Disorders of coagulation Flashcards
What are the risk factors associated with the development of inhibitors in haemophilia A?
- Severe haemophilia A
- Younger age (most common in childhood)
- Within the first 25 years of exposure to factor replacement
- During times of increased factor replacement, infection or inflammation
- Underlying FVIII mutation: more common in large deletions or where there is an insertion of a stop codon. 25% with the common intron-22 mutation develop inhibitors.
How many patients with Haemophilia A develop inhibitors over the course of their lifetime?
- 20-30%
- Most= lower level, transient inhibitors that are not a long term problem
- These usually have a BU between 5-10
- High responding inhibitors are seen in ~10-15%
What is the recommended screening protocol for the development of inhibitors in those with severe haemophilia A?
- Screen every three months until 20 exposures
- Then every 3-6 months until 150 exposures
How do you screen for inhibitors in Haemophilia A
1) APTT 1+1 with normal (test at 0h and 2h) → non-correcting suggests inhibitor
2) Dilutions of patient plasma + FVIII concentrate → incubate 37C for 60min. Assay FVIII level: <90% control sample suggests inhibitor
3) Bethesda assay
Are one stage or chromogenic factor assays preferred when monitoring extended half life factor replacement?
- Many guidelines, including ISLH, recommended using chromogenic assays when monitoring factor levels on treatment
- This is because there can be discrepancies between the one stage and chromogenic results
- With extended half life products, the impact depends upon the product itself and what substance is used as an activator
- Adynovate (FVIII EHL product)= similar recoveries with different APTT activators and across the one stage and chromogenic assays
- Aliprolix (FIX EHL product)= different recoveries with different APTT activators (underestimation with Kaolin)
What is one way that the recovery from the one stage factor assay can be improved in factor replacement monitoring?
- Using a recombinant FVIII reference standard instead of a plasma standard
What is emicizumab and how does it differ from endogenous FVIII?
- Chimeric bispecific humanised antibody that mimics the cofactor activity of FVIII.
- Binds to FIXa with one arm and to FX with the other placing both in spatially appropriate positions promoting FIXa catalysis of X to Xa and tenase formation.
Differences from FVIII:
1) Longer half life (30 days vs 12hrs)
2) No on/ off mechanism (i.e. does not need to be activated by thrombin/ inhibited by APC)
3) Does not distinguish between activated (i.e. IXa) and inactivated (i.e. X) forms of substrate
4) Shows only partial co-factor activity
5) Target concentration of emicizumab is much greater then the plasma concentrations of IXa and X: activity dependent upon the amount of IXa produced (whereas FVIII is usually the rate limiting step in tenase formation)
6) 11 fold lower catalytic activity than FVIII
How does emicizumab affect lab tests routinely used to monitor FVIII replacement?
APTT: oversensitive: normalises at very low levels of emicizumab
FVIII OSA: oversensitive (can modify by calibrating against emicizumab to make sensitive)
FVIII chromogenic assay with bovine components: insensitive. Emicizumab does not bind to bovine FVIII. Can be used to measure residual FVIII in someone on emicizumab
FVIII chromogenic assay with human components: sensitive within the dynamic range of the assay.
How does emicizumab affect lab tests routinely used to monitor FVIII inhibitors?
Bethesda assay using OSA FVIII: Emicizumab not deactivated my heat. Causes false negatives as drives coagulation despite the presence of an inhibitor
Chromogenic, bovine containing inhibitor assays: will detect the presence of an inhibitor as emicizumab will not bind to bovine IX and X.
Discuss combined FV and FVIII deficiency
· Where both FV and FVIII levels are 5-20%
· Does not enhance the haemorrhagic tendency seen in each defect separately.
· Caused by mutations in the LMAN1 gene which encodes a chaperone protein for FV and FVIII or in genes which act as a cofactor for LMAN1.
· Symptoms are usually mild with easy bruising, epistaxis and bleeding after dental extractions and surgery.
Discuss factor XI deficiency
- Functional deficiency in FXI, usually accompanied by a low FXI level.
- FXI has the least correlation between factor levels and bleeding manifestations.
