Domain IV: Community Organization Flashcards
6 Elements of Effective Coalitions
- Goal Directedness
- Cohesion
- Efficiency
- Diverse Stakeholders
- Opportunities for Participation
- New Skills
- see Study Guide for details related to each element of an effective Coalition *
7 Steps to creating an effective coalition
- Search the landscape
- Brainstorm ideas on potential participants
- Determine staffing, budget, and resources
- Invite people to join
- Clarify Expectations
- Develop Mission Statement
- Define goals and objectives
How to strengthen a collaborative group, such as a coalition, that can serve as the community’s prevention team?
● Recruiting new members so that a broad spectrum of sectors is represented
● Increasing the prevention knowledge of members through training and technical
● Improving the structure and functioning of the collaborative group
Community prevention efforts should include a broad range of stakeholders including:
● Population groups that the intervention serves
● Mental health
● Primary care
● Suicide prevention
● Behavioral health treatment and recovery
● Tobacco control
● School safety and health
● Highway safety
● Injury prevention
● Violence prevention
● Recovery community
● Reproductive, maternal and child health
● HIV/AIDS prevention
● Substance use treatment
● Education
● Corrections
● Youth
● Law enforcement
What is a coalition?
a formal arrangement for collaboration among groups or sectors of a community, in which each group retains its identity but all agree to work together toward the common goal of a safe, healthy and drug-free community
- should have deep connections to the local community and serve as catalysts for reducing substance use and other behavioral health disorders
- a coalition’s interventions or strategies must be geared toward population-level changes
Coalitions work to promote _______________________ by implementing _________________________________.
PROMOTE wellness and reduce behavioral health disorders in the larger community;
IMPLEMENTING comprehensive, multi-strategy plans, which incorporate evidence-based approaches
Effective coalitions focus on _________________________.
improving systems and environments that make it easier to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors, and that discourage unhealthy behaviors
What are the general goals of a coalition?
1) Reduce behavioral health disorders by addressing the factors in a community that increase the risk of substance misuse and other behavioral health disorders and promoting the factors that minimize these risks.
2) Establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, private nonprofit agencies and federal, state, local and tribal governments to support the efforts of community coalitions to prevent and reduce behavioral health disorders among youth.
Key sectors to be represented in a coalition include:
● Youth (18 or younger)
● Parents
● Young Adults
● Adults
● Older adults
● Concerned citizens Business
● Media
● Education – school/colleges/universities
● Community- and youth-serving organizations/community and family supports
● Law enforcement
● Religious/Fraternal organizations
● Health care providers
● Social service providers
● Civic/Volunteer groups (i.e., local organizations committed to volunteering, not a
coalition member designated as a “volunteer”)
● Recovery community
● State, local, or tribal governmental agencies with expertise in the field of behavioral health (including, if applicable, the state/county agency with primary authority for behavioral health)
● Other organizations involved in reducing behavioral health problems
Advantages of Coalitions
- Coalitions can conserve resources.
- Coalitions can achieve more widespread reach within a community and accomplish objectives beyond the scope any single organization could attain.
- Coalitions have greater credibility than individual organizations.
- Coalitions provide a forum for sharing information and for great networking opportunities.
- Coalitions provide a range of advice and perspectives.
- Each coalition member or member organization can contribute their particular expertise or resources to facilitate activities by other members or by the coalition as a whole.
- Coalitions can foster cooperation between grassroots organizations, community members, and/or diverse sectors of a large organization.
- Coalitions serve as an effective network for information dissemination.
Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations who are:
- Involved with the operation or outcomes of a program
- Affected directly or indirectly by its activities
- Able to influence the program, who can assist with funding, or who can benefit from its results, or anyone who has a specific interest in the success or failure of a project
What is Facilitation?
Facilitation involves guiding meetings and groups while using a specific set of skills and tools
What is the overall job of a facilitator?
Facilitators create an environment in which group members share ideas, opinions, experiences, and expertise in order to achieve a common goal.
** A skilled facilitator smooths the way for group members to brainstorm options, identify viable solutions, and develop and implement action plans.
What are some facilitation skills?
● Make everyone comfortable and valued
● Encourage participation
● Prevent and manage conflict
● Listen and observe
● Guide the group
● Ensure quality decisions
● Ensure outcome-based meetings
● Assess the groups concentration and engagement
● Clarify confusing discussions
● Provide feedback when necessary
● Enforce group guidelines
What should a facilitator do to effectively run a meeting?
● Welcome and introduce participants and yourself
● Set the tone and pace
● Establish/review group guidelines in
positive terms
● Go over and approve meeting objectives and agenda
● Review minutes
● Keep the group on task in timely
● Keep group moving through agenda * Summarize meeting outcomes
● Identify next steps
● Evaluate the meeting
● Adjourn on a positive note
What are some techniques for facilitators to handle challenging situations?
● Make sure that all sides have an opportunity to be heard
● Help to clearly define the issues, perhaps by having each side of the debate
● Restate the position of the other side to its satisfaction
● Keep discussion focused on the substance of the conversation rather than the individuals
● Encourage the various sides to meet separately and come back to the full group for further discussion
● Help individuals to save face and be able to change their position
● Bring in outside assistance—individuals not directly involved in the situation—to help provide an outside perspective
● Try to get to options of mutual gain – those that will satisfy the interests and goals of the various parties
● Use brainstorming to identify all alternatives that may satisfy mutual interests
Consensus (def’n)
decisions that everyone involved accepts as the best possible solution (important since there is a diversity among stakeholders)
Why consensus (as opposed to majority rules) promotes coalition effectiveness
- Commitment is increased b/c all partners stay involved rather than withdrawing from the process in resentment
- Knowledge is shared among partners
- Sharing ideas and information broadens partners’ perspectives