Drugs Flashcards
Adrenaline adult IM dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
500 microg
Repeated at 5 minute intervals
No max dose
Adrenaline adult IV dose for cardiac arrest
1 mg
Repeated at 3-5 minute intervals
No max dose
Adrenaline adult IM dose for severe life-threatening bronchospasm or silent chest (Pt must only be able to speak in single words and/or have haemodynamic compromise and/or ALOC)
500 microg
Repeated at 5 minute intervals
No maximum dose
Adrenaline Contraindications
Adrenaline Drug Class
Adrenaline Paediatric NEB Dose for Anaphylaxis or Severe Allergic Reaction
5mg Single dose only
May be administered for upper airway obstruction that is refractory to 3 x IM adrenaline injections
Adrenaline paediatric 1 - 5 yrs IM dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
150 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline paediatric 6mths - 1yr IM dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
100 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline paediatric <6mths IM dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
50 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline paediatric ≥6yrs IM dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
300 mcg every
5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric 1 - 5yrs IM Dose for Severe Life-threatening Bronchospasm or Silent Chest (pts must only be able to speak in single words and/or have haemodynamic compromise and/or ALOC)
150 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric 6mths - 1yr IM Dose for Severe Life-threatening Bronchospasm or Silent Chest (pts must only be able to speak in single words and/or have haemodynamic compromise and/or ALOC)
100 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric <6mths IM Dose for Severe Life-threatening Bronchospasm or Silent Chest (pts must only be able to speak in single words and/or have haemodynamic compromise and/or ALOC)
50 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric ≥6yrs IM Dose for Severe Life-threatening Bronchospasm or Silent Chest (pts must only be able to speak in single words and/or have haemodynamic compromise and/or ALOC)
300 mcg
every 5 mins
no max dose
Adrenaline Indications
Cardiac arrest
Anaphylaxis OR severe allergic reaction
Severe life-threatening bronchospasm OR silent chest (patients must only be able to speak in single words AND/OR have haemodynamic compromise AND/OR an ALOC)
Croup (moderate to severe)
CCP only
Shock unresponsive to adequate fluid resuscitation
Bradycardia with poor perfusion
Adrenaline adult NEB dose for anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction
Single dose only
May be administered for upper airway obstruction that is refractory to 3 X IM adrenaline injections
Adrenaline Paediatric Newly Born IV Dose for Cardiac Arrest
50 microg
Repeated every 3 - 5 mins
No max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric ≥10kg (≥1yr) IV Dose for Cardiac Arrest
10 microg/kg
Repeated every 3 - 5 mins
No max dose
Adrenaline Paediatric <10kg (excl newly born) IV Dose for Cardiac Arrest
100 microg
Repeated every 3 - 5 mins
No max dose
Adrenaline Precautions
Concurrent MAOI therapy
Quetiapine toxicity
Hypovolaemic shock
Adrenaline Paediatric NEB Dose for Croup
5 mg
Single dose only
Adrenaline Presentation
Ampoule, 1 mg/1 mL (1:1,000) adrenaline
Ampoule, 1 mg/10 mL (1:10,000) adrenaline
Prefilled syringe EpiPen auto-injector, 300 microg adrenaline (yellow)
Prefilled syringe Epi Pen auto-injector, 150 microg adrenaline (green)
Adrenaline side effects
pupil dilation
Adrenaline Timing
30 seconds IV
60 seconds IM
5 - 10 minutes
2 minutes
Analgesic Pain Levels
1 - 4 Mild
5 - 7 Moderate
8 - 10 Severe
Aspirin Adult PO Dose for:
Suspected ACS
300 mg
Chewed and followed by a small sip of water (where possible)
Pts who have had <300mg in the prev 24hrs should be administered a dose totaling 300-450mg
Aspirin Adult PO Dose for:
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
300 mg
Chewed and followed by a small sip of water (where possible)
Pts who have had <300mg in the prev 24hrs should be administered a dose totaling 300-450mg
Aspirin contraindications
Allergy AND/OR Adverse Drug Reaction to aspirin OR any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
Bleeding OR clotting disorders (e .g. haemophilia)
Current GI bleeding OR peptic ulcers
Patient < 18 years
Aspirin Drug Class
Aspirin indications
Suspected ACS
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Aspirin precautions
Possible aortic aneurysm or any other condition that may require surgery
Concurrent anticoagulant therapy (e.g. warfarin)
History of GI bleeding or peptic ulcers
Aspirin Presentation
tablet (white), 300 mg aspirin
Aspirin Routes of Administration
Aspirin Side Effects
NSAID induced bronchospasm
epigastric pain/discomfort
GI bleeding
nausea and/or vomiting
Aspirin Timing
≈ 10 minutes (variable)
≈ 1 week (antiplatelet)
3. 2 hours (300 - 650 mg)
Calculating Volume from Dose
Calculating Volume from Dose
V required = (strength required (SR) / stock strength (SS)) x volume of stock
or; sunrise over sunset
Ceftriaxone Adult IV Dose for Suspected Meningococcal Septicaemia (with non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
2 g
Slow push over 5 minutes
Single dose only
Syringe prep: Reconstitute 2 g of ceftriaxone with 18.8 m water for injection in a 20 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 2 g/20 mL. Ensure syringe is appropriately labelled.
