Drishti, Pranayama, Bandhas, Vayus, and Chakras Flashcards
What does “drshti” mean?
What is angusthamadhye drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to the thumb (seen in urdhva hastasana)
What is nasagre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to nose (seen in in uttanasana and most backbends)
What is hastagre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to hand (seen in triangle and extended side angle)
What is parsva drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Side gaze–can be left or right. Seen in twists and utthita hasta padagustasana
What is urdhva drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Upward gaze, no examples given but I believe it is used in upward facing dog, warrior 1, chair, etc.
What is nabhichakra drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Navel gaze (seen in downward facing dog)
What is padayoragre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Toes gaze (seen in seated forward folds)
What is bhrumadhye drshti and an example of an when it is used?
third eye gaze, used during seated meditation
What are the 4 main types of pranayama?
Ujjayi, nadi sodhana, samavritti, kapalabhati
Ujjayi breathing
throat breathing; constricting the throat like the sound of fogging a mirror or the imagery of starting to clog up a waterway
Nadi sodhana
Alternate nostril breathing
parallel breath
diaphragmatic breathing (for cleansing)
What does “pranayama” mean
extension of breath or extension of life force; Pran means “breath,” ayam means “to extend or draw out,” and yama “means restraint.”
life force or vital energy; we direct it through attention and willpower (consciously or unconsciously); enters us through air, water, food, sunlight, and more.
river or channel; the invisible channels through which prana flows
the central nadi that runs through the spine; originates at the root of the spine and connects the root chakra to the crown chakra (connecting all 7 chakras)
the nadi that terminates in the right nostril; associated with male and solar energy
the nadi that terminates in the left nostril; associated with lunar and female energy. Circulates apana (passive energy)
A muscular barrier from which a pranic force re-bounces. A lock which originates at the base of the spine and spirals around Shushmna intersecting at the chakras.
How do Ida and Pingala interact with Shushumna?
Ida and Pingala originate at the base of the spine and spiral around Shushumna intersecting at the chakras
breath retention (an advanced practice)
What are the 3 bandhas?
jalandhara bandha, mula bandha, and uddiyana bandha
Jalandhara bandha
throat lock; the chin is tucked back and locks the upper body into a straight line
Mula bandha
root lock– locking the perineum (space between the anus and the urethra). Creates a sense of total stabilization and grounding.
Uddiyana bandha
stomach lock–sucking the belly flab in and up
Apana Vayu
The air that moves downward and outward; involved in elimination and reproduction. Basis of immune function Activates confidence, strength, and grounding. Located in the pelvis.
What are the 7 chakras in order?
muladhara (root), 1st, svadhishtana (sacral), manipura (solar plexus), anahata (heart), vishuddha (throat), ajna (eyebrow center), sahasrara (crown)
What are some good postures for activating muladhara chakra?
Strong, stable standing postures like goddess, child’s pose, full lotus, warrior I and II, malasana
What postures are good for manipura chakra?
revolved poses, twisted poses, core strengtheners, eagle with crunches especially