DR - Legislation Flashcards
What does VPH do?
Veterinary Public Health
Deals with the part of public health that uses the knowledge skills and resources of veterinary medicine to restore or maintain human health and wellbeing.
How does the WHO support member states in surveillance and control of zoonoses?
Collaboration with Regional offices and the OIE.
What does the FAO aim to do?
a specialised agency of UN to lead international efforts to defeat hunger. Achieving food security is one of the main objectives. It has an Animal Health and Production Division
Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases - a part of the UN’s Animal Health and Production division
Define GREP
Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme
What is the Codex Allimentarius Commission
Created in 1963 by the FAO and WHO
to develop food standards, guidelines and related codes of practice.
Main aims are to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in international food trade.
Define eradication
reduction of a disease’s prevalence in the global host population to zero - don’t confuse with elimination
What are the 2 OIE trade standards?
THe Terrestrial Animal Health Code
The Aquatic Animal Health Code
Define WAHIS
World Animal Health Information System
Since early 2005, OIE has operated a global electronic reporting system for animal diseases.
Define GLEWS
Global Early Warning System for animal diseases
run by FAO and WHO
What are ‘treaties’?
the primary legislation, - the constitutional law of the EU. THey are created bygovernments form all EU memeber states acting by consensus and stipulate the basic policies of teh EU
What do EU secondary legislations include?
regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opitions
Define Regulation
A piece of EU secondary legislation
It is a legislative act of the EU which become simmediately enforceable as law in all member states simultaneously. They are directly applicable so don’t need to be transferred into national law
Define Directive
A piece of EU secondary legislation
It is a legislative act of the EU which requires member states to achieve a particular utocome without dictating hte means of achieving that result.
Define Decision
A piece of EU secondary legislation
It is EU law which is not of general but individual application - i.e. only applies to one addressee. Distinguished from a directive by being binding in its entirety.
Define Recommendation
A piece of EU secondary legislation
It is without legal force but is negotiated and voted on according to the appropriate procedure. Not binding for Member States but do carry political weight.
Define Opinion
A piece of EU secondary legislation
The opinion usually refers to an actual EU initiative being considered or planned.
What is an Act of Parliament?
a piece of UK primary legislation. A draft version of this is a Bill.
List examples of UK secondary legislation
Collective term for:
Statutory Instruments (Orders, regulations, rules)
Church instruments
DOESN’T need to be debated in parliament.
What is a Code of Practice?
Not the same status as primary or secondary legislation. their main purpose is to aid the interpretation of the law. There are 2 standards in Codes of Practice. They are Minimum Standards and Recommended Best Practice.
What does regulation (EC) 882/2004 state?
provides an EU framework for official controls for feed, food, animal health and animal welfare standards.
What does Council Directive 2002/99/EC state?
Lays down the animal health rules governing, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption
What does the Animal Health Act 1981 do?
Consolidates various previous acts and provides the basis for the reporting of notifiable diseases.
What do the Official Controls (animals, feed and food) England Regulations 2006 do?
They designate the competent authorities responsible for carrying out official controls in relation to animal health and welfare rules, and for certain feed and food law requirements.
What are the major issues covered by the Animal Welfare Act 2006?
- prevention of harm
- promotion of welfare
Which species does the EU have specific minimum welfare standards in place for?
laying hens, conventionally reared meat chickens, calves, pigs
What does the Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) regulations 2007 cover?
not applicable to fish, reptiles or amphibians
What does the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006 apply to?
livestock and equine hauliers, farmers, commercial pet breeders, people working at markets, assembly centres and slaughterhouses.
What is the EU legislation for zoonoses?
The Directive 2003/99/EC on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents
Regulation 2160/2003/EC on the control of Salmonella and other specified food-bourne zoonotic agents.
Name UK legislation on zoonotics
The Zoonoses (Monitoring) England Regulations 2007
The Zoonoses Order 1989
The Specified Animal Pathogens Order 1998
Name UK legislation on Food safety
The Food Safety Act 1990 - general framework
The General Food Regulations 2004
The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations
The Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations