Diverse Species Flashcards
Name a species from the Mustelidae group
Ferret - Mustela putorius furo
What is the effect does the flexible spine of the ferret have on handling?
Support the spine since spinal injuries can occur , particularly in heavy hobs or gilts
What is a hob?
A male ferret
What’s is the effect of the narrow thoracic inlet of the ferret?
They are less adaptable to respiratory tract problems.
Describe the teeth of the ferret
All rooted, similar set up to cats, erupt from 3-4 weeks and all permanent by 50-70 days
Which particular structures of the head are prone to damage with ferrets fighting?
Salivary glands
What type of feeders are ferrets?
Obligate Carnivora
What is the maximum distension volume of a ferrets stomach?
How does creatinine alter with increased urea during kidney disease in the ferret?
It doesn’t
Why do ferrets have a strong musty odour?
They have very active sebaceous glands
What is the effect of the lack of sweat glands in the ferret?
They are sensitive the heat stroke
Why is the anal sacculectomy illegal in the Uk?
Against the 5 freedoms = unethical
What is the best indicator of cardiac output in the ferret?
Urine output
Where would you venepuncture a ferret?
Cephalic or jugular vein
What percentage of a ferrets body weight is blood?
What age do ferrets go through puberty?
6-9 months
How long is the gestation of a ferret?
Ferret ovulation?
What type of uterus do ferrets have?
What is the effect of continued oestrus in the ferret?
Continued high exposure to oestrogen.Bone marrow depressions , anaemic and death
How are the effects of continued ovulation in ferrets combatted?
Use a vasectomised hob or always have litters
Endocrine disease in ferrets?
What is deslorin?
A gnrh analogue
What species are included in the myomorphs?
Mice, hamsters, gerbils
What does aradicular?
Continually growing
Outline the structure of the rodent incisor.
Hard vs soft enamel = chisel shaped
What is coprophagy?
Ingestion of faecal pellets to gain nutrients
What effect of a high larynx have on rodent breathing?
Nasal breathers
Which of the sexes has a longer ano-genital distance?
Draw and describe the structure of Rodent incisors.
Chisel shaped. Enamel on the buccal surface and dentine on the lingual surface.
How do rodents achieve efficient respiration?
Short airwaysIncreased respiratory rateIncreased alveoli and thinner wallGood respiratory compliance
Which anatomical feature is used to sex rodent?
Ano-genital distance.Longer in males
What is the difference between bicornate and duplex reproductive systems?
Duplex - two uterine horns and two cervicesBicornate - two uterine horns opening into one uterine body and one cervix.
What is the significance of the copulatory plug?
Deposited by the male after mating, “seals” sperm in the reproductive tract, female is more likely to get pregnant.
What nutrient do rodents gain through coprophagy?
B vitamins
Name the anatomical features of the rodent GIT which prevent them from vomiting.
Strong stomach ridgeOesophageal sphincterCrural slingDiphragm sling
What is the appearance of caecotrophs?
Smaller than regular droppings and covered in mucus
A vaginal flush of a rodent shows leucocytes on examination. Which phases of the oestrus cycle could this female be in?
Which taxon of rodent has large litters, altricial young and short gestation?
Guinea pigs are an example of which taxonomic group of rodent who have characteristically long gestation lengths?
What is the gestation length of a chinchilla?
111 days
What is the gestation length of a guinea pig?
59-72 days
What is the gestation length of a mouse?
20 days
What is the dental formula of the ferret?
I3/3 C1/1 P3/3 M1/234 in total
What angle of vision do rabbits have?
Name the extraoccular muscle only present in the rabbit and state its function.
Depressor palpebraeDepresses the lower eyelid
Rabbits do not possess a tapetum lucidum. True or False.
How many times in an hour would a rabbit blink?
3mm of growth is seen in incisors of the rabbit per _____ and molars per _____
Which type of tissue is found in the saccule rotundus and veriform appendix?
Lymphoid tissue
Why are caecotrophs covered with mucus?
To avoid degradation from the low pH of the stomach.
Why is the rabbits heart prone to ischemia and infarction?
Poorly developed collateral citculation
Which cell type releases motilin?
Enterochromaffin cells
State the function of the fusus coli.
Hoe long is the oestrus cycle of the rabbit?
