DISORDERS Flashcards
Sever Caloric restriction
Fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat
Disotorted body Image
Reccuring binge eating
Inappropriate compensatory behaviour
at least 1week-3months
Body weight deeply affects self evaluation
Not only in context of anorexia
Bulimia Nevosa
Recurring binge eating
eating rapidly, eating until uncomfortable full, eating a lot but not hungry, eating alone because embarrased, feelings disgust
Binge eating Disorder
Lack of trust and suspicious of how people are acting, Grudges, Exploitation,trustworthiness, fideiity if sexuak partner, attacks on characterm confides in others rarely, threatening meanings read into events
Symptoms begin during adulthood
Paranid personality disorder
Limited range if emotional rexpression
Solitary lifestyle, indifferent to praise criticism, relationship of no interest, sexual experiances not of interest, activities not enjoyed, friends lacking, emotional cold and detached. Start at young childhood
Schidoid Personality Disorder
Disregard for and violation so the rights of others, Anitsocial acts, arrest, lies frequently, lacunae, lack of remorse, unstable, safety of self and others, money problems, agressive, assaultive, not occuring exclusively
Antisocial anixety disorder
Idenitity disturbance, relationship unstable, impulsivity, suicidal gestures, emptiness, dissociative symptoms, affective instability, paranoid ideation, anger is poorly controlled, idealization followed by devalutation, negativistic caused by trauma and causes suicidal
Borderline Personality Disorder
Unipolar mood disorder
mood remains at one pole of depression mania continuum
Bipolar mood disorder
mood travels between depression mania poles
Inflated self esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative, flight of ideas, distractibility, increase goal directed activity, excessive invovemet in activities that have high potential (atleast a week hospiatilized and impairment)
Bipolar Manic episode
Inflated self esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased goals, excessive involvenment for painful consequences (no hospitalization or impairment, 4 days)
Bipolar II Disorder (Hypomanic episode)
Depressive mood, loss/gain weight, loss of interest, insomina/hypersomia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, hard to concentrate, recurrent thought of death (2 weeks atleast)
Major Depressive disorder
poor appetite or over eating, insomina or hyposomia, low energy or fatigue, low self esteem, poor concentration, feeling or hopelessness
Persistent depressive disorder
A disorder with onset during deveopmental period, impairment of intellectual functioning, adaptive functioning.
Intellectual Disability
- inattention-Inattentive subtype
2.hyperactivity/impulstivity (hyperactive type. - difficulty in substaining attention, organization with tasks and activities often losing things, forgetting about things and do not follow tasks.
- fidgit or tapping, cant stay still, talk alot and respond before end of question.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder