Diseases of zang and Fu organs Flashcards
Lung normal Function
dominates qi, descends and disperses qi, upper source of water, manifests at the skin, opens to the nose
Invasion of pathogenic cold to the lung-pathogenic wind and cold
Sxs: aversion to cold and fever, no sweating, headache and body discomfort, stuffy nose and watery nasal discaharge, cough with thin sputum, thin and white tongue coating, and floating and tense pulse;
In cases with cold retention: severe cough, shortness of breath and heaviness sensation in the body, whitish and frothy sputum and large quantity of sputum, whitish, moist, and glossy coat, floating or slipper pulse.
Tx: Ventilating the lung and dispelling the cold, or warming and resolving phlegm
Points: LI-4, LU-7(relieve exterior) UB-12 (wind), UB-13 (LU shu), GB-20 (wind)
The encroachment of the lung by pathogenic heat -wind heat
Sxs: cough with yellow sputum or thick nasal d/c, or aversion to wind and heat, fever, sore throat, thin and yellowish coating and floating and rapid pulse; -In cases with accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung; cough with large quantity of thick and yellowish sputum, difficult breathing with wheezing, cough with pain in the chest, extreme thirst and desire for cold drink, dark urine and constipation, red tongue and dry and yellowish coat, slippery and rapid pulse
Tx: Dispel wind and remove heat
Points: LI-4, LI-11(dispel heat), SJ-5, DU-14 (expel pathogen), GB-20.
stagnation of phlegm in the lung
Pathogenesis: Invasion by exogenous factors or prolonged; or the spleen is too weak to perform its transporting function, and accumulated dampness turning into phlegm -Sxs: cough with thick and sticky, whitish or grey sputum, shortness of breath, tongue with thick and whitish and greasy coating, and soft floating and slippery pulse -In cases with stagnation of excessive fluid in the lung: difficult breathing with wheezing, pain and fullness sensation in the chest and hypochondrium, tongue with greasy and yellowish coating (if stagnant phlegm turn to heat), and slippery or rapid pulse. Green/yellow sputum is always heat combined with phelgm.
Tx: Remove dampness from the lung to reduce phlegm
Points: LU-1(transforms phlegm, clears, heat), UB-13 (LU shu), ST-40
Lung dryness due to yin deficiency
Pathogenesis: exogenous dryness leading to consumption of the lung fluid or pathogenic wind, pathogenic warm (could be a heat condition consumed the yin and dried the fluids).
Sxs: cough with dyspnea, little but sticky phlegm sometimes with blood streak dry mouth and sore throat, or sensation of slight cold and fever, thin and dry coating, red tip and margin of the tongue, pulse thready and rapid -In cases with fever of deficiency type dry cough with little phlegm or phlegm with blood, hoarseness and red throat, hectic fever and night sweats (yin def), emaciation, red tongue with thin coating, and thready rapid pulse. Possible skin dryness
Tx: clear lung heat and moisturize lung dryness
Points: LU-7 (regulates water passages, relieve exterior), KD-6 (yin qiao)
Deficiency of lung qi
Pathogenesis: overstraining causing impairment of lung due to prolonged cough or insufficient transformation of qi
Sxs: cough with shortness of breath, fatigue and dislike of speaking, weak and low voice, intolerance of wind and spontaneous perspiration, pale tongue and thin and whitish coat, weak pulse. May see thin skin.
Tx: replenishing and restoring the lung qi
Points: LU-9 (yuan source & earth pt), ST-36, UB-13, REN-17
Excess heat of the large intestine
Pathogenesis: excess pathogenic heat accumulating in the yangming fu organ leading to obstruction
Sxs: constipation (dry, hard), abdominal pain and tenderness, or fever & vomiting, or loose, smelly, sticky stool (sneaks around the impacted stool) or fecal impaction due to heat with watery discharge (yellow & bad smell) or irritability, dry and yellowish or sallow and prickled fur, deep and forceful, rapid pulse
Tx: clear heat and resolve stagnation
Points: ST-25 (LI mu), ST-37, SJ-6 (moves the stool, clears heat in 3 jiao) Could also add LI-11 to clear heat or LI-4 to create movement.
Damp Heat of the large intestine
Pathogenesis: summer heat and dampness and improper or dirty diet leading to the accumulation of damp heat in the large intestine
Sxs: frequent diarrhea or dysentary with bloody stool or with mucus or purulent discharge (may be smelly), tenesmus, burning sensation in the anus, abdominal pain, fever and heaviness sensation in the body, greasy and yellowish coating, and slippery and rapid pulse.
Tx: clear heat and eliminate dampness
Points: LI-4, LI-11, ST-25, ST-44 (ying spring); could add SP-9
Deficiency cold of the large intestine
Pathogenesis: insufficiency of both the spleen and kidney or impairment of yang caused by extreme cold, or pathogenic cold entering the intestines directly
Sxs: loose stool or constant diarrhea (more watery, clear, not strong smell), fullness in the abdomen and occasional pain relieved by warming and pressing, or anal prolapse, coldness in the limbs, pale tongue, thin and white coat, pulse thready and weak. (If tight that indicates excess cold)
Tx: warm yang and dispel cold
Points: REN-4 (to warm lower jiao), REN-8 (warm yang qi, tx abdominal pain), REN-9 (separate clear & turbid), ST-25 (LI mu).
