Drug Card: Activated Charcoal Flashcards
Indications for use:
Most oral poisonings or overdoses indicated by patient exam, need a verbal consult and be ordered by medical direction. Can only be used on the route of ingestion.
Type of drug/Mechanism of Action:
Adsorbent / suspension thus absorbing toxic substances in the digestive tract and preventing absorption into the bloodstream.
Overdose of corrosives (acids), caustics (bases), or petroleum substances due to the potential for vomiting. Pt must be able to swallow, follow commands and maintain their own airway.
By mouth (PO).
a suspension.
Adult oral route dosage - 30-50 grams
Pediatric oral route dosage: 1-2 grams per kilogram
Side Effects:
black stools.
Potential untoward side effect of nausea or vomiting which causes airway concerns and potential for aspiration.
Poison Control: