Diseases of the Small Intestine Flashcards
What nutrients may be deficient in Small Intestine disease due to poor absorption of nutrients?
calcium, vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, folate
What are clinical features of small bowel diarrhea in small Intestinal disease?
melana may be present, normal to increased stool volume, normal to increased frequency of defecation, weight loss if chronic, vomiting, may have fatty feces, may have feces with undigested feeds
What are the hallmark clinical signs of a patient with large bowel diarrhea
tenesmus, mucus in stool, and hematochezia
When working up a SI disease case, if a patient presents with melena, what should I look for in blood work?
microcytosis (d/t iron deficiency) with thrombocytosis (high platelet count) is suggestive of chronic blood loss.
If a patient presents with a history of dark, tarry, oxidized blood in feces, what should I ask the owner about in regards to history?
has the patient consumed any iron supplements or an medication that includes bismuth such as peptobismol?
If I see panhypoproteinemia (low albumin and low globulins), ascities , pleural effusion, thromboembolis. what disease process should i consider?
protein losing enteropathy
(protein leakage in the gut exceeds plasma protein synthesis resulting in hypoproteinemia)
most likely in dogs, if this hx in cats it is prob GI lymphoma
Why is protein losing enteropathy an umbrella term?
On bloodwork, my patient has ionized hypocalcemia and hypovitaminosis D. How should I treat, and what other abnormalities should i look for on bloodwork?
there will be an elevated PTH
TX: test for serum vit D3
and treat with calcitriol - monistor calcium and phosphorus levels
A owner reports being able to hear a “rumble” coming from their pets intestines. What is this?
borborygmi/ flatulence
the noises are caused by the propulsion of gas in the GI tract, swallowed air or bacterial fermentation of fibers
A patient presents with weight loss. What should you always assess?
caloric intake
What is the classic signalment of Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome?
a patient presenting severely dehydrated with a history of vomiting and then an onset of acute to peracute onset of watery hemorrhagic diarrhea
What are some clinical signs associated with Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea syndrome?
Small to mixed bowel diarrhea (acute necrotizing and neutrophilic enterocolitis,
vomiting, tachycardic, bounding pulses
What bloodwork values may be found in AHDS?
hypovolemia: elevated albumin,
sepsis: neutropenia (decreased WBC (neutrophil)) , segmented neutrophil count higher than 20,000 and band neutrophils over 2500
may have enterotoxemia d/t clostridium perfringens
How do i diagnose AHDS?
-exclusion of other acute GI disease
PCR for Clostridium perfringens encoding for the pore forming toxin NetF
-run PCV + TP
What warrants antibiotic use in AHDS?
signs of sepsis!!!
A positive fecal culture is NOT enough on its own to use abx. must have signs of sepsis