Disorders and Diseases of the skin Flashcards
Clients purposely scrape off acne lesions causing scarring and discoloration
acne excoriee
pink or flesh-colored precancerous lesions that feel sharp or rough
actinic keratosis
deficiency in perspiration resulting in fever or skin disease that requires medical treatment
dry, scaly skin from sebum deficiency
excess inflammation; dry skin, redness, and itching from allergies and irritation
atopic dermatitis
most common and least severe skin cancer; light pearly nodules
basal cell carcinoma
foul- smelling perspiration, usually in the armpits or on the feet
“liver spots”, characterized by hyperpigmentation on the skin in spots that are not elevated
mass of hardened sebum and skin cells in the hair follicle
comedo (comedones)
tendency for an ingredient to clog follicles and cause a buildup of dead skin cells
“pinkeye”, very contagious infection
inflammatory skin condition caused by contact with a substance or chemical
contact dermatitis
any inflammatory condition of the skin; eczema, vesicles, or papules
swelling caused by a fluid imbalance in cells or a response to injury or infection
redness caused by inflammation
skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping
“folliculitis barbae, sycosis barbae, barbers itch”; inflammation in the hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hair
“shingles” painful viral infection from chicken pox; characterized by a group of blisters that form a rash in a ring or line
herpes zoster
excessive perspiration caused by heat, genetics, medications, or medical conditions
abnormal growth of the skin; many are benign, or harmless
thickening of the skin caused by a mass of keratinized cells
a contagious skin infection caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria; clusters of small blisters or crusty lesions
thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue (collagen)
acquired, superficial, thickened patch of epidermis
abnormally thick buildup of cells
redness and bumpiness common on the cheeks or upper arms; caused by blocked hair follicles
keratosis pilaris
mark, wound, or abnormality; structural changes in tissues caused by damage or injury
skin disorder characterized by light, abnormal patches
most serious form of skin cancer and can spread quickly; black or dark patches on the skin and usually uneven in texture, jagged, or raised
malignant melanoma
epidermal cysts, small, firm papules with no visible opening
“prickly heat” acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands resulting in the eruption of red vesicles and burning, itching skin from excessive heat exposure
miliaria rubra
“birthmark” malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated capillaries
acne like condition around the mouth; small clusters of papules that could be caused by toothpaste or products used on the face
perioral dermatitis
persistent itching
flat, nonpalpable changes in skin color such as macules or patches, or an elevation formed by fluid in a cavity
primary lesions
sun damage, developed in a later stage of disease that changes structure of tissues or organs
secondary lesions
hereditary factor in which dead skin cells build up and do not shed from the follicles as they do on normal skin
retention hyperkeratosis
similar to open comedones; mainly solidified impactions of oil without the cell matter
sebaceous filaments
common form of eczema; mainly affects oily areas; characterized by inflammation scaling and/or itching
seborrheic dermatitis
type of skin cancer more serious than basal cell carcinoma; scaly, red or pink papules or nodules
squamous cell carcinoma
“hives” caused by an allergic reaction from body’s histamine production
vascular lesions; dilated and twisted veins most commonly in the legs
varicose veins
damage or condition caused by sun exposure
acids derived from plants (mostly fruit) that are often used to exfoliate the skin; glycolic, lactic, malic, and tartaric acids; stimulate cell renewal
alpha hydroxy acids
liquids that help remove excess oils on the skin
small, sealed vials containing a single application of highly concentrated extracts in a water or oil base
products that dont contain any water
exfoliating organic acid; salicylic acid; dissolve oils and are beneficial for oily skin
beta hydroxy acids
powerful antioxidant that protects and revitalizes skin cells
coenzyme Q10
one of the world’s oldest healing agents
procedure that removes excessive fat deposits and loose skin from abdomen to tuck and tighten skin
body treatments that use mud or fango, dead sea salt, seaweed, enzymes, or peat salt
plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and/or fat in the upper or lower eyelids
treatment for cellulite
light to medium peel of lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol in the ethanol solvent
Jeesners peel
surgery to alter the shape or contouring the breats
plastic or reconstructive surgery performed on the nose to change or correct appearance
procedure that removes excessive fat deposits and loose skin from abdomen to tuck and tighten skin
constructive metabolism; the process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones
procedure that removes excessive fat deposits and loose skin from abdomen to tuck and tighten skin
phase of metabolism that breaks down complex compounds within the cells into smaller ones, resulting in a release of energy to perform functions such as muscular efforts, secretions, and digestion