Ceftriaxone Contraindications
- Allergy and/or adverse drug reaction to cephalosporin antibiotics
- Known immediate or severe hypersensitivity to penicillin or carbapenem based drugs
Relative (requires consultation with the QAS Clinical Consultation and Advice Line)
- Pts < 1mth
Ceftriaxone Drug Class
Ceftriaxone Paediatric IM Dose for Suspected Meningococcal Septicaemia (with non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
QAS clinical consultation and advice line consultation and approval required in all Pts <1 mth
50mg/kg (rounded up to nearest 5kg)
total max dose 2g
single dose only
- Syringe prep: reconstitute 1g of ceftriaxone with 2.4mL water for injection, withdraw the required dose from the vial using a 3 mL syringe**
- Footnote For paeds over 20kg, clinicians must advising the hospital that only a partial dose has been administered*
Ceftriaxone Indications
Suspected meningococcal septicaemia (with a non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
Ceftriaxone Adult IM Dose for Suspected Meningococcal Septicaemia (with non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
2 g (2 x 1 g IM injections) Single dose only *Syringe prep: Reconstitute two separate vials each containing 1 g of ceftriaxone with 2.4mL water for injection in a 3 ml syringe to achieve a final concentraion of 1 g/3 mL*
Ceftriaxone Paediatric IV >20kgs Dose for Suspected Meningococcal Septicaemia (with non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
Single dose only
Syringe prep: Reconstitute 2 g of ceftriaxone with 18.8 mL water for injection in 20 mL syringe to achieve a concentration of 100 mg/mL (2 g/20 mL). Withdraw required dose leaving any excess ceftriaxone in the vial.
Ceftriaxone IV Paediatric ≤20kgs Dose for Suspected Meningococcal Septicaemia (with non-blanching petechial and/or purpuric rash)
QAS clinical consultation and advice line consultation and approval required in all Pts ≤1 mth.