- Bleeding is more likely to occur if FXI is <20% although some individuals with severely reduced FXI levels show no increased propensity to bleeding.
- Women with FXI deficiency are more likely to suffer from menorrhagia but the majority of pregnancies are uneventful.
- The site of bleeding appears to be more important that the level of FIX. Bleeding is more severe when a site of injury with high local fibrinolytic activity is involved (i.e. the urogenital tract and oral cavity).
How is FXIII deficiency diagnosed?
Diagnosis suspected when a patient presents with significant, delayed bleeding and normal screening coagulation tests
Clot solubility: only detects severe deficiency <5%
- Plasma + thrombin + Ca → clot: suspend in 5M urea at 37C: normal is stable >24h
- Absent FXIII: clot dissolves
Chromogenic amide release assay: automated, sensitive, precise, quantitative
- Thrombin activates FXIII → crosslinks peptide substrate and releases ammonia, which reduces NADH → NAD+
- The reduced NADH is measurable at 340nm and is proportional to FXIIIa
ELISA: antigenic assay: distinguishes A/B subunits (not clinically relevant)
How do vitamin K dependent factors become activated?
Require γ-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues at their Gla domains to enable binding of calcium and attachment to phospholipid membranes.
What are the two principle functions of vWF?
- Binding to matrix molecules, particularly collagen, at sites of vascular injury and capture of platelets
- vWF binds to exposed collagen, and uncoils exposing the GPIba site for platelet binding.
- Platelets roll in the direction of the blood flow until they bind to exposed collagen. Binding to collagen activates the GPIIb/IIIa receptor enabling fibrinogen to bind and further platelet aggregation - The stabilisation of FVIII in the circulation.
What is type 1 vWD?
- Partial quantitative defect in vWF
- Activity/antigen ratio >0.7
- Reduction in monomers of all sizes if multimer analysis performed.
What is type 2A vWD?
- Decreased vWF-dependent platelet adhesion with selective deficiency of HMW multimers.
- Can occur if there is excessive cleavage of HMW vWF by ADAMTS13.
- Disproportionately low vWF:CB and vWF:RCo (activity/antigen ratio <0.7)
- Low numbers of intermediate to high MW multimers if multimer analysis performed.
What is type 2B vWD?
- Increased affinity for platelet GP1B
- Often associated with thrombocytopenia
- Disproportionately lower vWF:CB and vWF:RCo (activity/ antigen ratio <0.7).
- Abnormal response to low dose ristocetin on platelet aggregation assays
- Low numbers of intermediate to high MW multimers if multimer analysis performed.
What is type 2N vWD?
- Markedly decreased binding affinity for FVIII
- Leads to reduced half-life and rapid clearance of FVIII.
- Low FVIII levels, FVIIIB/vWF:Ag <0.7
- Normal multimer analysis.
What is type 2M vWD?
- Decreased vWF-dependent platelet adhesion without selective deficiency of HMW multimers
- Activity/ antigen ratio <0.7
- Normal multimer analysis
What is type 3 vWD?
- Complete deficiency of vWF
- Undetectable vWF
- No multimers on multimer analysis
How is vWF:RCo performed?
Three different methods:
1) Traditional vWF:RCo= An assay that measures VWF activity and employs platelets and Ristocetin in the assay
2) VWF:GPIbR= A recombinant form of GPIb is coated on a latex bead (which mimics a platelet) by a specific monoclonal antibody that orientates the GPIba in a way where it can interact with vWF in the presence of ristocetin.
3) vWF:GPIbM assay= Mutant GPIb with two gain of function mutations. Will bind vWF without the need for adding ristocetin (more correctly- GP1b binding assay)
What is “low vWF” and what are the difficulties with this diagnosis?
vWF levels between 30-50 IU/dL. Associated with an increased risk of bleeding.
Difficulties include:
1) Slightly low levels of vWF are common. Many of those with low levels do not have excessive bleeding
2) A history of minor bleeding is very common and is not a good predictor of bleeding in other circumstances. A patient with a bleeding disorder may have a negative bleeding history if they have not been exposed to significant haemostatic challenges.
3) A history of minor bleeding such as easy bruising and low vWF will often be found together. This does not necessarily mean that the patient has vWD .
