DRL 7 Volume 2 Flashcards
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
Before adoption records are sealed, court order for a certified copy may be granted upon __________ application.
ex parte
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
After adoption records are sealed, court order for a certified copy may be issued upon application on notice to adoptive parents and others as court may direct.
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
After adoption records are sealed, court order for a certified copy may be issued upon application on notice to adoptive parents and others as court may direct.
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
An adoption certificate has the same force and effect as a certified copy of _________
order of adoption.
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
Order of adoption may be opened, vacated, or set aside by judge/surrogate, by whom order was made, for _______, ____________ or other sufficient cause.
fraud, newly discovered evidence
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
None of the papers shall contain the __________ of the child.
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
Private placement adoption proceeding venue is __________ where adoptive parents reside, or if adoptive parents do not reside in NYS, in county where adoptive child resides.
- DRL 7 (114) Order of adoption
Unless waived by the court, in a ____________ adoption, adoptive parent must be certified as a qualified adoptive parent.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
For children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption:
- Prospective adoptive parents must file an application for a pre-adoption investigation with the court.
- The application must include information about the adoptive parents, the child, and the circumstances of the adoption.
- The adoptive parents must present the pre-adoption certificate to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when they apply to adopt the child.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
- Prospective adoptive parents must file an application for a pre-adoption investigation with the court. The application must include information about the adoptive parents, the child, and the circumstances of the adoption.
- The adoptive parents must present the pre-adoption certificate to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when they apply to adopt the child.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
For children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption:
The pre-adoption _________ records will be sealed by the court and will not be available for public inspection.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
For children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption:
Once a pre-adoption certificate has been issued, the private-placement adoption can proceed like any other adoption, except that the petition must mention the pre-adoption proceedings and the court may waive a subsequent investigation for good cause.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
Once a pre-adoption certificate has been issued, the private-placement adoption can proceed like any other adoption, except that the petition must mention the pre-adoption proceedings and the court may waive a subsequent investigation for good cause.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
For children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption:
If the pre-adoption requirements have not been met, the adoption must wait at least __________ , unless the court waives the waiting period for good cause.
one year
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
For children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption:
These provisions do not apply to adoptions arranged by authorized agencies.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
These provisions do not apply to adoptions arranged by authorized agencies.
115-A Special provisions relating to children to be brought into the state for private-placement adoption (BARD)
- Couples or individuals who have adopted a child in another country can petition to _________ the child in New York.
- Proof of the ______________ will be considered prima facie evidence of consent.
Readopt……… foreign adoption
- DRL 7 (115-b) Special provisions relating to consents in private-placement adoptions
- Consent to adoption executed by a person in foster care shall only be executed before a judge of ________
- Consent to private-placement adoption may be executed or acknowledged before any judge or surrogate in NYS and shall state that it is irrevocable.
- Generally, consent to a private-placement adoption not executed or acknowledged before judge/surrogate becomes irrevocable __________ after execution of consent
- If notice of intent to revoke consent is received by court, it shall promptly notify adoptive parents and attorney by _________
family court……… 45 days……… certified mail.
- DRL 7 (115-c) Temporary guardianship by adoptive parent
Generally, where physical custody of child is transferred to adoptive parents, such parents shall within _______ of taking physical custody file either a petition for adoption or application for temporary guardianship.
10 days
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
A petition for certification shall be denied if petitioner was convicted of ________ (child abuse, neglect, spousal abuse, crime against a child, crime involving violence).
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
A petition for certification shall be denied if petitioner was convicted of a felony within the last _______ for physical harassment or battery or drug related offense.)
5 years
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
- Pre-placement investigation shall be made by a disinterested person.
- A disinterested person includes a certified social worker, the probation service of the Family Court, or authorized agency designated by court to conduct pre¬ placement investigation.
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
- Pre-placement investigation shall be made by a disinterested person.
- A disinterested person includes a certified social worker, the probation service of the Family Court, or authorized agency designated by court to conduct pre¬ placement investigation.
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
An order granting certification is valid for a maximum of __________
18 months.
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
Generally, a conditional order of certification is valid until replaced by an order of certification or by an order denying the petition, whichever occurs first, but in no event is longer than ___________ from the date of original issuance.
180 days
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
Provisions regarding certification do not apply to step-parent where child has resided with step-parent and birth parent for a continuous period of at least ______
1 year.
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
Generally, if child is less than 18, court shall not make an order of adoption until ________ after the court received petition to adopt.
3 months
- DRL 7 (115-d) Petition for certification
Generally, a written investigation report shall be submitted to the judge or surrogate within ___________ after it is ordered.
30 days
115-E Effect of death of potential adoptive parent
- If one of the adoptive parents dies before the adoption is finalized, the adoption process will continue as planned.
- The deceased adoptive parent will be considered a legal parent of the child, unless the surviving adoptive parent requests otherwise.
115-E Effect of death of potential adoptive parent
- If one of the adoptive parents dies before the adoption is finalized, the adoption process will continue as planned.
- The deceased adoptive parent will be considered a legal parent of the child, unless the surviving adoptive parent requests otherwise.