Drishti, Pranayama, Bandhas, Vayus, and Chakras Flashcards
What does “drshti” mean?
What is angusthamadhye drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to the thumb (seen in urdhva hastasana)
What is nasagre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to nose (seen in in uttanasana and most backbends)
What is hastagre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
gaze to hand (seen in triangle and extended side angle)
What is parsva drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Side gaze–can be left or right. Seen in twists and utthita hasta padagustasana
What is urdhva drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Upward gaze, no examples given but I believe it is used in upward facing dog, warrior 1, chair, etc.
What is nabhichakra drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Navel gaze (seen in downward facing dog)
What is padayoragre drshti and an example of an when it is used?
Toes gaze (seen in seated forward folds)
What is bhrumadhye drshti and an example of an when it is used?
third eye gaze, used during seated meditation
What are the 4 main types of pranayama?
Ujjayi, nadi sodhana, samavritti, kapalabhati
Ujjayi breathing
throat breathing; constricting the throat like the sound of fogging a mirror or the imagery of starting to clog up a waterway
Nadi sodhana
Alternate nostril breathing
parallel breath
diaphragmatic breathing (for cleansing)
What does “pranayama” mean
extension of breath or extension of life force; Pran means “breath,” ayam means “to extend or draw out,” and yama “means restraint.”
life force or vital energy; we direct it through attention and willpower (consciously or unconsciously); enters us through air, water, food, sunlight, and more.
river or channel; the invisible channels through which prana flows
the central nadi that runs through the spine; originates at the root of the spine and connects the root chakra to the crown chakra (connecting all 7 chakras)
the nadi that terminates in the right nostril; associated with male and solar energy
the nadi that terminates in the left nostril; associated with lunar and female energy. Circulates apana (passive energy)
A muscular barrier from which a pranic force re-bounces. A lock which originates at the base of the spine and spirals around Shushmna intersecting at the chakras.
How do Ida and Pingala interact with Shushumna?
Ida and Pingala originate at the base of the spine and spiral around Shushumna intersecting at the chakras
breath retention (an advanced practice)
What are the 3 bandhas?
jalandhara bandha, mula bandha, and uddiyana bandha
Jalandhara bandha
throat lock; the chin is tucked back and locks the upper body into a straight line
Mula bandha
root lock– locking the perineum (space between the anus and the urethra). Creates a sense of total stabilization and grounding.
Uddiyana bandha
stomach lock–sucking the belly flab in and up
Apana Vayu
The air that moves downward and outward; involved in elimination and reproduction. Basis of immune function Activates confidence, strength, and grounding. Located in the pelvis.
What are the 7 chakras in order?
muladhara (root), 1st, svadhishtana (sacral), manipura (solar plexus), anahata (heart), vishuddha (throat), ajna (eyebrow center), sahasrara (crown)
What are some good postures for activating muladhara chakra?
Strong, stable standing postures like goddess, child’s pose, full lotus, warrior I and II, malasana
What postures are good for manipura chakra?
revolved poses, twisted poses, core strengtheners, eagle with crunches especially
What postures are good for svadhishthana chakra?
hip openers, supported bridge, supported viparita karani
What postures are good for anahata chakra?
back bends, shoulder openers, pranayama
WHich chakra has the 16 Sanskrit vowels written on its petals?
Vishuddha, one vowel per petal
WHat postures are good for Vishuddha chakra?
inversions, puppy pose, fish, cat cows, lion’s breath
Mahat/ Mahatattva
supreme or great element; in which all other elements are present in their pure essence (reminds me of the color white)
Which two chakras are of the subtle mind?
Ajna and Sahasrara (6 and 7)
Which 5 chakras are earth bound?
the 1st five–Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, and Vishuddha
What postures are good for ajna chakra?
meditation, extended forward bends
In which chakra do the nadis end?
6th (ajna)
In which chakra do we hit purusha (illusion of self is dissolved)
7th (sahasrara)
What postures are good for sahasrara chakra?
None; this chakra is beyond postures as it is too subtle and ethereal
What does “Pancha Vayus” mean?
the five pranas/ winds
WHat is Maha Prana?
It is like an emperor who delegates official to rule different realms of his kingdom; the leader encompassing all of the 5 vayus
What is Prana Vayu?
One of the five winds–located in the head and neck. It is forward moving and governs general reciprocity (in eating, drinking, inhaling, sensory impressions, etc.) Provides the basic energy that drives and motivates us in life. It activates vitality and inspiration.
WHat Asanas are involved with Prana Vayu?
posest that create strength, alignment, and activation throughout the upper body. Ex: sun salutations
What asanas are involved with Apana Vayu?
poses that stabilize the pelvic floor
What is Udana Vayu?
