Domain 2: Assessment Flashcards
Pronation Distortion Syndrome - Shortened Muscles
Greta Said Pastries Aren’t In Hot Buns
Greta - gastrocnemius
Said - soleus
Pastries - peroneals (lateral part of lower leg)
Aren’t - adductors
In - illiotibial (IT) band
Hot - hip flexor complex
Buns - biceps femoris (short head - lateral part of quad)
Pronation Distortion Syndrome - Lengthened Muscles
A Pig Gulps Grapes
A - anterior tibialis (medial part of lower leg)
Pig - posterior tibialis
Gulps - gluteus maximus
Grapes - gluteus medius
Lower Crossed Syndrome - Shortened Muscles
Good Socks Aren’t Hard Like Ellipticals
Good - gastrocnemius Socks - soleus Aren't - adductors Hard - hip flexor complex Like - latissimus dorsi Ellipticals - erector spinae
Lower Crossed Syndrome - Lengthened Muscles
Apple Pie Gets Great Tit Images
Apple - anterior tibialis Pie - posterior tibialis Gets - gluteus maximus Great - gluteus medius Tit - transverse abdominis Images - internal obliques
Upper Crossed Syndrome - Shortened Muscles
Under Low Soggy Stumps Lives Turtles Sucking Pops
Under - upper trapezius (superficial upper back)
Low - levator scapulae (lateral neck)
Soggy - sternocleidomastoid (lrg. lateral neck)
Stumps - scalenes (sm. lateral neck)
Lives - latissimus dorsi (middle lower back)
Turtles - teres major
Sucking - subscapularis (muscles attached to scapula)
Pops - pectoralis major + minor (superficial and deep pec)
Upper Crossed Syndrome - Lengthened Muscles
Dolphins Sing Really Muffled Like Turtle Infants
Dolphins - deep cervical flexors (anterior neck)
Sing - serratus anterior (under armpits)
Really - rhomboids (upper back, connect to spine)
Muffled - middle trapezius (superficial middle back)
Like - lower trapezius
Turtle - teres minor (back of shoulder)
Infants - infraspinatus (back of shoulder)
PAR-Q (subjective)
Physical activity readiness questionnaire - identifies if medical attention is needed first
Other (subjective)
family/medical history, occupation, personal
Cardiorespiratory Assessments
- YMCA 3-minute: assigns proper HR zone
- steps with recording recovery pulse - Rockport Walk Test: assigns proper HR zone
- walk 1 mile and equation
Physiological Assessment
Heart rate (zones for ages) and blood pressure (120/90)
Static Postural Assessment
Viewing 5 kinetic checkpoints by just standing in a normal position. Look for pronation distortion syndrome, upper/lower cross syndrome
Adjacent Professionals Assessment
Cholesterol <200
Body Composition Assessments
- Skin fold - 4 areas, subcutaneous fat
- Bioelectrical - estimates fat content
- Waist to hip - obesity related disease
- BMI - weight to height
Dynamic Postural Assessments
- Overhead Squat
- Single Leg Squat
- Pushing Assessment
- Pulling Assessment
- Gait Assessment
Performance Assessments
- Davies Test - assesses upper extremity stability and agility
- Shark Skill Test - assesses lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control
- Bench Press Test - estimates 1-rep max, upper body maximal strength
- Squat Test - estimates 1-rep max, lower body maximal strength
- Push-Up Test - assess upper body extremity muscular endurance
- LEFT Test - assess agility, acceleration, deceleration, and neuromuscular control
Ability to move quick and easy
Flexibility vs. Mobility
Flexibility - passive movement of a muscle or muscle group, you may or may not have control over.
Mobility - the ability of a joint to actively move through a ROM, you have control over.
Muscular endurance
when a muscle or group of muscles sustain repeated contractions against resistance for an extended period.
extensibilty of all soft tissues allowing the full range of motion of a joint
capability to be elongated or stretched
Dynamic Range of Motion
combination of flexibility and the nervous systems ability to control
Neuromuscular Efficiency
Ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists, and stabilizers to work synergistically to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain in all three plane of motion.
Postural Distortion Patterns
Predictable patterns of muscles imbalances
Relative Flexibility
Tendency for the body to seek the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns
Muscle Imbalance
Alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint
Reciprocal Inhibition
Altered reciprocal inhibition is caused by an overactive (tight) muscle decreasing neural drive to its functional antagonist. This reduces the force output capabilities of the underactive muscles on the other side of the joint.
Altered Reciprocal Inhibition
Tight agonist that inhibits functional antagonist
Synergistic Dominance
occurs when an inappropriate muscles takes over the function of a weak or inhibited prime mover
Autogenic Inhibition
When the relaxation signals initiated by the GTO are greater than the spindle’s signals asking the muscle to contract, autogenic inhibition
is occurring.
Static Stretching
Passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretch for a minimum of 30 sec
Active-isolated Stretching
Process of using agonists and synergists to dynamically move the join into a range of motion
Dynamic Stretching
Active extensions of muscle