4) The family history is often unhelpful particularly in mild cases or where penetrance is weak. This is because low vWF can be due to a combination of modifying genes rather than a defect in the vWF gene itself.
What are the causes of acquired vWD?
- Hypothyroidism (reduced synthesis)
- Aortic stenosis (shear stress and increased cleavage)
- MPNs (adherence to platelets and increased cleavage)
- Paraproteins (immune)
- Wilms tumour (adsorption)
What is the differential diagnosis for DIC and how can these be differentiated from DIC?
- Liver disease (D-dimer often normal, FVIII normal)
- Massive transfusion
- MAHA (coags normal)
- Hyperfibrinolysis (plts normal)
- Catastrophic APLS (fibrinogen normal)
How does APML lead to DIC?
Cell surface of APML blasts contain:
- TF
- ‘Cancer procoagulant’
- Fibrinolytic molecules
Granules of APML blasts contain:
- Fibrinolytic molecules (plasminogen, tPA)
- Elastase proteinase 3 (cleave HMW vWF)
APML blasts stimulate cytokine production
What are the definitions of and differences between early, classical and late vitamin K dependent bleeding in paediatric patients?
1) Early
- Onset within first 24hrs of life
- Occurs in infants whose mothers are on VKAs
- Severe bleeding manifestations: ICH, intrathoracic bleeding
2) Classical
- From day 2-7 of life
- Occurs in infants with poor feeding and who did not get vitamin K administered at birth
- Intracranial, gastrointestinal and umbilical stump bleeding most common
3) Late
- From day 8 to 6 months of age
- Occurs in infants with cholestatic or malabsorptive disorders
- Very high incidence of intercranial haemorrhage
What coagulation changes occur during pregnancy?
Prothrombotic state
- Fibrinogen and factors II, VII, VIII, X and XIII increase by 20 to 200% (factor V and IX remain normal)
- vWF increases 2-4x during pregnancy, peaking within 24hrs post-partum.
- Concentrations of protein S and anti-thrombin are reduced. Protein C unaffected.
- Activity of fibrinolytic inhibitors increase including TAFI and PAI-1
What factors contribute to the development of coagulopathy in trauma and/or massive blood loss/ transfusion?
o Tissue injury with increased exposure/ expression of tissue factor
- Brain injury results in the release of brain-specific thromboplastins into the circulation
o Loss of procoagulant factors and platelets directly through blood loss
o Physiological and therapeutic haemodilution
- Filling of the vascular space with fluid from extracellular and interstitial spaces
- Administration of intravenous fluid and plasma poor red cells.
o Hyperthermia
o Hypoxia
o Acidosis
o Disseminated intravascular coagulation
What are the mechanisms by which paraproteins can cause coagulation abnormalities?
o Hyperviscosity: arterial and venous bleeds secondary to abnormal wall shear stress
o Increased clearance of FVIII and vWF leading to an acquired haemophilia A or von Willebrand disease
o Impaired platelet aggregation
o Inhibited fibrin polymerisation
o Have a heparin like anticoagulant effect that can be reversed by protamine
How does amyloidoisis lead to an increased risk of bleeding?
o FX deficiency: adsorption of FX onto the amyloid fibrils
o Abnormal fibrin polymerisation
o Hyperfibrinolysis
o Platelet dysfunction
o Vessel fragility
- Caused by amyloid deposition in the vessel walls
Describe the haemostatic changes seen with asparaginase
- Endothelial and/ or white cell activation
- Increased tissue factor expression
- Thrombin generation, consumption of procoagulants and natural anticoagulants
- Hypofibrinogenaemia, prolonged APTT/ PT and reduced antithrombin and other physiological anticoagulants
- Thrombosis
- Also directly reduces the synthesis of coagulation factors
- Other contributing factors: liver dysfunction, infection, age etc…
What are some of the acquired causes of antithrombin deficiency?
Active thrombosis Heparin therapy Asparaginase therapy Liver disease Nephrotic syndrome DIC
What are some of the acquired causes of protein C deficiency?
Vitamin K deficiency Vitamin K antagonists Sepsis (meningococcal) Liver disease DIC