Digestion - Science Flashcards
Carbohydrates are used for what?
Proteins are used for what?
cell growth and repair
Lipids (fats and oils) are used for what?
energy (storage)
Vitamins are used for what?
Vital processes inside the body
Minerals are used for what?
Iron for healthy blood, calcium for strong teeth and bones
Fibre is used for what?
Moving food through digestive system
Water is used for what?
All chemical reactions in body
What causes obesity?
Taking in more energy from food than is used
What are the consequences of obesity?
Health problems - e.g. high blood pressure, heart disease.
What causes starvation?
Lack of food
What are the consequences of starvation?
Slow growth, greater risk of infection, irregular periods
Scurvy and a lack of vitamin C are examples of what?
Deficiency diseases
The process of breaking down food so nutrients can be absorbed into the blood is called….
Biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in the body are known as……
What is the enzyme that digests carbohydrates?
What is the enzyme that digests proteins?
What is the enzyme that digests lipids?
What is absorbed in the large intestine?
What is absorbed in the small intestine?
digested food molecules
What is the role of bile?
Breaks large fat droplets into smaller droplets
In which part of the digestive system is faeces (poo) stored?
Where is bile produced?
Where is bile stored?
Gall bladder
How are villi adapted for absorbtion?
Large surface area, good blood suply, thin outer layer of cells
What do we use to test for simple sugars?
Benedicts solution and heat
What do we use to test for for starch?
What do we use to test for proteins?
Biuret solution
A positive result with benedicts solution turns….
Green, yellow, orange, brick red (in order of quantity)
A positive result with biuret solution turns….
A positive result with starch solution turns….