Digestive system 2 Flashcards
Udara roga
abdominal pain; generalized for a wide variety of painful problems that lead to abdominal enlargement
Types of udara roga (5)
Pliodhara-splenic disease Yakridhalayudara-liver disease Baddhodara- Intestinal obstruction Chidrodara-perforated intestine Udakodara- ascites
Udara Roga
Purva Rupa
those of ajirna such as weak and sluggish digestion along with burning sensations. slight swelling of the legs, shortness of breath, constipation, belching, pain and distension
Udara roga Samprapti
Agnidosha: faulty agni; Weakness in the dosha leads to the formation of ama (amadosha). ama obstructs the svedavaha srota and the ambuvaha srota resulting in ascites
‘udakodara’ accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
signs of udara roga poor prognosis
‘condition is difficult to treat’
- extensive fluid in the abdomen
- heavy abdomen
- abnormal coloration to abdomen
- percussion is dull in abdomen
- inability to eliminate gas
- excessive urination and loose stools
- lack of normal bowel sounds
udara roga nidana vata (5)
dry foods, fasting, over exertion, belching, suppressing natural urges
Udara roga nidana Pitta (4)
excess sour, salty and pungent foods, excess sun exposure, over heating from exercise, alcoholism
udara roga nidana Kapha (4)
Excess cold, excss oily or heavy foods, excess sweet, sour, and salty tastes, too much day sleep
Udara Roga Comparative Rupa
Vata- distention, belching, constipation, alternating diarrhea/consitpation
Pitta- burning indigestion, RUQ pain, diarrhea
Kapha- nausea &anorexia, hard heavy cold abdomen
Udara Roga Samprapti
Vata-vata moving sideways pushes Kapha to contain it; Anaha (trapped air) between muscles and skin
Pitta- vitiation of pachaka and ranjaka pitta
Kapha- vitiatied bodhaka and kledaka with low agni; kapha is obstructing vata
Udara roga Chikitsa VPK
V-pancha karma w/ virechana and basti followed by abdominal wrap to restore apana vayu; herbs triphala, trikatu, hingwastika; takra with salt and pippali
P-PK with virechana to remove heat from small intestine; diet of mung dal soup, purgatives like senna; takra of licorice and sugar
K-PK with no vamana, purgation with niruhavasana basti to clear any blockages in large intestine; light diet to bring up agni; takra with trikatu
vatodara western diseases (2)
vata in the abdomen
diverticulosis- V-when the diverticule forms; diverticulitis- VP-the presence of pouches in the large intestine that become inflamed
Diverticulitis Nidana
medical- unknown, but considers low fiber diet as possible cause
ayurveda-vata vitiating diet- pungent, bitter, astringent tastes weaken the rasa, creating dry.hard stool, damaging the purishavaha srota
diverticulits rupa
left lower quadrant pain
bloating, fever, nausea, vomiting
possible blood in the stools
diverticulitis samprapti
vata pushing pitta
vata relocates in the purishavaha srota and blocks downward flow resulting in sideways movement of vata (vyana vitiation)
Lt and acute constipation>pockets (diverticulosis)vyana in the mamsa of purishavaha srota>inflammation and bleeding (diverticulitis) pitta in the rasa, rakta, mamsa of the purishavaha srota.
Diverticulitis chikitsa
reverse the nidana (constipation, improve stool quality and colon tone), soften the stool using salts and laxatives, tone the wall of the colon, reduce bleeding and inflammation; diet - increase oil and salt; light diet herbs- bowel tonic-triphala laxatives as needed-triphala, cascara antimicrobials-turmeric,goldenseal anti-inflammatory-turmeric, gaduchi dipanas to rasise and stabilize agni niruha and anuvasana basti
Pittodara (2)
pitta driven abdominal disease; cholelithiasis-gall stones; celiac disease
symptoms of gallbladder disfunction
pale, fatty stools that float
foul smelling stools
abdominal distention, bloating
chronic belching 30 min after eating
chronic itching from bile salts entering the blood stream
RUQ abdominal pain-most acute 45-60 min after a meal.
