DNA Technology/Engineering Flashcards
What is a Restriction Enzyme?
It is an enzyme that cuts up DNA on recognition of a certain short sequence.
There are many difference Reconition enzymes all looking for different sequence patterns.
What is meant by the term ‘Recognition Site’?
This is the area that the reaction enzyme identifies as the start of the sequence.
What is meant by ‘blunt ends’ or ‘sticky ends’?
This is the way in which the enzyme cuts through the DNA strand. Blunt ends means that the Enzyme cuts straight through the two strands or ‘sticky ends’ means it staggers the cut.
What is meant by the term ‘Clevage site’?
This is where the Restriction enzyme cuts through the DNA.
What happens when a ‘sticky end’ needs to reattach to other nucleotides?
The ends will attach to of nucleotides by complementary base paring but only if they have been cut by the same enzyme.
What enzyme reattaches the DNA?
DNA Ligase. It recreats the phosphdiester bonds
What is DNA Enginerring?
The modification of DNA using a single trait to creat a disired change.
What is another name for Genetic Engineering?
Recombinant DNA Technology
What is the name given to a gene that has been genitically altered?
Genetically Modified Organisum
What are the 3 different types of modification that can be done?
- Insert a foreign gene from one organisum to another
- Alter an existing gene to change its products
- Change the gene replication rate
Explain the term ‘Recombinant DNA’
This is DNA that has been merged with other DNA. Re combined
What are the 5 stages used to create Recombinant DNA
- Isolation
- Insertion
- Transformation
- Identification
- Growth/Cloning
Thinking about Genetic Engineering what would be the vector and what would be the host?
The vector would be the plasmid the host would be the bacteria
What methods are used to transfer Gene’s into the host?
Heat Shock - incubate at 0oC and then suddenly rised to 40oC. This causes some cells to take up the plasmids. Also known as Transformation.
Electroporation - Cells subjected to high-voltage pulse temporarily disrupting the membrane
Breifly run through the process of Genetic engineering
- Identify, using restriction enzyme, the segment of DNA required to combined with other DNA. Cut out this area
- Insert the cut piece of DNA into the opended vector (plasmid) along with the antibiotic resistant marker.
- DNA Ligase bonds the 2 peices of DNA together
- The plasmids and bacteria are warmed in a test tube together wating the bacteria to take up the plasmids.
- Bacteria are then spread on an antibiotic agar aiming to kill those bacteria that do not have the antibiotic resistant marker on the new plasmids.
What does PCR stand for?
Polymerase Chain Reaction
What is the aim of PCR
To replicate the targeted area of DNA for further sampling or research
Describe the 3 steps to PCR techique
- Denaturing -The DNA is heated to 90oC to uncoil and unzip the helix
- Annealing - The temp is lowered allowing the primers to attach to the forward and reverse ends of the targeted DNA
- Extension - DNA Polymerase attaches the free nuleotides to the inital DNA strand.
- The steps are repeated 2 more times to isolate the targeted DNA.
Describe the Thery behind DNA Finger printing
The DNA is cut up by an enzyme seeking out a certain code sequence. The DNA is cut everytime this sequence is found. This will be different of each individual. When put through electrophresis that individuals grid will look different to the other persons unless related.
There are many different enzymes,
In DNA Fingerprinting what does MRS stand for?
Microsatellite Reapt Sequences
These are the small repeating squences that a specific enzyem will look for when cutting the DNA
How does Electrophoresis work?
Given that DNA is slightly Negative in charge, DNA is placed in a tray made of Agarose gel that conducts electricity.
The DNA is drawn towards the positivly charged Anode causing a grid like patterns used in identification.
In electrophoresis what ingredient is used to Visualise the Sample?
Ethidium Bromide. It shows up in UV Light.
What is the name given to the short bits of DNA cut by Restriction enzymes?
Restriction Fragments
If the DNA was cut by one enzyme, would a different enzyme reattach the sticky ends?
No- it needs to be the same enzymes.