Dorsal and Palmar Hand, Injuries, Deformities Flashcards
Dermatomes of Hand
C4 - shoulder shrug
C5 - shoulder abd
C6 - elbow flex/wrist ext
C7 - elbow ext/wrist flex
C8 - thumb ext
T1 - finger abb/add
Median Nerve Branches
- anterior interosseous nerve (AIN)
- recurrent branch
- digital branch
Median nerve innervates …
pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis
Median nerve (AIN) innervates …
lateral flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus
Median nerve (recurrent branch) innervates …
thenar muscles (abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis)
Median nerve (digital branches) innervates …
lateral lumbricals (1 + 2)
Radial Nerve Branches
- deep branch
- posterior interosseous nerve (PIN)
Radial nerve innervates …
brachialis, triceps brachii, anconeus, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus
Radial nerve (deep branch) innervates …
extensor carpi radialis brevis
Radial nerve (PIN) innervates …
extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indices
Ulnar Nerve Branches
- deep branch
- *superficial branch (palmaris brevis)
Ulnar nerve innervates …
flexor carpi ulnaris, medial flexor digitorum profundus
Ulnar nerve (deep branch) innervates …
hypothenar muscles (abductor, flexor, opponens digiti minimi), adductor pollicis, medial lumbricals (3 + 4), dorsal and palmar interossei
Scratch Collapse
- gross manifestation of cutaneous silent period that is an inhibitory spinal reflex in UE
- latent reflexive collapse of shoulder ER
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- entrapment of median nerve in carpal tunnel
- sensory impairments = pain, numbness, tingling
- motor impairments = weakness and atrophy of thenar muscles
- conservative treatment = reduce inflammation, limit aggravating activities, wrist brace, postural correction, nerve gliding
- surgical treatment = surgical release of transverse carpal ligament, scar management, ROM, strengthening
Median Nerve Palsy
- impaired sensation along palmar aspect of radial hand
- loss of anterior forearm (proximal), thenar muscles, and lateral lumbricals (distal)
- ape hand = atrophy of thenar muscles, thumb rests in adduction
- hand of benediction (bishop’s hand) = extension of digits 1-3 when actively making a fist
Radial Nerve Palsy
- impaired sensation along dorsal aspect of thumb and radial hand
- loss of muscles in posterior arm and forearm
- decreased wrist strength
- wrist drop = wrist rests in flexion, inability to extend wrist and fingers
- treatment = orthosis, ROM, stretching, muscular strengthening, wait for nerve recovery
Ulnar Nerve Palsy
- impaired sensation along palmar aspect of digit 5 and ulnar half of digit 4
- loss of FCU and medial FDP (proximal), intrinsics, adductor pollicis, hypothenar muscles, and medial lumbricals (distal)
- claw hand = MCP joints are hyperextended and IP joints are flexed
DeQuervain’s Syndrome
- overuse injury … repeated lifting or use of thumb
- inflammation of 1st dorsal compartment (APL, EPB)
- wrist pain preventing thumb flexion, extension, abduction
- conservative treatment = thumb spica orthosis, cortisone injection, rest
- surgical treatment = surgical release of extensor retinaculum, active ROM for wrist and thumb, scar management, nerve gliding
Extensor Hood
- composed of tendons and ligaments on dorsal digit
- extends IP joints, counterbalances flexor forces of extrinsic muscles, facilitates coordinated finger flexion
- sagittal band, central tendon, lateral band, oblique retinacular ligament, terminal tendon
Swan Neck Deformity
- damage to terminal tendon, direct blow to DIP while digit is extended, progressive weakening of DIP
- PIP joint hyperextension and DIP joint flexion
Boutonniere Deformity
- due to direct injury to central slip, volar PIP joint dislocation, or secondary to RA
- PIP joint flexion and DIP joint hyperextension
- 5 annular (transverse), 4 cruciate (oblique)
- contain FDS and FDP tendons
- promotes tendon gliding, prevent bowstringing, increase mechanical advantage for finger flexion
- most important = A2, A4
Trigger Finger
- stenosing tenosynovitis
- fibrosis and tightening of flexor tendon sheath typically due to repetitive gripping activities
- often at MCP joint (A1)
- conservative treatment = orthosis, reduce gripping activities
- surgical treatment = surgical release of affected pulley, scar massage, increase ROM, improve grip strength