dot phrases Flashcards
chest pain risk factors
Name* is a Age* Sex* with a history of* who presents to the emergency department with complaints of CC. The patient reports that symptoms onset, timing, context. The patient describes CC, quality, severity. Modifying factors. Associated symptoms include. Patient denies. PMHx. PSHx. FHx.SHx.
Normal/unremarkable UA
HCG qualitative when negative only, for positive quantitative you have to write in the value.
normal chest x-ray
normal/unremarkable CT Head
normal CT angio head and neck
OB ultrasound which shows a pregnancy and is normal.
negative CT C-Spine, can also be used for other spine imaging like thoracic or lumbar if you change from “cervical” to “thoracic”
normal/unremarkable CT abdomen and pelvis
CT angiogram chest for pulmonary embolism
negative x-ray of extremity such as arm, foot, etc.
for observation care (bottom of ED course, above Diagnosis)
imports most recent EKG to notes.
current time
normal CBC
normal CMP
normal urinalysis
normal llipase
.ed and .edproc
are general phrases, anything else I will have to take from someone else.
Entered by Alexandra Franklin, acting as scribe for Dr.. Signature Date* Time*.