Doctrine 7-8 Flashcards
Doctrine 8
We believe that we are justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and he that believeth hath the witness in himself
Doctrine 7
We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are necessary to salvation.
Trinitarian presence
Gods grace makes it potential
Jesus’ death makes it probable
Holy Spirit makes it practical
Sinner claims the promise
Repentance towards God in the Old Testament
Repent in relationship to God
- Turn from evil and turn toward God
- 1 kings 8:47, 2 chron 6:37, psalm 7:2
Repentance toward God in the New Testament
Change ones mind or purpose
-2 Corinth 7:9-11
Repentance toward God requires 2 actions
Moving from sin
Moving towards Grace
Moving from sin
Man can state he needs to change but cannot achieve this on their own. God has taken action by speaking and acting for our salvation.
Moving toward grace
With his help, we seek to leave behind our sins and move toward the light.
-col 1:13
What does repentance include
Conviction of sin - Psalm 51:4 Hatred of sin - Ezekiel 6:9-10 Sorrow of sin - Matthew 26:75 Renounce of sin - Isaiah 55:7 Confession of sin - Proverbs 28:13 Desire of Forgiveness - Psalm 25:11 Submission to God - 2 Chron 30:8 Making restitution - Luke 19:8
What is Godly sorrow
Our sins have been against God (Psalm 51:4)
Saving Faith
Involves a trusting acceptance of Gods grace in Christ
Saving faith includes
Recognizing the failure of sins - James 1:15
Desiring God - Psalm 119:10
Trusting Gods power to forgive - isa 55:7
Intentional commitment - 1 chron 29:9
Change effected in the heart of penitent at the time of forgiveness
It is instantaneous
It is a “re-creation” into the image if God
It is the restoration of the covenant
Regeneration evidence passages
New creation - 2 Corinth 5:17 New birth/born again - John 3:3-7 Born of the spirit - John 3:5-8 Born of God - John 1:13, 1 John 3:9 Passing from death to life - 1 John 3:14 Passing from darkness to light - John 8:12 Quickened - Eph 2:1-5 Recieve eternal life - John 17:3 Temple of the Holy Spirit - 1 cor 6:19 Becoming Christ-like - Gal 5:22-25
Evidence of a saved life
Peace Joy Change in attitude and behavior Inner experience that God is for us Love for others Sensitive to sin Eager to seek forgiveness We are future oriented b/c past is forgiven
Justification as a legal term
declared ‘not guilty’
- deserve condemnation from sinners
- recieve an acquittal
The act of God for us which changes the relationship between ourselves and him
Old Testament justification
“Legal justification” embodied in the law
You were justified by keeping the law
Legal justification for the innocent person
New Testament justification
For the guilty, not the innocent
Accuses admits their guilt but is justified by faith alone
Two types of justification
Imputed righteousness
Imparted righteousness
Imputed righteousness
God now considers us ‘righteous’
Positional relationship
Instant - verdict rendered
Sees us through the ‘lense’ of Jesus
Imparted righteousness
God now makes us righteous
Progressive relationship
Continuing transformation - process
Possible through his indwelling Holy Spirit
The result of restored relationship
Free from condemnation - Rom 8:1 Peace with God & access - Rom 5:1-2 Proper perspective of relationship -Humility - 1 peter 2:24 -Gratitude - Rom 5:11 Hope of holiness - Rom 6:22
Unmerited, undeserved
- dependent on the character of God
- demonstrated in the saving work of Jesus
Prevenient Grace
Stimulus to spiritual awakening
- convicts of sin and guilt
- convicts of Gods holiness & his original intention for us
- convicts of judgement - penalty of sin
Grace, the gift of God
Not by our own acts, work, or deeds
Not by our strength, goodness, or merit
Not by our intentions or design
Simply by acceptance in faith
Trusting acceptance of the Good News
Heart believes - receives justification
Mouth confesses - seals salvation
Trust beings blessing - no shame
Commitment of ourselves to God
Obedient response to his goodness
Desire to become a disciple
The action of God where he gives those born anew conditions and privileges of sons and daughters
Implies a change of nature (regeneration) and a change of relationship (justification)
Adoption in scripture
Not of natural birth but by Gods desire - John 1:12-13 By Christ's acceptance - Heb 2:11-15 From slave to heir - Gal 4:7 Individual experience - Gal 3:26 Family context - Eph 2:19-22
Adoption inheritance confirmed
By the word
By the Holy Spirit
Adoption relationship with the son
Calls us brothers - Heb 2:11 Shares his home - John 14:3 Shares love & unity - John 15:9 Shares his glory - John 17:24-26 We respond to the praise of his glory - Eph 1:3-12
Adoption relationship with Holy Spirit
Lives and works in us with power - Rom 8:11
Intercedes for us - Ron 8:23-26
Reveals the will of the father - Rom 8:27
Adoption relationship with other believers
As sisters and brothers - equal share (rom 12:3-5)
As co-heirs & citizens of the kingdom (Eph 2:19-22)
Inward witness
Confirms the ‘state of grace’
Confirms my adoption as a child of God
Confirms the state of grace
- Jesus is the Christ and my personal savior
- I have forgiveness of sin
- I have confidence to approach the Throne of grace
Outward witness
Confirmed by a changed life
- transformation - regeneration
- confidence derives from faith
- change in attitude & actions
- change in priorities & intentions
- progress & growth
Why some have no assurance
Some may not realize they may have it
Some may not have fully complied with the conditions
You may lead someone into it