Dispenza 5 Flashcards
Stress is knocking your___
Stress response is how the body_____
Body out of balance. Knocking it out of homeostasis.
Responds when it’s knocked out of balance
We can trigger the stress response by just revisiting an unhappy memory stitched ….
We can activate fight or flight with anticipation of some future _______ or recalling a past _____
In the fabrics of our gray matter.
Event, event
Stress is normal, but it is abnormal when stress is turned ….
Your are essentially committing…..
Some things that are happening in the body are:
On with great frequency and for long duration.
All the time and for long periods of time.
Suicide in installments.
Heart racing
Shallow breathing
Mobilizing all that energy for a fictional emergency that doesn’t even exist.
Some of your body’s processes shut down in order to free energetic resources to help us survive the “ on”
Most people spend their moments preoccupied with
Negative thoughts and emotions.
Living in survival causes us to live in the particle aspect, the material aspect, solid dense , slow . The _____ % of an atom.
As and in flow, we become wave aspect beyond time, body and environment. No time, no body, no environment . The _____% of an atom.
Survival mode, Low frequency energies and perception limited to the 5 senses and your experience of life is that of a _______ being as opposed to an _____ being
When u are preoccupied with negative thoughts and emotions, obsessed with the big 3: environment, body and time, you are not operating as ____
We are chained to our familiar thoughts and familiar emotions, and the emotional addiction associated it. We can’t stop eating potato chips at 10:30 pm. We are hearing a …
Host of inner subvocalizations urging us not to change.
We hold our troubles close to us. They have defined us. The feed our addictions to….
We are addicted to ……
Low frequency emotions.
Low frequency emotions.
Deeply Memorizing a program dominates your…. and becomes an…..
Unconscious subconscious automated program
The external circumstances: people, places , things often dictate how u …
Think, feel and behave
Instead of creating stories , focus on….
How u want to think, feel and act when presented with certain scenarios
When u create a new personality, u manifest a new…
Personal reality.
Daily, create your ideal beingness. This is called…
Self creation
When in creation mode, living in creation( drumming up the desired realities) u are living as a ….
When in a pure zone , you are beyond ….
Time and space and become pure immaterial awareness.