Digestive System 2 Flashcards
Bulging of the end of the esophagus and even part of the stomach upward through the diaphragm and into the chest
Hiatal hernia
Symptoms of a hiatal hernia
Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD
Semisolid mixture in the stomach made by mixture with gastric juice
Secrete gastric juice and hydrochloric acid into the stomach
Gastric glands
Folds in the stomach when it is empty
Enlarged portion to the left of and above the opening of the esophagus
Central part of the stomach
Lower narrow section of the stomach
Food is held in the stomach by the
Pyloric sphincter
Microscopic glands in the small intestine
Intestinal glands
Multiple circular folds of the intestinal lining
“Fingers” covering the intestinal folds
Lymphatic vessel in each vili in the small intestine
Empty pancreatic digestive juices and bile from the liver into the duodenum
Minor and major duodenal papillae
Surgery for removal of gallstones
Cells in the liver secrete
Liver is classified as an
Exocrine gland
Drain Nile out of the live
Hepatic ducts
Bile dies what to fats
Bile excretes what from the body
Fats in chyme stimulate the secretion of the hormone
Cholecystokinin CCK
CCK stimulates
Contraction of the gallbladder so that bile flows into the duodenum
Yellowish skin discoloration
Most important digestive juice
Pancreatic juice
Sodium bicarbonate
Neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice
Clusters of cells between the ducts the release pancreatic juice
Pancreatic islets is langerhans
Where material passes from the small intestine into the large intestine
Iliocecal valve
The Iliocecal valve opens into a patch called
Cecum goes to the
Ascending colon
Bend between the ascending colon and transverse colon
Right colic or hepatic flexure
The ascending colon goes to the
Transverse colon
Marks where the descending colon turns downward
Left colic flexure or splenic flexure
S shaped segment that terminated into the rectum
Sigmoid colon
Food must move through this in order to move from the esophagus to the stomach
Lower esophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter