, reflex and motor blockade; concurrent loss of ALL protective reflexes
general anesthesia
why are INHALATIONAL AND INTRAVENOUS dosing preferred?
b/c they offer more immdeiate control over dose and hence duration of action
agenst capable of producing reversible depression of neuronal function, producing loss of ability to perceive pain and/or other sensations
general anesthetics (maintain patent airway–(may require Positive pressure ventilation)
unconsiouscness = loss or protective reflex. need to maintain airway
describes what: anesthetic activity = linked to lipid solubility. more lipid soluble = higher anesthetic activity.
what is the execption?
Myer-Overton hypothesis
Exception: can make drug more lipid soluble, but then you lose anestehtic property of drug. NOTE: N20 has really low oil: gas partition coefficient. (greatest to least Isoflurane >sevoflurane>desflurane)
concentration of inspired gas needed to render 50% pt unconsicous
minimum alveolar concentration.
the lower the MAC the ____
more potent the anesthetic.
lipid solubility described by what coeff
oil:gas coefficicent. larger # = more lipid soluble drug
inhaled anesthetics MOA:
what do they enforce:
what do they inhibit:
reinforcement of : GABAa and glycine inhibitory signaling, and two pore K+ channel
inhibition of glutamatergic signalling
during anesthesia –> decreased parietal response. therefore anesthesia decreases coritcal interactions and decreases integration.
note: anesthetic agents distribute throughout body including PERIPHERAL NEURONS : OVERALL effet of drug includes: NOT ONLY direct effect on CNS, but also modulation of ASCENDING NEURAL pathways to the CNS and DESCENDING pathway to peripheral tissue
t/f. loss of memory and perceptive awareness can precede production of analgesia