Diversity in Health Care Jacobs 2013 Flashcards
What is the classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics
What can involve several cultures and ethnic groups
Understanding culture makes you more effective in treating medical illness and (blank)
reduces health care disparities
Students shall demonstrate (blank) for patients, families, the health care team, and self with regard to culture, spiritual beliefs, age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and disabilities
What is the classification of people based on national origin or culture?
What is a set of values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals, behaviors, and customs of a group of people?
Culture can be learned and shared and can be dynamic and changing. T or F
What Can include obvious groupings related to race and ethnicity but can also refer to less obvious groupings E.g., first generation student, mobility/ handicap, SES, religion, sexual orientation, rural, etc.
What descrives the differences based on race, ethnicity , culture and must be considered when provide health care. (BPSS model includes this)
cultural diversity
Cultural context affects beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors around …..
health, illness, adherence, appropriate treatment, doctor-patient relations, patients explanatory model (illness story)
Ask about the patients beliefs about what why and how about patients illness. These questions illicit what?
a patients explanatory model of illness
Cultural contex affects patients and (blank)
The culture of medicine and your cultural background may also affect your beliefs, attitudes and behaviors around….
health and illness, doctor-patient relations, adherence, appropriate treatment
What is meliorism?
the belief that the world can be made better by human effort
What things does western medicine value i.e what is the culture of western medicine?
progress, dominance, activism, timeliness, therapeutic aggressiveness, future orientation, standardization