Doofe Mibi Fragen Flashcards
Which of these bacteria cannot be cultivated in vitro?
Treponema pallidum
Causative agent of Lyme disease?
Borrelia burgdorferi
Vector of Lyme disease:
Syphilis detection:
indirect immunological method (serology)
Yersinia enterocolitica
Zoonotic disease caused by:
Mycobacterium avium
Quantitative method:
urinary tract infections
Endotoxins are produced by
Aspergillus spp.
Lancefield classification according to
antigen properties
Campylobacter jejuni cultivation:
With vaginal swab:
epithelium and lactobacillus
Blood smear:
Ascaris lumbricalis sample:
Antigen utilized to detect specific antibody:
tissue culture infected by virus
Pneumocystis jiroveci sample collection
broncho alveolar lavage / sputum (less sensitive)
Pediculus humanus
insect (head lice)
Taenia saginata
stool (=worm)
Lymphatic filariasis:
microscopy of blood (caused by mosquito bite, blood smear at night, Giemsa stain)
Schistosoma mansoni:
stool (worm)
Cultivated in vitro:
Trichomonas vaginalis
Plasmodium falciparum:
Protozoa parasite (unicellular parasite)
Temperature of transport of virus:
0-4 degree Celsius
How to detect Enterobius vernicularis?
none of above (it’s a worm-> stool)
Eggs and cysts in stool:
Flotation method
How to detect Trichomonas vaginalis in men?
none of above (asymptomatic in men- urethral swab)
How to detect Trichomonas vaginalis in women:
vaginal swab
Tissue cultures are used for detection of:
Detectable in blood smear:
Wucheria bancrofti (Nematode - worm in Lymph)
Trichuris trichiura detection:
stool (worm)
Detection of dermatophyta
microscopy and cultivation (Hautpilz)
Filaria nematode detection
blood smear (nematode -worm in lymph)
Cryptococcus neoformans:
yeast or fungus ( Zwitter)
Sleeping sickness disease:
blood smear (African trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei)
In the final host, the parasite:
reproduces sexually
Write an example of dixenic parasite:
Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Plasmodium (dixenic = two hosts)
Vector for sleeping disease:
Tsetse fly
What is an area of Chagas disease occurrence?
South America ( American trypanosomiasis)
4 species of human specific plasmodium:
p. malariae, vivax, falciparum, ovale (unicellular parasites)
Species of plasmodium that causes cerebral malaria:
p. falciparum
Which parasite is intracellular:
Leishmania donovani
Prevalent specimen for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis?
Serology - 80% , CSF 30%
Intermediate host of schistosoma spp.:
water snails
Adults of schistosoma haematobium located
venous plexus es around the urinary bladder
Haematobium mansoni detection:
urine (eggs)
Final host of Taenia saginata:
human (only! - cattle as intermediate host)
Diagnosis of enterobius vernicularis diagnosis:
adhesive tape (+ microscopy)
Prevention of enterobius vernicularis transmission:
personal hygiene
What is Myiasis?
Parasite infection by fly larvae
Immunochromatosis is used for the detection of
Cause polymicrobial infection:
non-spore forming anaerobe bacteria (?)
Ascaris lumbricalis is:
Which of the following are normal flora:
Candida albicans (skin+git flora)
alpha hemolytic streptococci
Which bacterium grows at 4C?
What causes pharyngotonsillitis?
b-hemolytic streptococci (=s. pyogenes) also staph. aureus
100 C survive:
spores of bacteria
Aflatoxins are produced by:
Aspergillus sp.
Antibody labeled method
western blot
beta-lactam antibiotics attack:
cell wall (block enzyme for cell wall synthesis irreversibly)
Antigen in complement fixation is:
Causative agent of malaria quartana:
Plasmodium malariae
Causative agent of malaria tropica:
Plasmodium falciparum
( Causative agent of malaria tertiana)
(Plasmodium vivax)
obligate parasite (intracellular)
How do we detect malaria tropica:
blood (smear)
Cytopatic effect (CPE):
morphological changes of cell by virus action
Determination of species within genus salmonella is possible:
detection of specific Ab
Endemic plague:
Yersinia pestis
facultative anaerobe
both (antigen + antibody)
Immune molecules labeled with enzymes:
Enterococcus species:
g+ coccus
Protein chain:
XLD Agar (?) = xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar
selective and differential
Red blood cells are used in:
complement fixation test (sheep RBC)
specific Ab
facultative anaerob
Selective medium:
Endo agar
Size of pores
0,2 micrometer
Tetracycline is against:
bacterial protein synthesis
Why color is mycobacterium in gram stain:
staphylococcus aureus
staphylococcus aureus
Quinolone Antibiotics:
block DNA replication (by acting on glucose)
Septic arthritis:
streptococcus pyogenes
= SIRS+ infection
diagnosed in 1st stage by microscopy
Syphilis causative agent:
Treponema pallidum
Surgical wound infection:
pseudomonas, coagulase + staphylococci
Chlamydia trachomatis:
Giemsa stain
What is Chlamydia:
Proteus vulgarisier grows colonies in:
XLD agar / MacConkey agar
Causative agent of Scarlatine:
streptococcus pyogenes
Bacterial spores:
Types of bacterial spores:
Endospore (Exospore also rather rare)
Size of virus:
Major constituent of bacterial cell wall:
Ethanol used:
clostridium histolyticum