5-6 days
What type of ovulators are rabbits?
What characteristics of the rabbit eye make it prone to disease?
One lacrimal punctumClose association with tooth rootsLacrimal duct has many bends - blockages
The spherical lens of the rabbit eye means that its vision is poor in which respects?
Poor accomodationPoor depth perception
True or False: The avian tongue has a bone in it?
In which direction are the horny papillae of the tongue facing?
What is the Vitelline Diverticula?
Small outgrowth of the jejunum
Connect to yolk sac in the embryo
Also called Merkel’s diverticulum
Which substances are present in avian saliva?
What is the function of the crop?
Stores food
Which nerve innervates the crop?
Vagus (CNX)
Pigeons slough their epithelial cells of the crop to produce which substance?
Crop milk
What structure connects the proventriculus to the gizzard?
What is the function of the proventriculus?
Secretes digestive enzymes
What type of epithelium lines the proventriculus?
Glandular columnar
True or False: Parietal cells are present in the proventriculus?
What is the function of the gizzard and why does it appear yellow in colour?
Mechanical digestionBile reflux from the duodenum.
How many layers of lamina muscularis are present in the proventriculus and in the gizzard?
3Inner olique, middle circular, outer longitudinal
What organ is present in between the duodenal loops?
Where do the pancreatic and bile ducts enter the duodenum?
Caudal portion
How many caeca are present in avians?
What type of epithelium and glands lines the caeca?
Columnar Mucous
Which avian species does not have caeca?
Describe the features of the brood patch.
Very vascular - warmlooses its feathers prior to laying.
The area of the birds body which have feather tracts present are called what?
(absent = apteria)
Name the five main types of feather in the bird
Remiges Retrices Coverts Down Bristle
Moving towards the birds body what is the order of the wing feathers?
PrimarySecondary TertialsCoverts
Pneumatic bones of the bird are connected to which vital bodily system?
The uropygial gland of the bird secretes an oily secretion of which substance?
Vitamin D
How many lobes does the avian liver have?
TwoRight is larger than left
Which oviduct of the bird remains functional?
How are follicles attached to the oviduct in the bird?
By tissue known as the stigma
Ejaculation in the bird is stimulated by what?
Cloacal contact
Name the fins of the fish.
How do ctenoid and cycloid scales of fish differ?
Ctenoid have jagged edgesCycloid have rounded edges
What is the function of the lateral line of the fish?
Detects the flow of water, vibrations and flow interuptions
Draw a unit of the lateral line.

Name these fish mouth types.
- Superior
- Terminal
- Subterminal (protrusable)
Draw a gill unit of a fish.
What are the functions of the pectoral, dorsal and pelvic fins of the fish?
Pectoral - slow, precise movement
Dorsal - sharp turns, forward thrust
Pelvic - elevation/ descent
What organ of the fishes GIT tract is extensive and secretes digestive enzymes?
Pyloric caeca
Which species from this topic has erythrocytes which are flat, nucleated and contain Hb.
Fish skeletal muscle is arranged in blocks named what?
Describe the differences between red and white muscle of the fish.
Red - small, functions in endurance (lots of mitochondria and myoglobin)
White - short, fatigues, powerful (lacks myoglobin and is poorly vascularised)
What is the function of the swim bladder in fish?
Allows the fish to maintain neutral buoyancy. Allows them to voluntarily sink/ float .
What is the prefered optimal temperature zone of most reptiles?
20 - 38oC
What is special about reptile metabolism?
it is temperature dependent, ie if body temperature increases so does metabolic rate.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a reptile being exothermic?
- Advantages
- No energy wasted maintaining body temperature
- 10% of energy expended compared with a mammel of similar size
- Disadvantages
- endurance is limited
- depends on abient temperature
How do reptiles maintain their temperature?
- Shunts - vasoconstriction at the periphery and lung bypass
- Body mass/ shape - in contact with the floor
- Behaviour - shade seeking
- UV light - reproductive and Ca metabolism
- How is hibernation of reptiles triggered?
- How much BW is expected to be lost during hibernation?
- Seasonal changes and decreasing temperature.
What is special about reptile bone?
- No haversian sytems
- 99% of Ca is found in bone
How many temporal foramen are found in the skull of a diapsida and anapsida?
