Doctrine 6 Flashcards
Study of salvation (work of Christ/atonement)
Doctrine 6
We believe that The Lord Jesus Christ has by his suffering and death made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved
3 basic concepts of doctrine
Atoning death-Jesus had to die
The provision-Salvation for everyone
The response-Personal decision to be saved
Propitiation Redemption Efficacious Substitution Expiation Reconciliation Voluntary Eventual
“To appease or to atone”
- stresses holiness of God was fully satisfied
- righteous demands were met through atoning death of Christ
“To set free by payment of a price”
- Christ set the believer free from the enslavement of sin
- Romans 3:24
It works. We can count on it
-Heb 7:27
Christ sacrifices himself in place of condemned sinners to satisfy Gods holy judgement against sin
- 1 Thes 5:9-10
Wiping away or cancellation of sin
- 2 cor 5:19
Salvation was made possible for all who believed in Jesus.
- man was separate from God through sin
- Christ’s death made peace with God
- 2 cor 5:19
Jesus willingly died for us
- John 10:11
Vicarious act is one performed on behalf of someone else.
- Jesus died on behalf of us all.
- innocent one for guilty many
- 1 peter 2:24
Old Testament echoes of atonement
The fall - Gen 3:21 Noah's Rescue - Gen 6:5-9:17 Call of Abraham - Gen 12:1-3 Exodus - Exodus 6:6-8 Sacrificial system - Leviticus 16 Call of the prophets - Jeremiah 33:14-16, Isaiah 35:3-4
Christ experienced everything Adam did, even sin
-Christ was sinless
Christ’s death had no saving purpose rather his zeal got him in trouble
-Jesus predicted his own death and claimed obedience to the father
Example (Martyr)
Christ did not need to die, but death is example if selfless service
-Jesus redeems man
Sin robbed God of his honor and only Jesus’ death could restore it.
-Jesus death revealed Gods mercy, justice, and holiness related to sin
God forgives sinners without an equivalent payment
Jesus’ death for sinners provided pardon
Moral influence
Jesus’ death was example of Gods love encouraging people to move toward repentance
Jesus’ death was a sacrifice that justifies us before God
Total depravity Unconditional election Limited atonement Irresistible grace Preserving of the saints
Total depravity Conditional election Universal atonement Resistible grace Perseverance of the saints
Adequacy of the solution
It is for all men (1John 2:2)
It is for all time (Heb 9:26-28)
It is for all sin (Titus 2:13-14)
Provision was made by God
Conceived in his infinite wisdom Motivated by infinite love Invested with infinite power Nature of sin requires extraordinary means Death of a sinless man