Diplomacy and other policy inst. Flashcards
pure diplomacy
diplomacy that isn’t linked with other instruments
mixed diplomacy and what it becomes
linked with other policy instruments. It becomes a communications channel through which the use or threatened use of other instruments is transmitted to other parties
sticks and carrots
In politics, “carrot or stick” sometimes refers to the realist concept of soft and hard power. The carrot in this context could be the promise of economic or diplomatic aid between nations, while the stick might be the threat of military action.therefore, persuasion is often more successful is these two concepts are attached.
3 types of policy instruments for rewards or punishements
military force, economic measures, and subversion
military force
may be threatened or deployed to give ‘muscle’ to a negotiation. The growing costs of warfare have led developed states at least to look for alternative instruments to strengthen their hands in negotiations.
economic measures
used with trade long time ago, still used today (sanctions), etc.
is focused on particular groups within other states with the object of undermining or overthrowing the government of those states. Subversion may include a variety of techniques, including propaganda, intelligence activites, and assisting rebel groups
factor of effectiveness
nature of the objective/negotitation, availability of relevant instruments, costs attached, use of particular instruments, etc.
favored instrument
diplomacy, but mixed diplomacy is quite often used because diplomacy has comparative advantages contrast to othe policy instruments even though diplomacy may need to be suplemented by other means to be effective.
why favored instrment (3)
a. diplomatic resources are readily available (all states or actors have some capacity to communicate with other parties)
b. has relatively few costs directly associated with it from a reputational point of view politically and economically (the use of other instrument can be viewed as politically unacceptable because diplomacy is widely regarder as legitimate in view of its association with negotiation both valued as norms of international behaviour)
c. image of a country
public diplo importance
same characteristics as subversion, older notions of commercial diplomacy where government has reached out to associations and cultural diplomacy, projetcs a positive image of the state which shows the perception that foreign citizens have which projects the idea that the country is able to have positive outcomes with negotiations. (States have a growing interest for it)
track one diplo
official government to government diplomacy
track 2 diplo charactersitics
unofficial) involves parliamentarians, business people. private citizens, activists, scholars, religious communities, etc. NB. also referred to as ‘multi-track’ diplomacy, ‘unoffical diplomacy’, ‘parallel diplomacy’, ‘citizen diplomacy’, or ‘private diplomacy’… Such other tracks may also be distinguished by the type of non-traditopnal diplomats
track 2 definition
as an unofficial character, not marked by formalities fostering in track one diplomacy and much more informal, more open-minded, more experimen and explore and may entail more room for dialect.
interelations between track 1 and 2
track 2 can provide a stabilizing element in times of troubled relations among states and may help improve state relations. gradulaly come to terms together, diplomates see that track 2 diplomacy might help with official diplomacy (track 1)
track 3
revolves around the business community
track 9
revolves around the media community
tracks beyond states
track two diplomacy is understood as non state actors (individuals or organizations involved in diplomacy