Dr. Morgan Flashcards
Define Counselling
Counselling is a process aimed at influencing individuals’ knowledge about their health and healthcare with a purpose to not only inform but also to change behaviour
Principles of counselling (hint: 7)
Principle of acceptance
Principle of communication
Principle of empathy
Principle of non-judgemental attitude
Principle of confidentiality
Principle of individuality
Principles of non-emotional involvement
The most common sickle cell syndromes (i.e., genotypes) are (hint: 3)
Sickle Cell Anaemia - 65%
Hemoglobin SC disease - 25%
Hemoglobin S Beta Thalassemia,
Some people with sickle cell trait can show the hematological abnormalities of sickle cell syndrome, T/F
Sickle trait not associated with any hematological abnormalities
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited blood disorder, T/F
Male to female ratio of SCD IS 1:2, T/F
Male / Female 1:1
Composition of Adult hemoglobin A2 is ________
2-alpha chains & 2-delta chains
There are 6 different globin chains, name them
( i ) Alpha with 141 a.a ( ii ) Beta ( iii ) Gamma ( iv) Delta
(v) Epsilon ( vi) Zeta All with 146 a.a
In HbS there is substitution of Thymine for Adenine in the 6th codon of beta chain, T/F
The loss of _______ is central to the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease
red blood cell elasticity
Sickle cells only function/last for __ to __ days
10 - 20 days
Clinical features of Sickle anemia varies among patients, T/F
The earliest clinical feature of sickle cell anemia is ______
Dactylitis- painful swellings of the hands and feet
The anemia in SCD is microcytic hypochromic, T/F
Normocytic normochromic anemia (Hall mark on FBC)
The average Hb conc. in SCD is ______
Howell-Jolly bodies and Paperiheimer bodies on blood smear of SCD patient reflects ______
Functional asplenia
Prominent blood smear features of sickle cell disease (hint: 6)
Sickled cells, target cells and ovalocytes.
Polychromasia, basophilic stippling, and normoblasts are prominent
WBC count increases in vaso-occlusive crises state, T/F
Platelet aggregation is increased in SCD, T/F
Platelet aggregation is decreased, the likely result of in vivo platelet activation
Platelet count is decreased in SCD, T/F
The platelet count is increased (approximately 440 × 109/L), reflecting reduced or absent splenic sequestration
Total platelets are decreased during vaso-occlusive crises, T/F
The level of _______ indicates the severity of bone crises in SCD
Serum alkaline phosphatase
Gold standard for diagnosing SCD is
Hb Electrophoretic or chromatographic separation of haemoglobins in haemolysates prepared from peripheral blood
Lab tests to diagnosis of SCD (hint: 3)
- Haemoglobin solubility test
- Sickling test
- Hb Electrophoretic or chromatographic separation of haemoglobins in haemolysates
List the 4 types of crises in SCD
Vaso occlusive
Hemolytic/ hyperhemolytic
Concerning SCD crises, the hallmark of the disease is _______
Vaso occlusive crisis
Aplastic crisis in SCD is caused by _____
Parvovirus B19
Concerning Sequestration crisis in SCD
- Major Hb conc. crisis is Hb conc of ____
-Minor Hb conc. crisis is Hb conc of _____
Major Hb <6g/dl
Minor Hb >6g/dl
Fall in >3g/dl from baseline is which SCD crises
Major Hb sequestration crisis
A person has G6PD-def. and diagnosed to have SCA, which crisis will he likely come down with?