Single dose only
Syringe prep: Reconstitute 1 g of ceftriaxone with 9.4 mL water for injection in 10 mL syringe to achieve a concentration of 100 mg/mL (1 g/10 mL). Withdraw required dose leaving any excess ceftriaxone in the vial.*
Ceftriaxone Precautions
any allergy or hypersenitivity to penicilin or carbapenem (isolated minor drug rash attributed to penicillin does not contrindicate the use of cefriaxone)
Ceftriaxone Presentation
Vial (powder), 1 g ceftriaxone
Ceftriaxone Routes of Administration
Ceftriaxone Side Effects
Pain and/or inflammation at the injection site
Ceftriaxone Timing
dose/route variable
approx 1 day
6 - 9 hours
Common Pain Assessment Tools
number rating scale (0-10 severity)
verbal rating scales (description - mild/moderate/severe)
Dexamethasone Contraindications
Allergy AND/OR Adverse Drug Reaction
<6 months OR >8 years of age (consultation required)
Steroid administration within 4 hours
Dexamethasone Drug Class
Dexamethasone Indications
Dexamethasone Paediatric PO Dose for Croup for children 6 months to 6 years
Can be repeated once if child spits it out
Dexamethasone Precautions
Nil in this setting
Dexamethasone Presentation
Vial, 8mg/2mL dexamethasone
Dexamethasone Routes of Administration
Dexamethasone Side Effects
Dexamethazone Timing
**Onset** 30 mins (croup)
72 hours
4-5 hours (children)
Drug Checks
Right pt - Pt doesn’t have any: Allergies, Contras, Precautions, Meds that may interact, Age appropriate
Right drug - Indication - the righ drug to treat this presentation
Right dose - Right dose, expressed as mass only, e.g. “Five milligrams of midazolam”, consider also noting timing & max dose
Right route - Clearly stated, and dose must be correct for this route
Right Strength/Presentation - Mass in volume as provided in the drug kit
Right Appearance & Drug Safety Check - The ampoule is unbroken, does not leak, and the liquid is clear and free of floaties
* The drug is <drug>, <mass>, and expires <sometime></sometime></mass></drug>
E.g.: “This bag of sodium chloride 0.9% is undamaged, does not leak when squeezed, and the fluid is clear and
uncontaminated. Drug check: Sodium chloride 0.9%, 500mL bag, expires 10/2023”
* E.g.: “Ampoule is unbroken with clear liquid; adrenaline; 1mg in 1mL; expires 10/2023”
Fentanyl adult <70yrs IM dose for:
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia (with SBP >160 mmHg)
25-100 microg
Repeated up to 50 microg every 10 mins
Total max dose 200 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl adult <70yrs IV dose for:
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia (with SBP >160 mmHg)
25-50 microg
Repeated up to 50 microg every 5 mins
Total max dose 200 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl Adult Subcut Dose for Significant Pain
QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Fentanyl Contraindications
Allergy AND/OR Adverse Drug Reaction
Fentanyl Drug Class
narcotic analgesic
Fentanyl Adult ≥70yrs/cachectic or frail IM dose for:
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia (with SBP >160 mmHg)
25-50 microg
Repeated up to 50 microg every 10 mins
Total max dose 100 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl paediatric IM dose for significant pain
≥1yr - 1-2 microg/kg
Single max dose 50 microg
Total max dose 2 microg/kg (or MME)
Less than 1yr - QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Fentanyl Indications
significant pain
autonomic dysreflexia (with SBP > 160 mmHg)
Sedation - CCP only
Induction for rapid sequence intubation - CCP only
Note: Morphine is the preferred narcotic agent except:
- allergy and or KSAR to morphine
- haemodynamic instability
- known/suspected kidney disease
- when NAS narcotic administration is preferred
- suspected ACS
Fentanyl Adult ≥70yrs/cachectic or frail IV dose for:
significant pain
autonomic dysreflexia (with SBP >160 mmHg)
25 microg
Repeated up to 25 microg every 5 mins
Total max dose 100 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl paediatric IV dose for significant pain
≥1yr - 1 microg/kg
Single max dose 25 microg
Repeated every 5 mins at 0.5 microg/kg (max 25 microg)
Total max dose 2 microg/kg (or MME)
<1yr - QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Fentanyl Adult ≥70yrs/cachectic or frail NAS Dose for:
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia (SBP >160 mmHg)
25-50 microg
Repeated up to 50 microg every 10 mins
Total max dose 100 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl Adult <70 NAS Dose for:
Significant Pain
Autonomic Dysreflexia (SBP >160 mmHg)
50-100 microg
Repeated up to 100 microg every 10 mins
Total max dose 200 microg (or MME)
Fentanyl paediatric NAS dose for significant pain
≥1yr - 1.5 microg/kg
Single max dose 50 microg
Repeated once at 1 microg/kg at 10 mins
Total max dose 100 microg (or MME)
<1yr - QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Fentanyl Precautions
known addiction to narcotics
current MAOI therapy
respiratory tract burns
respiratory depression and/or failure
Fentanyl Presentation
ampoule, 100 microg/2 mL fentanyl
Fentanyl Routes of Administration
Fentanyl Side Effects
pin point pupils
respiratory depression
muscular rigidity (particularly muscles of respiration)
nausea and/or vomiting
Fentanyl paediatric SUBCUT dose for significant pain
QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Fentanyl Timing
≤3 minutes
30-60 minutes
2-3 hours
Glucagon Adult IM Dose - Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid challenges)
May be administered when paramedics are unable to achieve IV access.
