Discuss one or more biological explanation for sz (16) Flashcards
AO1 Neural Correlates
One biological explanation for schizophrenia is neural correlates. This is where there is a correlation between certain brain structures and the abnormalities. This suggests that there is a correlation between certain brain structures and schizophrenia. An example is through enlarged French course which leads to less grey matter and a small hippocampus in the brain. This then leads to a smaller rock area which can lead to negative symptoms e.g. speech poverty, which may explain schizophrenia.
AO3 Strength of neural correlates
A strength of neural correlates is that they show a relationship between brain structures and sz. Supporting evidence from Suddath et al who studied 15 monozygotic twins who were disco concordant in relation to sz using MRI scans, found physical changes between almost all twins, including enlarged ventricles and lower volumes of grey matter in the left temporal lobe. This is a strength of the biological explanation because differences in brain structures between MZ twins (who shared 100% of their DNA), suggests that these differences are a result of sz. This suggests that malfunctions/differences in brain stretches can correlate/increase the chances of someone developing schizophrenia. However, some criticise the neural correlates argument for being correlational and not establishing cause an effect evidence that certain brain structures cause sz.
Another biological explanation for sz is that it is passed through genes. This is often examined through twin family and adoption studies. For example, Gottesman and Shield studied children with schizophrenic parents and found if children had two schizophrenic parents, there was a 46% concordance rate (probability the child would also develop sz), and if they had one schizophrenic parent, there was a 13% concordance rate. This suggests that genetics player role and the likelihood of developing sz.
AO3 Strength of genetics
A strength of genetics as an explanation for sz is they can help you better diagnose the condition. Evidence from twin studies e.g. Gottseman can be used to create a genetic profile which can be tested on babies etc. this genetic testing can therefore further develop the accuracy of diagnosis of sz because psychologists, doctors etc can run test tests for certain genes which are linked to sz. This is a strength of genetics because they help strengthen the biological argument that sz is hereditary and therefore passed through genes. However, some criticise the genetic explanation that sz is not completely genetic and how the environment also plays a role in the development of sz.
AO3 Limitation of biological approach
A weakness of the biological explanation for sz is that it suggests that sz is inevitable/biologically determined. This approach ignores the effects a persons environment and upbringing can have on an individuals development. Therefore, an alternative theory to be considered is the Jnteractionist approach and the diathesis stress model. This suggests that the environment e.g. a stressful event (childhood trauma) can activate a dormant genetic predisposition, suggesting sz is not biologically determined. This suggests that the biological explanation for sz is not a completely generalisable approach and so to be completely holistic, a combination of social and biological factors should be considered simultaneously to explain sz.