DRL 5A Volume 3 Flashcards
76-e Simultaneous proceedings
Generally, a NYS court may not exercise jurisdiction if a proceeding has been brought in another state unless the foreign proceeding is ________ or stayed by other state because this state is a more convenient forum
76-e Simultaneous proceedings
In a proceeding to modify a child custody determination, a NYS court shall determine if enforcement proceeding has been brought in a foreign court. If it has, NYS court may:
- stay NYS proceeding pending entry of foreign order, or
- enjoin parties from continuing with NYS enforcement proceeding, or
- proceed with modification under condition it considers appropriate.
76-e Simultaneous proceedings
In a proceeding to modify a child custody determination, a NYS court shall determine if enforcement proceeding has been brought in a foreign court. If it has, NYS court may:
- stay NYS proceeding pending entry of foreign order, or
- enjoin parties from continuing with NYS enforcement proceeding, or
- proceed with modification under condition it considers appropriate.
76-f Inconvenient forum
Issue of Inconvenient forum may be raised by __________ of any party or on the court’s own motion, or request of another court. Court shall consider all of the following:
- whether ____________ has occurred and likelihood of it continuing, and which court can best protect parties and child, and
- length of time child has resided outside NYS
- distance between NYS court and foreign court
- financial situation of parties
- any existing agreement of parties regarding jurisdiction
- nature, location of evidence, including testimony of child
- ability of courts to decide issue quickly
- familiarity of courts with facts and issues.
motion………. domestic violence
76-f Inconvenient forum
If NYS court determines that other state is a more _________ forum, NYS court may stay proceeding pending commencement of proceeding in foreign state.
76-f Inconvenient forum
NYS court may decline jurisdiction if child custody determination is part of action for ________ or other proceeding while retaining jurisdiction over divorce or other proceeding.
76-g Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct
- Generally, if a person who has engaged in _____________ conduct seeks to invoke the jurisdiction of a NYS court, the court shall decline to exercise its jurisdiction.
- Nevertheless, the court may fashion an appropriate remedy to ensure safety of child and it shall assess expenses and costs against party seeking to invoke the jurisdiction.
76-h Information to be submitted to the court
Each party in its pleading shall state, if known, among other things:
- child’s present address or whereabouts
- places where child has lived during last ____ years
- names and addresses of persons that child has lived with during those________ years.
Court may order that identifying information of child or parties not be disclosed.
76-1 Appearance of parties and child
Court may order appearance of child and party, whether they are in or outside NYS, and may require another party to pay reasonable ________
77 Definitions - III. ENFORCEMENT
Petitioner means a person who seeks enforcement of an order (and respondent means the person against whom a proceeding has been commenced) for an order for return of a child under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, or enforcement of a child custody determination
77 Definitions - III. ENFORCEMENT
Petitioner means a person who seeks enforcement of an order (and respondent means the person against whom a proceeding has been commenced) for an order for return of a child under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, or enforcement of a child custody determination
77-a A Enforcement under Hague Convention
A NYS court may enforce an order for _________ of a child made under the Haque Convention as If It were a child custody determination.
the return
77-b Duty to enforce
NYS courts have a duty to recognize and enforce proper__________ child custody determinations.
77-c Temporary visitation
Temporary visitation Although a NYS court may not have jurisdiction to modify a child custody determination, it may issue a__________ enforcing a foreign court visitation schedule or visitation provision. Order remains in effect until an order is obtained from the other court or the period specified in the order expires.
temporary order
77-d Registration of child custody determination
Registration of a foreign child custody determination may be made by sending to the NYS court:
- letter/document requesting registration
- _______ copies (Including 1 certified) of determination and statement that it has not been modified
- name and address of person seeking registration and name and address of parent/person acting as parent/person who has been awarded custody or visitation.
77-d Registration of child custody determination
The NYS registering court shall:
- file determination and 1 copy of attachments as a foreign judgement
- serve notice on parties and provide opportunity to contest registration.
Notice must state:
a) registered determination is enforceable as of date of registration
b) hearing to contest validity of registration must be requested within ______________ after service of notice
c) failure to contest precludes further contest as to any matter that could have been asserted.
20 days
77-d Registration of child custody determination
After hearing, the NYS court must confirm registered order, unless:
- issuing court did not have ______________
- custody determination has been vacated, stayed, or modified
- notice was not given prior to custody determination by other court
If request is not timely, registration is confirmed as a matter of law.
Confirmation of registered order precludes further contest as to any matter that could have been asserted at the time of registration.
77-e Enforcement of registered determination
A court of this state may grant any ________ normally available under NYS laws to enforce a registered child custody determination made by a court of another state.
77-f Simultaneous proceedings
- If an enforcement proceeding is commenced in a NYS court and another proceeding to modify is pending in a court of another state, the NYS court shall immediately communicate with the other court.
- The enforcement proceeding in NYS court continues unless the enforcing court stays or dismisses the proceeding.
77-f Simultaneous proceedings
If an enforcement proceeding is commenced in a NYS court and another proceeding to modify is pending in a court of another state, the NYS court shall immediately communicate with the other court.
The enforcement proceeding in NYS court continues unless the enforcing court stays or dismisses the proceeding.
7-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- An enforcement petition must be_______
- Certified copies of order(s) to be enforced must be attached to petition.
- A copy of a certified copy of an order may be attached instead of the original.
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- A petition for a child custody determination must state:
a) jurisdictional basis of court issuing determination
b) if determination was vacated, stayed, modified (and court name, case number, and nature of proceeding)
c) if any other proceeding that could affect the current proceeding has been commenced (and if so, name of court, case number, and the nature of the proceeding).
d) address of child and respondent, if known
e) any other relief sought
f) date and place of child custody registration, if any.
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- A petition for a child custody determination must state:
a) jurisdictional basis of court issuing determination
b) if determination was vacated, stayed, modified (and court name, case number, and nature of proceeding)
c) if any other proceeding that could affect the current proceeding has been commenced (and if so, name of court, case number, and the nature of the proceeding).
d) address of child and respondent, if known
e) any other relief sought
f) date and place of child custody registration, if any.
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- Upon filing of petition court shall issue order directing respondent to appear in person with or without child within ________
- Hearing must be held not more than___________ after filing of petition, provided petition has been served not less than 24 hours prior to the hearing.
3 court days. …….. 3 court days
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- Order for respondent to appear must state that petitioner will be authorized to take immediate physical custody of child unless respondent establishes that:
a) child custody determination was not registered and confirmed, AND
I) issuing court did not have jurisdiction
ii) determination was vacated, stayed, or modified
iii) notice was not given in other court’s proceeding, or
b) child custody determination was registered and confirmed, but has been vacated, stayed, or modified.
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
- Order for respondent to appear must state that petitioner will be authorized to take immediate physical custody of child unless respondent establishes that:
a) child custody determination was not registered and confirmed, AND
I) issuing court did not have jurisdiction
ii) determination was vacated, stayed, or modified
iii) notice was not given in other court’s proceeding, or
b) child custody determination was registered and confirmed, but has been vacated, stayed, or modified.
77-h Service of petition and order
- Service of petition and order can be by any method authorized by law on respondent and any person who has physical custody of the child.
- Outside NYS, service may be as per 75-g of this article.
77-g Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
77-h Service of petition and order
Service of petition and order can be by any method authorized by law on respondent and any person who has physical custody of the child.
Outside NYS, service may be as per 75-g of this article.