Single dose only.
Syringe preparation: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 ml of water for injection in a 3 ml syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/ 1 ml.
Glucagon Adult IM Dose - Symptomatic hypoglycaemia
Single dose only
Syringe preparation: reconstitute 1 mg glucagon with 1 mL of water for injection in a 3 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL
Glucagon Contraindications
Allergy AND/OR adverse drug reaction
Glucagon Drug Class
Glucagon Paediatric IV Dose for refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid) for children ≤25kg
0.5 mg
Single dose only
Syringe prep: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL water for injection in 3 mL syinge to achieve final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL. Decant 0.5 mL of the prepared solution to achieve a final concentration of 0.5 mg/0.5mL.1 mg
Glucagon Paediatric IV Dose for refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid) for children >25kg
1 mg
Single dose only
Syringe Prep: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL water for injection in a 3 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL.
Glucagon Indications
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with the inability to self-administer oral glucose)
Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid challenges)
Glucagon Paediatric IM Dose for refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid) for children >25kg
May be administered when paramedics are unable to achieve IV access
1 mg
Single dose only
Syringe Prep: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL water for injection in a 3 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL.
Glucagon Paediatric IM Dose for refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid) for children ≤25kg
May be administered when paramedics are unable to achieve IV access
0.5 mg
Single dose only
Syringe prep: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL water for injection in 3 mL syringe to achieve final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL. Decant 0.5 mL of the prepared solution to achieve a final concentration of 0.5 mg/0.5mL.
Glucagon Paediatric IM Dose for Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with the inability to self-administer oral glucose) for children ≤25kg
0.5 mg
Single dose only
Syringe preparation: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL of water for injection in a 3 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL. Decant 0.5 mL of the prepared solution to achieve a final concentration of 0.5 mg/1 mL
Glucagon Paediatric IM Dose for Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with the inability to self-administer oral glucose) for children >25kg
1 mg
Single dose only
Syringe preparation: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 mL of water for injection in a 3 mL syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 mL
Glucagon Precautions
Glucagon Presentation
Vials (powder and solvent), 1mg glucagon
Glucagon Routes of Administration
Glucagon Side Effects
Glucagon Timing
4-7 minutes
3-6 minutes
Glucagon Adult IV Dose - Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent hypotension/shock (unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline injections and adequate fluid challenges)
1 mg
Single dose only.
Syringe preparation: Reconstitute 1 mg of glucagon with 1 ml of water for injection in a 3 ml syringe to achieve a final concentration of 1 mg/1 ml.
Glucose 10% Adult IV Dose
15g (150mL)
Repeated at 10g (100 mL) boluses every 5 minutes until BGL >4.0mmol/L
Glucose 10% Adult INF Dose
15g (150mL)
Repeated at 10g (100 mL) boluses every 5 minutes until BGL >4.0mmol/L
Glucose 10% Contraindications
Glucose 10% Drug Class
Glucose 10% Indications
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with the inability to self-administer oral glucose)
Unconscious hypoglycaemia - EACP2 only
Glucose 10% Paediatric IV Dose
0.25 g/kg (2.5 mL/kg)
Repeated at 0.1 g/kg (1 mL/kg) boluses every 5 mins until BGL > 4.0 mmol/L
Glucose 10% Paediatric INF Dose
0.25 g/kg (2.5 mL/kg)
Repeated at 0.1 g/kg (1 mL/kg) boluses every 5 mins until BGL > 4.0 mmol/L
Glucose 10% Precautions
Glucose 10% Presentation
Viaflex plastic container, 250 mL glucose monohydrate 10%
Glucose 10% Routes of Administration
Glucose 10% Side Effects
Glucose 10% Timing
Glucose Gel Adult PO Dose
Repeated once at 15 minutes if BGL ≤ 4mmol/L
Total maximum dose 30g
Glucose Gel Contraindications
Patients with difficulty swallowing
Patients < 2 years
Glucose Gel Drug Class
Glucose Gel Indications
