Digestive Glands Flashcards
functions of saliva
serous acini
amylase, peroxidase, lysozyme
antimicrobial proteins
mixed serous and mucus
serous demilunes
secrete mucins which help in lubrication of food
mixed serous and mucus
mucus acini predominate
mucous secretion
mumps rabies and tumors
parotid glad is primary target of rabies and mumps
functional histologic unit of exocrine pancreas
centroacinar cells
found in lumen of acinus
secrete bicarbonate and mucin
hepatic lobule
structural and functional unit of the liver
consists of anastomosing plates of hepatocytes
central venule is in the core and collects sinusoidal blood containing a mixture of blood
classic hepatic lobule
hexagonal lobule
surrounding a central vein
portal triads at angles
portal lobule
triangular arrangement
center of the triangle is bile duct collecting from 3 hepatic lobules
angle are the central veins of three hepatic lobules
liver acinus
based on the oxygen gradient of venous sinusoids of adjacent lobules
3 zones based on blood supply to hepatocytes
microscopic structure of lobule
sinusoids are b/w rows of hepatocytes and they supply blood to the liver cells
bile flows opposite of blood
space of disse
endothelium is fenestrated
allows blood plasma to reach hepatocytes
ito cells (hepatic stellate cells)
located at intervals w/in the space of disse function as storage site for fate and vitamin A
Kupffer cells
macrophages in sinusoids
incolved in the recycling of old RBC