drug addiction Flashcards
what is addiction
a psychic and sometimes physical state- tolerance may or may not be present
tolerance def
the more you take it the less sensitive you become to it.
you need more to elicit the same effects
- alcohol
- heroin
withdrawal def
negative physical symptoms after the use of a drug
sensitization def
the opposite of tolerance.
you need less each time to elicit an effect
- cocaine
- amphetamine
due to winding of the neural systems.
-> leads to psychosis.
-> get sensitised to the pleasurable effects so you want to take more and more.
drug administration
ingestion, injection (bypasses the digestive tract) - Subcutaneously SC- under the skin - IM intramuscularly - IV inhalation Absorbtion through mucous membranes
behavioural aspects of addiction- conditioned place preference
if a rat repeatedly receives a drug in a distinct environment it will spend most of its time there.
intra- cranial self stimulation in rats
self stimulation either into an area of its brain or in general circulation
- parts of the brain in pleasure and reward
self administration paradigm
- cocaine
- amphetamine
- nicotine and canabis (training)
why do we take them
drugs high jack brains reward system - the dopamine system.
Dopamine is activated by most drugs of abuse,- rewards.
the dopaminergic system
substantia nigra, striatum- nucleus acumbuns, basal ganglia, limbic system, ventral tegmental area.
cocaine and amphetamine act on
dopamine- by blocking the reuptake transporter.
acts on adensaine
in small doses increases dopamine
but in large doses decreases dopamine.
acts on GABA- potentiates its action.
acetylcholine agonists - cholinergic PPN and brain. Attention.
releases dopamine by binding to receptors.
philllips et al., (2003)
watch dopamine go up and down as the rat presses the lever for cocaine
also activated by a light - dopamine involved in learning and reward.
sensitisation in DA systems
Repeated cocaine exposure facilitates LTP induction in VTA dopamine neurons
Some evidence suggests that addiction could be highly heritable- but could just be environment
Asp40/ Asn40 two forms of opiod receptor.
Alcohol addiction can be treated by administering nelextrone but only in people with Asn40 receptor.