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia (with the ability to self-administer oral glucose)
Glucose Gel Paediatric PO Dose
≥2 yrs - 15 g
Repeated once at 15 mins if BGL ≤4 mmol/L
Total max dose 30 g
Glucose Gel Precautions
Glucose Gel Presentation
Tube, 15g Glucose (Glutose 15)
Glucose Gel Routes of Administration
Glucose Gel Side Effects
nausea and/or vomiting
Glucose Gel Timing
≈ 10 mins
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Adult Subling Dose - Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema
400 microg
Repeated at 5 min intervals
No maximum dose
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Adult Subling Dose - Suspected ACS (with pain)
400 microg
Repeated at 5 min intervals
No maximum dose
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Adult Subling Dose:
Autonomic Dysreflexia (SBP >160 mmHG)
400 microg
Repeated at 5 min intervals
No maximum dose
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Adult Subling Dose:
Irukandji Syndrome (SBP > 160 mmHG)
400 microg
Repeated at 5 min intervals
No maximum dose
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Contraindications
allergy and/or adverse drug reaction
acute CVA
head trauma
heart rate < 50 or > 150 beats per minute
systolic BP < 100 mmHg
phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor medication administration:
- sildenafil OR vardenafil in the previous 24 hours
- tadalafil in the previous 48 hours
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Drug Class
Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) Indications
Suspected ACS (with pain)
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Autonomic dysreflexia (with a systolic BP >160 mmHg)
Irukandji syndrome (with a systolic BP >160 mmHg)
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Paediatric Subling Dose for:
Irukandji syndrome (with a SBP >160mmHg)
QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Note: In all other instances, QAS officers are NOT authorised to administer GTN to paediatric Pts
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Paediatric Subling Dose for:
Autonomic dysreflexia (with a SBP >160 mmHg)
QAS clinical consultation and advice line approval required in all situations
Note: In all other instances, QAS officers are NOT authorised to administer GTN to paediatric Pts
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Precautions
cerebral vascular disease
risk of hypotension and/or syncope
inferior AMI
intoxication (GTN effects are enhanced)
Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor medication administration (eg tadalafil, sildenafil, vardenafil) administration in the previous 4 days
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Presentation
Spray (sublingual), 400 microg/dose, 200 doses, nitrolingual pump spray
Ampoule, 50 mg/10mL glyceryl trinitrate
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Routes of Administration
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Side Effects
vascular headaches
reflex tachycardia
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Timing
≤2 minutes
20 - 30 minutes
- *Half Life**
5. 5 minutes
Hydrocortisone Drug Class
Hydrocortisone Adult IM Dose for:
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
100 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Adult IM Dose for:
Asthma (excluding mild)
100 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Adult IM Dose for:
Acute Exacerbation of COPD
100 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Adult IM Dose for Refractory Anaphylaxis with Persistent Wheeze
200 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Contraindications
Allergy AND/OR Adverse Drug Reaction
Hydrocortisone IV Adult Dose for:
Asthma (excluding mild)
100 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone IV Adult Dose for:
Acute Exacerbation of COPD
100 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone IV Adult Dose for:
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
100 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Indications
Asthma (excluding mild)
Acute exacerbation of COPD (with evidence of respiratory distress)
Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent wheeze (and unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline (epinephrine))
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
Hydrocortisone Adult IV Dose for Refractory Anaphylaxis with Persistent Wheeze
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric IV Dose for:
Asthma (excluding mild)
4 mg/kg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Not to exceed 100 mg
Hydrocortisone Paediatric IV Dose
Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent wheeze (and unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline)
4 mg/kg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Not to exceed 100
Hydrocortisone Paediatric >10yrs IV Dose for Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
100 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric 0 to 4yrs IV Dose for Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
25 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric 5 - 10yrs IV Dose for Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
50 mg
Slow push over 1 minute
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric IM Dose for:
Asthma (excluding mild)
4 mg/kg
Single dose only, not to exceed 100 mg
Hydrocortisone Paediatric IM Dose for:
Refractory anaphylaxis with persistent wheeze (and unresponsive to 3 x IM adrenaline)
4 mg/kg
Single dose only
Not to exceed 100 mg
Hydrocortisone Paediatric >10yrs IM Dose for:
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
100 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric 5 - 10yrs IM Dose for:
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
50 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Paediatric 0 - 4yrs IM Dose for:
Suspected, or at risk of, an acute adrenal insufficiency (adrenal crisis)
25 mg
Single dose only
Hydrocortisone Precautions
(retains Na+ in kidneys, inc blood and plasma fluid)
Hydrocortisone Presentation
Vial (powder) - 100mg,
Hydrocortisone Routes of Administration
Hydrocortisone Side Effects
Hydrocortisone Timing
Onset (IV)
1 - 2 hours
Duration (IV)
6 - 12 hours
1 - 2 hours
Ibuprofen Adult PO Dose
200 - 400 mg
Must not be administered within 6 hours of previous ibuprofen administration
Ibuprofen contraindications
- Pts <13yrs or >65yrs
- Allergy AND/OR known severe adverse reaction (KSAR) to any NSAID OR aspirin
- Concurrent NSAID therapy
- NSAID induced asthma
- Heart failure
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor OR Angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB)
- Anticoagulant medications
- Current GI bleeding or peptic ulcers
- Dehydration AND/OR hypovolaemia
- Pregnancy
- Renal impairment
- Diuretic treatment
Ibuprofen Drug Class
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
Ibuprofen indications
Moderate pain due to acute inflammation & tissue injury
Ibuprofen paediatric dose
QAS officers are NOT authorised to dminister ibuprofen to paediatric pts
Ibuprofen precautions
Hepatic dysfunction
History of GI bleeding or peptic ulcers
Ibuprofen presentation
tablet, 200 mg
Ibuprofen Routes of Administration
Ibuprofen side effects
GI bleeding
Ibuprofen Timing
≈ 15 mins
4 - 6 hours
2 hours
Ipratropium bromide Adult NEB Dose for:
Moderate bronchospasm (unresponsive to initial QAS salbutamol NEB)
500 microg (2 x 250 microg vials) Repeated at 20 minute intervals Total maximum dose - 1.5 mg
Ipratropium bromide Adult NEB Dose for:
Severe bronchospasm
500 microg (2 x 250 microg vials) Repeated at 20 minute intervals Total maximum dose - 1.5 mg
Ipratropium bromide Contraindications
Allergy and/or Adverse Drug Reaction
Patients less than 1 year of age
Ipratropium Bromide Drug Class
anticholinergic agent
Ipratropium bromide Indications
Moderate bronchospasm (unresponsive to initial QAS salbutamol NEB)
Severe bronchospasm
Ipratropium Bromide Paediatric NEB dose for children 1 to 5 yrs for:
Moderate Bronchospasm (unresponsive to initial QAS salbutamol NEB)
250 microg (1 x 250 microg vial) Repeated at 20 min intervals Total max dose 750 microg
Ipratropium Bromide Paediatric NEB dose for children 1 to 5 yrs for:
Severe Bronchospasm
250 microg (1 x 250 microg vial) Repeated at 20 min intervals Total max dose 750 microg
Ipratropium Bromide Paediatric NEB dose for children 6 yrs and older for:
Severe Bronchospasm
500 microg (2 x 250 microg vials) Repeated at 20 min intervals Total max dose 1.5 mg
Ipratropium Bromide Paediatric NEB dose for children 6 yrs and older for:
Moderate Bronchospasm (unresponsive to initial QAS salbutamol NEB)
500 microg (2 x 250 microg vials) Repeated at 20 min intervals Total max dose 1.5 mg
Ipratropium bromide Precautions
Ipratropium bromide Presentation
Nebule, 250 microg/1 mL ipratropium bromide monohydrate
Ipratropium bromide Routes of Administration
Ipratropium bromide Side Effects
dilated pupils
dry mouth
Ipratropium bromide Timing
- *Onset**
1. 5 - 3 minutes (peak 1.5 - 2 hours)
4 - 6 hours
3 hours
Loratadine Contraindications
allergy and/or adverse drug reaction
pts less than 8 years
Loratadine Drug Class
antihistamine (less sedating)