Disturbances of Growth Flashcards
benign tumor-like mass = overgrowth of differentiated cells & tissues that are normally present in affected location
“development” NOT “neoplastic”
characteristics of neoplasms
1) tumor cells = increased capacity to survive & reproduce
- -preservation of telomeres
malignant tumors
1) carinoma
- -epithelial & glandular tissue
2) sarcoma
- -mesenchymal
- -young age 90% =
derived from germ cells & *totipotential cells* **most arise in gonads Ex: benign ovarian dermoid cyst testicular teratocarcinoma "parasitic twin"
spread & metastatses of tumors
- -symptomatic metastases = 30%
- -occult metastases = 20%
routes of spread –local tissue
easiest –> hardest to infiltrate
1) loose CT
2) dense CT
3) elastic
4) cartilage
local conditions at secondary site
tumor cell “homing” & “favorable soil hypothesis”
1) adequacy of blood supply & nutrients
2) mutual compatibility btwn tumor surface & endothelium
3) microenvironmental factors fav tumor survival
common locations for metastasis
1) lymph nodes
- -L supraclavicular node “virchow’s” = visceral cancer -> thoracic duct.
- -breast cancer –> axillary nodes
2) liver
- -enspec GI & pancreas
3) lung
4) bone
- -breast, prostate, bone spread to here
5) CNS
- -LEAST common
uncommon sites for metastasis =
spleen & striated muscle
bone metastases general features
1) cancer cells are carried by circulation
2) destroy and replace bone
3) likely to form multiple lesions
(contracts w/ primary cancer = unifocal)
4) COMMON SITES = vertebrae// ribs// pelvis// sternum// proximal ends of long bones
one more time for fun…
what are the common sites for bone metastases
vertebrae ribs pelvis sternum proximal long bones (**remember things like to come to the middle!!)
types of osseous metastasis
osteolytics = typically degrade bone
(except multiple myeloma)
osteoplastics = increase bone
most common bone cancer (radio-lucent)
- -osteoclasts = degrade bone
- -except multiple myeloma = increase bone
–prostate & breast cancer
clin features = hypercalcemia
most common sites for cancer
M = prostate, lung, lower GI, urinary, leukemia F = breast, lung, lower GI, uterus, leukemia