Doctrine 5 Flashcards
The study of man/humanity
We believe…..
that out first parents were created in a state of innocency, but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness, and that in consequence of their fall all men have become sinners, totally depraved, and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God.
Man (Gr)
Man, earth (heb)
The study of sin
Sin (Gr); deviation; ‘falling short’ of the intentions of God.
Imageo dei
Image of God
4 unique reasons we are in Gods image
Work - authority over lesser creation
Stewardship - preserve, provide, protect
Fruitfulness - productivity - pro-creation
Creation condition
Gen 2:4-25
Intelligence- reason
Social being
Spiritual creation-breath of life
Characteristics of physical being
Need for food, shelter, others Death Speech Thoughts-ideas-reason Senses Capacity for growth Personality
Stipulation put on creation
Don’t touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Creation distinctives
‘What makes us special’
Humanity is associated with natural world, yet distinct from it.
Gift of free will
Member of a community
How was the creation purpose demonstrates through Jesus?
Teaching on sin & righteousness
Example of sinless life
Death is indictment of humanity’s sinfulness
His life truly ‘human’ in obedience
What is Gods intention for creation?
Harmony with himself and all creation
Consequence of sin
Separation from God
Adamic contrasts
Sin and death - grace and life
Judgment & condemnation - justification and righteousness
Disobedience - obedience
Sin increase - grace increase
5 ‘I wills’ of satan
I will be as God I will possess Gods glory I will have all obedience to me I will exercise authority I will occupy heaven
How is temptation presented by satan, the serpent?
Doubt - did God really say?
Disbelief - you will not surely die
Desire - you will be like God
Disobedience - took some and ate it
Capital sins, crimes of perversity and evil deserving if death penalty
Open and knowing revolt against God
Results of sin
Wickedness - job 3:17
Evil/badness - Jeremiah 42:6
Guilt - numbers 5:8
Trouble - Hosea 4:15;10:8
Legal concept describing ones relationship to a law. It is a state if deserving condemnation for the violation if the law.
Defies our moral condition = totally depraved
Pollution does not mean
Unsaved can not do good works
Unsaved want to commit sin
Unsaved don’t know right from wrong
Unsaved are overtly evil
Pollution does mean
Every aspect of humanity is infected
Loving Gid is not a natural desire of fallen man
Types of sin
Sins of commission Sins omission Motive sins Attitude/emotion sins Sins of the will
Degrees of sin
Sin of weakness Sudden temptation Deliberate intent Commitment to a life of sinning In association with others Outright rebellion against God
What more is involved than the question of the sin?
The state of sinfulness is the concern
Effects of sin upon man
Separation from God Total depravity Bondage Death Guilt Wrath of God
Total depravity
Extent of sins effects
Captivity of the power of sin
Unable to free self
3-fold penalty of death
Physical death
Spiritual death-separation of spirit from God
Eternal death-Eternal separation from God
Gods response to sin
Forbearance - he bears with us; we are not subject to the full expression of Gods displeasure.
Judgement - given with purpose of bringing men to repentance
Attempt to speak rightly of Gods justice