Dispostion of peritoneum Flashcards
Due to differential growth, what ways do the embryo begin to fold during the 4th week?
fold in both cranio-caudal and lateral planes
Where do the lateral folds fuse?
fuse in the midline: splanchnic layers meeting splanchnic layers, somatic layers meeting somatic layers.
What forms the primitiative gut?
The enclosed endoderm (continuous with the yolk sac) and surrounding splanchnic mesoderm forms a tube
What is the yolk sac now called after the folding of the lateral folds
umilical vesicle
What does the coelom become in the abdominal region?
the peritoneal cavity
What separates the thorax from the abdomen ?
Septum transversum, which has descended with the cardiogenic area during head folding
The septum transversum also contributes to..?
contributes to the respiratory diaphragm, ventral mesentery and liver.
What are the walls of the peritoneal cavitty lines with?
parietal peritoneum
what is the peritoneum derived from?
mesenchymal cells;
what does the peritoneum do?
secretes a small amount of serous fluid for lubrication between surfaces of organs that extend into it.
what is ascities?
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity due to some disease process.
What does the parietal peritoneum line?
Lines the wall of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
What is beneath the parietal peritoneum?
layer of connective tissue called the extraperitoneal layer (fatty
What does the visceral peritoneum cover?
Covers the organs (viscera) suspended into the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
are the visceral and parietal peritoneum continuous with each other?
What are the 3 specializations of the peritoneam
mesentery - omentum- ligament
what is the mesentery made up of?
2 layers of peritoneum
What is the omentum?
Folds of peritoneum connecting the stomach to another organ.
What happens to the somatic mesoderm
during the trilamniar disk folding, it becomes the trunk wall lined with peritoneum
THe somatic mesoderm is continuous with
the splanchinic mesoderm
Where is the somatic mesoderm continuous with the splanchnic mesoderm
at dorsal and ventral mesenteries, walls of the foregut (and its derivatives) visceral peritoneum
the dorsal mesentery is continous with?
ventral mesentrary
What is the yolk sac made from
the endoderm of the viscera,
who does the yolk sac have continuity with
Where is the greater sac of the peritoneal cavity?
extends across entire breadth of abdomen, from diaphragm to pelvis,
what are the organs in the greater sac of the peritoneal cavity said to be
either peritoneal or intraperitoneal
What forms the lesser sac (omental bursa)
rotation of the gut
where is the lesser sac
behind the stomach, liver, lesser omentum, part of the greater omentum
what does the lesser sac communicate with
the greater sac via epiploic foramen
What does the greater omentum connect, how many layers is it?
stomach to transverse colon, four layers and potential space, 4
where is the lesser onmentum
stomach and part of the duodeum to lvier
what are the 3 parts of the greater omentum
gastrocolic, gastrosplenic, gastrophrenic