sometimes pain in the right shoulder
cholelithiasis- bile becomes supersaturated with cholesterol; stones mix with calcium, bilirubin, uric acid
signs and symptoms of gallstones
pain in RUQ bloating and belching immediately after eating worse with fat intake tenderness upon palpation 4Fs- fat, fertile, female, 40
Gallstones Ayurvedic nidana/rupa
Pitta-fried foods, intensity, anger raise pitta which dries out the bile, leaving stones; RUQ pain is severe with some indigestion leading to distention and belching
Pitta/Kapha-fried foods, anger, intensity, sedentary, overweight; moderate RUQ pain with greater nausea, oily stools, obesity
Gallstones Samprapti
high acidity in the blood leads to high acidity in the bile;
gallstones and inflammation -ranjaka-rakta in raktavaha srota
gallstones-kapha-rakta raktavaha srota
obesity-avalambaka, medas, medovaha
gallstone chikitsa
reverse the nidana- alkalize the diet, start exercising, decrease animal protein intake
diet- light with lots of green veggie juices; limit fat intake to good quality fats
herbs: lithotropes-pashana bheda, gravel root, dandelion root; cholegogues- dandelion, milk thistle, kutki, chrysanthemum;
lekhanas- guggul
purgatives to flush the gall bladder and reduce pitta;
cool nervine sedatives- reduce anger, brahmi, chrysanthemum, rose.
Pashana Bheda
Saxifraga ligulata, Bergenia ligulata: pashana: stone, bhedana: crack or break rasa: astringent/bitter virya: cool vipaka: pungent gunas: light, oily, sharp VPK_ lithotrope stone destruction, mainly in the bladder
gravel root
Eupatorium purpureum rasa: bitter/pungent virya: cool vipaka:pungent gunas: light, dry doshaPK- lithotrope, diuretic stone destruction, mainly in the bladder
mentha pipereta: oil acts as a cholegogue and dipana, may be a lithotrope
Celiac disease
small intestinal disease caused by gluten sensitivity
made worse by stress
the body makes antibodies to the gluten that cross react with the villi of the sm intestine causing inflammation leading to malabsorption
Celiac disease Rupa (symptoms)
gas bloating constipation and/or diarrhea mucousy stools weight loss nutritional deficiencies causing widespread symptoms children may fail to thrive
Celiac disease
Ayurvedic view
V/P condition
Pitta: inflammation, diarrhea
vata: malabsorption, gas, bloating, craping
agni is variable or low
ojas is low
kapha only involved when there is mucous in the stools
Celiac comparative nidana
Vata stress: anxiety, worry, fear, excess travel, physical trauma, loss, worn out
Pitta: anger, intensity, jealousy, deadlines, physical trauma, competition and drive, burned out
celiac chikitsa
reduce stress, regulate agni, build ojas, avoid gluten, use herbs to reduce symptoms, proper eating habits, VP reducing diet
Candida: yeast overgrowth that results in inflammation of the mucous membranes
candida rupa
white patches of growth on mucous membranes; sluggish digestion, mucusy stools, swelling and distention of the abdomen
candida samprapti
primarily due to kapha vitiation and/or ama
low ojas
high acidity in the body destroys pro-biotic population
Candida chikitsa
avoid sugar, starch, alcohol, fermented foods
take probiotics
strong patients with ama -pk
samsarjana krama-slow reintroduction of fruit and other sugars after 3 months
herbs: musta, paud’arco, neem, oregon grape, garlic, echinacea, goldenseal
musta part used rasa virya vipaka guna dosha action indication
Cyperus rotundus part used: tuber rasa: bitter, pungent, astringent virya: cool vipaka: pungent gunas: light dosha: KP-V+ actions: pachana, dipana, krimighna, vulnerary lekhana indications: parasites, low agni, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, obesity, swelling, diarrhea, fever
sannipattikodara classical
rupa samprapti
nidana: intake of toxins in a patient who has weak agni
rupa: reflects all 3 doshas; symptoms quickly become severe; enlarged, swollen abodomen
samprapti: all three doshas along with rakta become aggravated and localized in the abdomen
chikitsa: PK; weak patients should eat light but nourishing diet and take tonifying herbs
signs of dehydration
extreme lethargy dry mouth low urine volume dizziness failure to produce tears when crying rapid heartbeat sunken eyes poor skin tension
complications of dehydration(3)
refer to doctor(4)
complications: seizures, brain damage, death
refer: diarrhea continues beyond 5 days for adults, 3 days child; vomiting more than 24 hours adult, 12 hours child; inability to keep down fluids after 8 hours ; fever above 101.5 accompanies the illness;
Krimi (2 types)
Internal: Abhyantra krimi
External: Bahaya krimi
3 types of abhyantara krimi
Raktaja: blood borne
Kaphaja: stomach
Purishaja: large intestinal