Anterior abdominal wall/inguinal Flashcards
What are the 9 regions of the abdominal wall?
- RH = right hypochondriac
- LH = left hypochondriac
- RL = right lateral
- LL = left lateral
- RI = right inguinal
- LI = left inguinal
- ER = epigastric
- UR = umbilical
- HR = hypogastric
What are the 4 quantrants of the abdomen
- RUQ = upper right
- LUQ = upper left
- RLQ = lower right
- LLQ = lower left
What are the 4 planes of the abdomen?
What makes up the arterial and venous anastomoses in the abdomen?
branches of the internal thoracic (from subclavian), inferior epigastric (from internal iliac), superficial circumflex iliac + musculophrenic
What makes up the venous anastomosis between the systemic and portal circulation? Why is it important?
The Paraumbilical veins. This is clinically significant in cases of portal hypertension.
Where does the substantial superficial venous network within the superficial fascia drain into?
the deep veins of the upper and lower extremities
Why is the transumbilical plane important?
Its an important landmark in normal venous and lymphatic drainage of the superficial tissues: above the plane, drainage is in the cranial direction; below the plane, drainage is in the caudal direction
How many muscle layers are there in the abdomen? Which direction do they run? What specific muscles are they in the abdomen?
3, perpendicular, rectus abdominis and quadratus lumborum
How is the blood supply and nerves arranged in the abdomen?
What is the difference btwn the two fascia layers in the abdomen?
Outer, fatty layer (CAMPER’S)-Continues into thigh and perineum. Fatty layer of labia majora.Fuses with deep layer before continuing into external genitalia.
Deep, fibrous layer (SCARPA’S membranous layer) Confined to lower abdominal wall. Nearly devoid of fat. Attaches to the deep fascia of the thigh (fascia lata) just below the inguinal ligament. Fuses with the superficial layer in the scrotum to form the dartos layer.Forms Colles’ fascia in the perineum (also known as the superficial perineal fascia)
What is the clinical significant for the two layers of fascia?
Surgical wound closure. The potential space between Camper’s and Scarpa’s fasciae is susceptible to to fluid or pus accumulation
Tell me more about the different layers of Scarpa fascia?
Membranous layer is deeper and confined to abdomenal wall. Membranous layer connects to fascta lata below inguinal ligament
Why is the arrangement of scarpas fascia clinically important?
fluid from the perinuem (blood, urine, pus) can accumulate in this space and even into the lower abdomen. but will not enter anterior thigh
What are the anterolateral abdominal wall consists muscles? Hint: 3 pair of flat muscles and two others
External Oblique Muscles
Internal Oblique Muscles
Transverse Abdominis Muscles
1 pair of midline vertical muscles
Rectus Abdominis
Where in a transverse section is the peritoneam, thoracolumbar facia, tansversalic fascia and the extraperitoneal fat?
Tell me more about the transversalis fascia?
lies deep to the muscle layers, it is the deep fascial layer of the abdomen (endoabdominal fascia) and forms a continuous sheet of fascia lining the inner abdominal wall, analogous to the endothoracic fascia.
What lies deep to the TF? What lies deeper than that?
extra-peritoneal fat, deeper still is the peritoneum, the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity (akin to the parietal pleura).
Picture where the external oblique is, inguinal ligament, linea abna
Where is the orgin and insertion of the external oblque?
Origin: external surfaces of ribs 5-12, thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: linea alba, pubic tubercle, iliac crest
Picture the external oblque? What is its function along with the IO?
What is the orgin and insertion of the IO?
Origin: thoracolumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest, lateral half of inguinal ligament
Insertion: inferior borders of ribs 10-12, linea alba, pubic crest and pectineal line (via conjoint tendon)
Picture the transversus abdominus? What is its function?
What is the origin and insertion of the transversus abdominis?
Origin: internal surface of ribs 7-12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lateral third of inguinal ligament
Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest and pectineal line (conjoint tendon)
Picture the Rectus abdominin, Rectus sheath and
Tendinous intersections
What is the rectus shealth made up of?
aponeuroses of the three flat abdominal muscles
Where deos the Rectus abdominis run with? and whats its function?
runs from the pubic crest to the xiphoid process and nearby ribs 5-7. Flexes the trunk and compresses abdominal viscera.
What anchors the muscles to the anterior layer of the rectus sheath
tendinous intersections
What are the Rectus Abdominis and the three flat muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall innvervated by?
T7-T12 inter/sub-costal nerves and L1 (iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal divisions)
Picture the Superior epigastric artery and the Inferior epigastric artery, what are the branches of? ITS DIFFERENT!
Where deos the inferior epigastric vessels enter the rectus shealth? Why is this anatomsos important?
at the articulate line, it offers one alternate route to the lower extremity in the event of narrowing of the abdominal aorta
What is the artuclate line?
the inferior border of the posterior leaflet of the rectus sheath.
Picutre where the acruate line is?