Located in the throat. Air that moves upward. It governs growth, speech, expression, ascension, and enthusiasm.
What asanas are involved with Udana Vayu?
poses that direct energy to the head, neck, and upper back and poses that turn the body upside down.
WHat is Samana Vayu?
balacing air moving from the periphery to the center. LOcated in the navel. It aids digestion and governs assimilation, discernment, inner absorption, and consolidation.
What asanas are involved with Samana Vayu?
poses that draw all air (whether moving up or down) to the navel center; forward bends, twists, ab strengtheners
What is Vyana Vayu?
outward moving air that moves from the center to the periphery. LOcated all over the body. it moves food water and oxygen and governs circulation; It nurtures the expansive aspect of your life force and distributes healing energy throughout the mind and body.
What asanas are involved with vyana vayu?
standing postures that allow us to connect movements from various parts of the body.
What are the three aspects of “bandha” in order?
The introductory (first) aspect is gross / muscular. The second is subtle / pranic, and the third is mental (thought based).
WHat are the main muscles involved in Mula bandha?
Pubo-coccygeal (PC) muscles (which form a diaphragm or ring of tissue), the levator ani (elevator of the anus)
What is the energetic purpose of Mula bandha?
to prevent the escape of energy–specifically apana vayu or downward flowing energy.
Bahya Kumbhaka
external breath retention
What is the other main name for Uddiyana bandha?
Bahya Uddiyaa (external uddiyana) because of its link to external kumbhaka
What main muscles are engaged during uddiyana bandha?
Primarily the Psoas muscle. Also, the lower part of the transverse abdominis and the the lower abdomen. THe upper abdomen is NOT involved.
Are the bandhas physical or energetic entities?
WHat effect does MUla bandha create?
What effect does Uddiyana bandha create?
“upward flying”–ease and floating
What are the main breathing goals of using the bandhas?>
Keeping the diaphragm still and instead only raising the lowest ribs, which makes more space for breathing in the chest cavity.
What does “muladara chakra” translate into?
root support
What is the location, element, color, shape, mantra, number of petals, predominant sense, deity, and vayu of Muladara chakra?
perineum and base of the spine, earth, blood red / vermilion, square, LAM, four petals, smell, Ganesha, Apana
What aspects are associated with Muladhara chakra?
security, stability, regulates the four urges (food, sex, sleep, self preservation)
What is the location, element, color, shape, mantra, number of petals, predominant sense, deity, and vayu of Svadishthana chakra?
genitals, water, orange, circle, VAM, six petals, taste, Vishnu, Apana
What acronyms do I use to remember the order of the chakras and their mantras?
MSM AVAS (first letter of each chakra); LoVeR, Young at Heart (first letter of each mantra in capitalized letters only, Aum for the last two chakras)
What aspects are associated with svadhishthana chakra
procreation, family, fantasy, creativity, sensuality, satisfaction
What is the location, element, shape, mantra, color, number of petals, predominant sense, deity, and vayu of Manipura chakra?
The vertebral column behind the navel / solar plexus, fire, triangle, RAM, yellow, ten petals, sight, Rama, Samana
What aspects are associated with Manipura chakra?
vision, authority, ego, will power
What is the location, element, color, mantra, number of petals, shape, sense, deity, and vayu of anahata chakra?
heart region of the vertebral column (heart plexus), air, green or smoky gray, hexagram, YAM, 12 petals, tough, Kali-Durga, Prana
What aspects are associated with Anahata chakra?
balance, love, devotion, duty, union of masculine and feminine
What is the location, element, color, shape, mantra, number of petals, sense, deity, and vayu of vishuddha chakra?
neck and throat, ether, smoky blue, crescent, HAM, 16 petals, hearing, Sarasvati, Udana
What aspects are associated with Vishuddha chakra?
knowledge, communication
What is the location, element, color, shape, mantra, number of petals, sense, and deity of ajna chakra?
point between the eyebrows, Mahat / Mahatattva (supreme element), smoky violet, circle with petals, AUM, two petals, no sense (subtle mind), half female Shiva
Do the chakras follow rainbow color order?
No, not quite. Indigo has been cut out and white is the last color; making the colors (from bottom to top) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, white
What is the location, color, shape, mantra, number of petals, and deity of Sahasrara chakra?
brain, white, formless, AUM, 1,000/infinite petals, the guru within
WHat aspects are associated with Sahasrara chakra?
bliss, truth, union
What are the 9 drishtis?
Thumb (angusthamadhye), nose (nasagre), hand (hastagre), side L (Parsva), side R (Parsva), UPward (Urdhva), Navel (Nabhichakra), Toes (Padayoragre), Third Eye (Bhrumadhye)