Moxa good for this type. May add DU-20 for prolapse.
Insufficiency of body fluid in the large intestine
Pathogenesis: Impairment of the LI fluids caused by dryness-heat, or spleen yin deficiency goes down into the large intestine
Sxs: dry and hard stool passed every few days, foul breath and dry throat, dizziness and abdominal distension (but not painful), reddened tongue with little saliva, dry and yellowish tongue coat; thin pulse b/c lack of fluids. pulse may be a bit rapid.
Tx: loosen the bowel to relieve constipation
Points: ST-25, REN-4, SP-6
Insufficiency of the heart yang qi
Pathogenesis: prolonged illness or impairment of yang caused by sudden attack of serious illness or very strong emotions
Sxs: palpitation, shortness of breath, oppressed feeling in the chest, chest pain, pale complexion, dullness in the body, and spontaneous perspiration. Weak or knotted and intermittent pulse. Tongue pale, flabby, may be dusky. May have symptoms of deficiency cold, but often not because as a fire organ, these sxs are often masked. Pt may feel tired and sleep more.
Tx: warm the heart yang. Supplement the heart qi
Points: HT-7 (yuan source), UB-15 (HT shu), REN-14 (HT mu), PC-6 (benefit chest). Can use moxa for this type.
Insufficiency of heart yin/blood
Pathogenesis: febrile diseases or excessive anxiety can damage the yin/blood or there may be insufficient transformation of blood or there may have been excessive blood loss
Sxs: palpitation, vexation, fear, and restlessness, dreamy sleep, red tongue with cracks (yin def) or pale tongue (blood def) with little coating, pulse thready and rapid (yin def). If blood def, pulse thready but not rapid. If yin def, pt may have 5 center heat, heat sxs at night, insomnia. If blood def, see pale complexion, insomnia, etc.
Tx: nourish yin, nourish the heart, and tranquilize the mind
Points: HT-7 (yuan source), HT-9 (clear def heat, tranquilize mind), UB-15 (HT shu), KD-6 (nourish yin). If blood def, add SP-6, UB-17.
Internal Disturbance by phlegm fire
Pathogenesis: Emotional depression leading to stagnation of qi and fire-transmission that boils fluid and turns it into phlegm.
Sxs: palpitation, manic-depression, insomnia, anxiety, red tongue with yellow thick coat, pulse slippery and rapid -
Tx: clear away heart-fire, dissolve phlegm and purge intense heat
Points: jing well points, HT-3 (he-sea), LI-4, PC-8 (clear phlegm ht, ghost pt, open ht orifice). Can add ST-40.
Blockage of heart yang by fluid retention
Pathology: stagnation of phlegm and fluid accumulated in heart and blocking heart yang.
Sxs: palpitation, oppressed feeling in the chest, dizziness, vomiting with phlegm and saliva, greasy and white coat, pulse slippery, deep, and tense (fluid obstruct yang qi) -
Tx: remove stagnant fluid and eliminate phlegm.
Points: REN-17 (PC mu), REN-14 (HT mu), UB-15 (HT shu), ST-40 (phlegm), PC- 5(open HT orifice by transforming phlegm) Use reducing technique.
Stagnation of heart blood
Pathogenesis: heart qi or heart yang deficiency cannot promote blood movement
Sxs: severe palpitation, oppressed feeling in the chest with stabbing pain, sharp pain in the chest in severe cases, bluish purple lips, coma and coldness of limbs, dark tongue with purple dots, thready and uneven or knotted intermittent pulse
Tx: promote blood circulation to remove obstruction in the collaterals and blood stasis
Points: UB-17 (influential pt for blood), SP-10 (xue hai-move blood stasis), HT-6 (xi-cleft for blood & acute)
cold deficiency of the small intestine
Pathogenesis: Improper diet leads to SI’s inability to separate the clear from the turbid.
Sxs: diarrhea with borborygmus, vague abdominal pain relieved by pressing, pale tongue with thin white coat; pulse thready and moderate.
Tx: warm and promote the small intestine
Points: UB-27 (SI shu), REN-4, SI-3 (shu-stream wood pt)
heat excess in the small intestine
Pathogenesis: the heart fire descends to the small intestine
Sxs: vexation and insomnia, mouth and tongue sore (canker sores), dark urine with pain or even hematuria, red tongue with yellowish coating, and slippery rapid pulse.
Tx: clear heart fire and promote descension of heat
Points: SI-8 (he-sea), SI-7 (luo ), ST-39 (lower he-sea of SI), REN-3 (clear lower jiao heat-UB mu)
Insufficiency of Spleen Yang:
Pathogenesis: Excessive cold or uncooked food, weakness due to prolonged illness, or drugs with cold nature
Sxs: sallow complexion and coldness in the gastric cavity, vomiting with watery fluid, anorexia and loose stool, or coldness of the limbs, pale tongue, whitish coating, and soft floating and weak pulse. If severe, pulse may be a bit slow.
Tx: Warm the middle jiao yang
Points: UB-20 (SP shu), LR-13 (SP Mu), SP-4, ST-36, REN-8. Consider using moxa on these. Consider SP-2 (fire pt, mother of earth).