D - 2
A - None
Name the spinal segments of reptiles in order from cranial to caudal.
Presacral, sacral and caudal
- Outline the chambers of the reptilian heart.
- How does this affect the physiology?
- Cavum pulmonae, cavum venosum, cavum arteriosum. Separated by septum/ muscular ridges.
- Causes mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated
Reptiles have no diaphragm.
True/ false?
What effect does this have?
Uses trunk muscles to generate negative pressure. Can hold breath from 30m to 33hrs.
Do snakes or chelonians have an egg tooth of keratinised tissue?
Outline three different tooth types of reptiles.
- Acrodont - attached to crest of bone - chameleon
- Pleurodont - attached to medial surface of the bone - ** snake/iguana**
- Thecodont - attach to sockets - crocs
Name one aspect of reptilian dental anatomy which differs from its mammalian counterpart.
Reptiles have no periodontal ligament
Outline where reptilian testis are in the body.
Which organ is found more cranially, the testis or the kidneys?
Close to vena cava and left adrenal gland.
The testis are found cranially to the kidney.
Name a species of reptile which has 2x hemipenes/ x1 intracloacal phalus.
- Hemipenes - lizard/snake
- Intracloacal phalus - chelonia/ croc
- Draw and label the structure of a reptilian egg.
- Which structure stores uric acid?
The allantoic membrane stores uric acid.
What is the difference between oviparity and viviparity?
Oviparity means egg producing, viviparity, foetus remain within the mother.
What gland of the reptile controls ecdysis? (shedding of skin)
Thyroid gland
Raise body temperature by basking
What two structures make up the shell of the tortoise? What are the names of the plates which cover the bone which makes up the two structures?
Plastron (breast plate), Carapase
What is the vertebral formulae of the tortoise?
18 presacral, 10 trunk, 8 cervical
What are the remnant of limbs found on primitive snake species known as?
How are snakes able to breath when they have large prey in their mouth?
The trachea projects cranially over the floor of the mouth.
Describe the methods by which different types of reptiles draw in air to their lungs.
Tectocoracoideus + obliquus abdominis are muscles that allow inspiration in turtles.
Moving the pelvic girdle works also in land animals
Using negative pressure gradients (via skeletal muscle)
They don’t have a diaphragm so have adapted other methods of ventilation.
Outline the four methods of movement of snakes.
Sidewinder - side to side via s shapes
Retilinear - straight forward
Lateral undulation - forward via s shapes
Concertina - forward via concertina movement
What characteristic features are found whilst sex probing a snake?
Males have much longer tails with a broader base - vestigial spurs will also be much larger in males.
Probe the cloaca, males 6-10 scales deep, females 2-3
True or false. Tortoise have no teeth.
Describe the different types of lung found in lizards.
Unicameral - single chamber
Paucicameral - some caudal air sacs, allow hyperinflation for display
Multicameral - postpulmonary septum divides lungs from peritoneal cavity
What effect can the use of EDTA have on a reptilian blood sample?
Erythrocyte lysis
What is the significance of the reptilian lining of the respiratory system?
It is a primitive mucociliary epithelium, it is therefore poor at cleaning debris from the airway
What is the clinical significance of an ill reptile?
Ill reptiles often have reduced digestion/ absorption ability therefore it will take longer for orally administered drugs to reach their destination.
Outline the order of the three chambers of the cloaca of reptiles.
Coprodeum (recieves faeces), Urodeum (recieves urine and anything from the reproductive tract), Proctodeum (common outlet)
What methods of water retention can be seen in the reptile? x5
- Uric acid
- Cloacal resorption
- Reduce GFR
- Salts glands actively excrete Na+/K+
- Renal portal vein can bypass the glomerulus - stops necrosis of the kidney during dehydration
Which area of the reptilian reproductive system secretes albumin, protein and calcium for egg production?
What anatomical feature of the oviduct of the lizard can lead to retained follicles?
Pleated and long oviduct of the lizard
Describe the reproductive cycle of the lizard.
Quiescent stage
Vitellogenosis - stages of yolk deposition, hypertrophy of ovaries
What are the functions of the Jacobsens and Accessory Jacobsens organs of the reptile?
Jacobsens - Heat sensors
Accessory Jacobsens - detects pheromones