Domain 1- Food Science Flashcards
What affects the crispness/texture of fruits and vegetables?
Osmotic pressure within the water filled vacuoles
Water content of vegetable replaced by concentrated salt solution
Used to speed up ripening process of fruits during storage
Ethylene gas
Why should berries and mushrooms be washed JUST before eating?
Because they absorb water and will turn to mush if washed too much in advance
What type of solution prevents enzymatic oxidation (aka browning)?
Acidic solution
Green fruit and vegetable pigments
Acid reaction= chlorophyll –> pheophytin (olive green)
Alkaline reaction= chlorophyll–> chlorophyllin (bright green)
Yellow/Orange fruit and veg pigments
Carotenoids - doesnt change color in acidic or alkaline solutions
Reddish fruit and veg pigments
Lycopene - antioxidant
Red, blue, purple Fruit and veg pigments
Flavonoids – anthocyanins
White fruit and veg pigments
Flavanoids- anxothanthins or flavones
- acid solution –> colorless
- alkaline solution –> yellow
- ex: onions may turn yellow when cooked in aluminum pan
Fruit and vegetables grading
-done by USDA
Grade A: fancy; desserts, salads
Grade B: choice; processed
Grade C: standard; puddings, pies
Fresh produce grading
Fancy Extra #1 #1 Combination #2
10 can = ___ cups?
13 cups, 20-25 servings
What happens to the final product when old potatoes are used in cooking?
It’s sweet, mushy, and cooks a darker brown
-Starch changes to sugar during storage –> higher sugar content causes maillard reaction = browner color
Cooking time for frozen veg is _______ shorter than for fresh veg because _____
- Shorter
- b/c freezing makes them more tender
Immersing in boiling then cold water
Preparation for cauliflower
cook for short time covered
Prep for broccoli
microwave –> less time and same flaor
-retains color and vit c better
prep for cabbage
cook for short time, keep lid off initially and cook in large amount of water to prevent strong flavor
Structured part of tendon that surrounds muscle; hydrolyzed to gelatin and becomes tender when heated
A protein found in ligaments and cartilage; yellow; resistant to heat and changes little during cooking
Amount of fat cover on the carcas is called the _____
What identifies the cut of a meat?
The shape of the bone
-i.e. round bone = the leg; t-bone= back and ribs
Good source of thiamin (a meat)
Fish canned with bones
higher calcium content
Main contributor to meat pigment
myoglobin + O2 –> Red –> oxidation of myglobin –> brown –> further oxidation of myoglobin –> greenish color
Increasing water holding capacity of Meats
INCREASES Tenderness
-i.e. aging meats, acids (vinegar), and salt increased tenderness by increasing water holding capacity of the muscle
Vacuum packaged Meats (“sous vide”)
Extends shelf life
What does the “USDA Inspected & Passed” symbol mean?
Assures wholesomeness and that animal was healthy at time of slaughter
Meat Grading
indicates quality; based on maturity of animal, marbeling of fat, color, texture
Types of meat grades
Prime (MOST marbeling) –> choice –> Select –> standard (Least marbeling)
What determines the cooking method of meats
the cut of the meat
What should the smoke point be for frying meats?
400 degrees F
Roasting meats SLOWLY results in ____ waste
LESS waste
What happens to collagen when it is cooked and why do “tough” cuts of meat need to cook longer?
Collagen hydrolyzed to gelatin
-“tough” cuts have more collagen and take longer to be softened
Pinkness from nitrites on meats and prevention of botulism
cured meats
Important internal temps:
145 F =
160 F =
165 F =
145= meat and fish 160= ground meats 165= poultry
Dry heat cooking methods for which type of cuts of meat?
Most tender= least used muscles from backbone and loin (*Pork chops come from the loin)
Moist heat method of cooking for which type of cuts of meat?
- Least tender = most used muscles from flank and brisket
- Bottom round cuts should be cooked in water for several hours
When meat is removed from oven and cooking continues to occur and internal temp rises
“Carry over” cooking