Dr. Karen Horney Flashcards
Basic anxiety
An irrational emotional experience involving a pervasive unpleasant feeling of extreme discomfort
Neurotic needs
Forming enduring motivational patterns called neurotic needs
Needs are considered neurotic when
1) what a person adheres to them more rigidly than other people in that culture
2) when three is a discrepancy between a persons potentiality and their actual accomplishments
Neurotic people lack flexibility when reacting to different situations
They may not be able to make decisions
Disrespectful of others because of a pervasive level of suspicion
Neurotic need 1
The neurotic need For affection and approval, the indiscriminate need to be please others and be liked by them
Neurotic need 3
Need to restrict ones life to narrow borders to be undemanding satisfied with little to be inconspicuous.
Neurotic need 2
The need for a partner. For someone who will take over ones life.
Neurotic need 4
Need for power, for control over others, for a facade of omnipotence.
Neurotic need 5
Need to exploit others and get the better of them
Neurotic need 6
For social recognition and prestige. Fear of being ignored
Neurotic need 7
For personal admiration. For inner qualities as well as outer ones
Neurotic need 8
For personal achievement.
Neurotic need 9
For self sufficiency and independence. Cant ask for help.
Neurotic need 10
For perfection and unassailibility.
Coping strategies
Aggression 4-8
Withdrawl 9, 10, 3
Needs listed afterwards
Compliance is also known as
The moving towards strategy.
Predominant characteristics include helplessness and compliane
Aggression is also known as
Moving against
Compulsive exaggerated craving for power and prestige as well as personal ambition
Neurotic self is split
Despised self and ideal self. This is when you are not healthy. Your interpretation of how others see you is your interpretation of how you see yourself
Ideal self
It is not a positive goal, unrealistic and ultimately impossible, neurotic swings back and forth between hating themselves and pretending to be perfect.
Neurotic search for glory
Based upon the formation of the idealized image
Neurotic pride
Substitutes a in the attributes of the idealized self for realistic self-confidence and self esteem. Threats to pride produce anxiety and hostility; it’s collapse results I’m self contempt and despair
Neurotic claims
Demands to be treated in accordance with our grandiose conception of ourselves
Self hatred
Neurotic individuals dislike themselves because their real self…
Psychological differences between men and women
Are due to cultural and social expectations rather than anatomy
Oedipus complex opinion
Sexual attraction or hostility towards parent or child, is a result of learning and not biology. If penis envy existed, so should womb envy
Development of self understanding through self analysis.
Successful when patients can assume responsibility for their psychological development.
Goals: help patients grow to self realization. Give up their idealized self image. Relinquish their neurotic search for glory. Change self hatred to self acceptance. Focus on love, mastery, and freedom.