Hemolytic/ hyperhemolytic
List the Management principles in SCD (hint: 5)
History, Physicals, Lab. Investigation
Health maintenance
Management of Sickle emergencies
Infection prevention
Pain management
Chronic disease/complication management
Which investigation is indicated for brain study in SCA patients
Transcranial doppler ultrasonography
What nutritional supplement do SCD patient need in health maintenance
Penicillin prophylaxis should begin at ____ age for SCD patient
2 Months
In health maintenance in SCD, frequent visits should be every __to __ months
3 to 6 months
In health maintenance in SCD patient, Pneumococcal vaccination is indicated at 7yrs of life, T/F
Pneumococcal vaccine at five years
Acute chest syndrome is treated with _____
Blood transfusion
Eye trauma is an emergency in Sickle cell trait, T/F
Eye trauma is an emergency in ALL sickle conditions(including sickle trait)
Onset of Priapism is common in the morning, T/F
Treatment of stroke in SCD is with chronic transfusion to maintain sickle Hb(PCV) levels at or below _____
Chronic pain (in SCD material) is pin lasting for > _____ to ___ months
> 3 to 6 months
The risk factors that points to progressive renal failure are (hint: 3)
Anemia, Proteinuria, Hematuria
NSAID is contraindicated in renal failure, T/F
Mention Anti-sickling drugs (hint: 2)
Solamin, Niprisan
Drugs to increase Fetal hemoglobin (hint: 4)
5-aza 2’-deoxycytidine
Cytosine arabinoside
Hydroxyurea (10-15 mg daily)
Highest cause of death in SCD is _____
Ways to prevent SCD are (hint: 2)
Counselling of carriers
Concerning screening of Chlamydia as one of the ways to reduce PID, annual screening is recommended for ______ & _____
Annual chlamydia screening is recommended for:
Sexually active women 25 and under
Sexually active women >25 at high risk
To reduce the incidence of PID, pregnant women are recommended to screen for Chlamydia at _____ trimester
1st trimester
Ways to prevent PID (hint: 6)
Use of condoms correctly and consistently
Avoiding multiple sexual partner
Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of STI/PID
Routine screening for STI where risk exist
Contact tracing for screening/ treatment of partner
The 2 forms of PID are _____ & ____
Acute & Chronic PID
___% of infections occur following procedures that break cervical mucous barrier.
About 55% are spontaneous infections in sexually active females of reproductive age, T/F
About 85%
Most cases of PID are Monomicrobial, T/F
Most common pathogens in microbial etiology of PID are _____ & ______
N. gonorrhoeae
C. trachomatis
N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis are present in combination in approximately 25%-75% of patients
Between C. trachomatis and N. gonorroeae which has more severe tube involvement
C. trachomatis
Two major sequelae of PID with N. gonorrhoeae + prior C. trachomatis infection are
Infertility & Ectopic pregnancy
In < 1% of cases, acute PID can stem from other routes such as (hint: 3)
hematogenous routes
Lymphatic spread
transperitoneal spread
99% of cases of Acute PID is from ____ route
endometrial-endosalpingeal-peritoneal route
Concerning the pathophysiology of PID, the first stage is ________
acquisition of a vaginal or cervical infection (STDs) usually asymptomatic
Acute perihepatitis extending for PID is called ______
Fitz-Hugh−Curtis syndrome
Abnormal vaginal discharge is present in approximately 90% of cases, T/F
Diagnosis of PID recommended by CDC is
The CDC recommends instituting empiric treatment when a young woman who is at risk for STI has pelvic/lower abdominal pain, no identifiable cause for her illness other than PID, and, on pelvic examination, 1 or more of the following minimal criteria
Cervical motion tenderness
Uterine tenderness
Adnexal tenderness
Diagnosis of PID is usually clinical, T/F
________ confirmatory investigation is gold standard for PID
Complications of PID (hint: 4)
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Ectopic pregnancy
Chronic pelvic pain
The CDC recommended OUTPATIENT treatment for PID
- Regimen A
- Regimen B
Regimen A consists of the following
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM in a single dose
Regimen B
Cefoxitin 2 g IM in a single dose and Probenecid 1 g orally in a single dose
PLUS - Doxycycline 100 mg orally 2 times a day for 14 days
Metronidazole 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 14 days can be added if there is evidence or suspicion of vaginitis or if the patient underwent gyneacological instrumentation in the preceding 2-3 week (FOR BOTH
`The CDC recommended IN-PATIENT treatment for PID
- Regimen A
- Regimen B
Some experts recommend rescreening for C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae __ to __ weeks after completion of therapy in women with documented infection with these pathogens
In continuity of care, care is less costly, T/F
Holistic care synonyms are (hint: 3)
Holistic health
Wholistic health,
Define Holistic care
A healing approach that considers the whole person-body, mind, spirit and emotions- and their interactions in the process of promoting health and well-being and treating disease
Types of treatment techniques a holistic practitioner can use
- Patient education on lifestyle changes and self-care
- Complementary and alternative therapies
- Western medications and surgical procedures
Chiropractor is a holistic provider, T/F
Holistic medicine focuses mostly on lifestyle changes, T/F
In home visits, the health worker assesses the ______ & _______ in order to provide the necessary health related care
Home & family situation
To conduct home visits effectively, physicians must acquire 3 things, name them
- fundamental and well-defined attitudes
- knowledge and skills
- an inexpensive set of portable equipment
Telephone and telemedicine have no role in Home visits, T/F
The four major types of home visits are
- Illness home visits
- Home visits to dying patients and families
- Assessment home visits
- Hospitalization follow-up home visits
Hospitalization follow-up home visits can also be called ______
Monitoring home visits
Concerning the settings of home visits, match the type of home visits that applies
a. Parents with newborn
b. Polypharmacy
c. Terminal care
d. Emergency
e. Chronic illness
f. Pronouncement of death
g. Excessive use of health care service
h. Acute illness
i. Grief
j. Multiple medical problems
k. Poor compliance
Assessment home visit can also be described as ________ home visit
Investigational home visit
Assessment home visit is valuable in assessing the need for nursing home placement of a frail elderly patient with uncertain social support, T/F
_______ home visit is useful when significant life changes have occurred
Hospitalization follow-up home visit
Concerning conducting a home visit, list the steps in planning (hint: 6)
- Clarify the reason for the visit and carefully plan the agenda
- Gather the necessary equipment and patient education materials
- Have a map, the patient’s telephone number and directions to the patient’s home
- Set a formal appointment time for the visit involving the patient & home care service team
- Coordination of house call to allow for the presence of key family members or significant
- Confirm the appointment time with all involved parties before departure
Concerning home visit, the physician-supplied equipment is divided into 2, which are
Glucometer is an essential physician-supplied equipment, T/F
Patient educational material is an essential physician-supplied equipment, T/F
List the issues to assess during home visit (home visit checklist)
I Immobility
N Nutrition
H Housing
O Other people
M Medications
E Examinations
S Safety
S Spiritual health
S Services by home health agencies
Physician can make assumption about social class/material wealth based on the the patient’s environment, T/F
Define mental health care in primary care
defined as “the provision of basic preventive and curative mental health care at the first point of contact of entry into the health care system.”
The two main diagnostic categories of common mental disorders are
Depressive disorders and Anxiety disorders
Define depression
Depression is a disorder of the mood that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest (also called major depression)
Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been ranked as the 2nd cause of the burden of disease worldwide in 2008 by WHO, T/F
Approximately 80% of MDD patients who achieve remission experiencing at least one recurrence in their lifetime, T/F
List the Risk factors for Depressive disorders (hint: 9)
Family history and Genetics
Gender: F>M = 2:1
History of trauma/abuse
Chronic Stress
Unresolved Grief or Loss
Personality Traits
Medication and Substance Use
History of other Mental Disorders
Chronic Medical Condition
(Divide it into Modifiable & Non-modifiable)
Hypothyroidism can cause depression, T/F
The DSM-5 criteria for Major depressive disorder (hint: 4)
- Five or more out of 9 symptoms (including either depressed mood, or loss of interest or pleasure) in the same 2-week period.
- Each of these symptoms needs to be present nearly every day
- Symptoms cause significant distress or impairment
in daily function - Symptoms are not secondary to substance use
or a general medical condition