Digestie system Flashcards
whats amylase
an enzyme that starts the breakdown of food in the saliva, when chemical digestion first starts
what does the process peristalasis do
it is the rhythimetic movement of the involuntary muscle that lines the esophagus to move the food down to the digestive system
how does the stomach perform both chemical and mechanical digestion?
chemical: the acidic enzymes in the stomach
mechanical: the movement of the smooth muscle that exsists in three layers in the stomach
what is the function of the stomach/gastric glands?
secrete an acidic solution that brings down the acidity of the stomach to about a 2pH
What’s pepsin and its job?
its an enzyme in the stomach that digests proteins
how does the stomach prevent damage from the pepsin
secrete mucus
what’s the capacity of the stomach, empty and full
empty: 50mL
full: 2-4 L
where does most of the absorbtion happen?
small intestine
where does most of the absorbtion happen?
small intestine
where does asprin and alcohol get absorped?
by cells in the lining of the stomach
the function of the pancreas?
- produce enzymes to digest carbs, proteins and fats
- to produce hormones
- secretes an alkaline solution to the small intestine to bring it to >7pH for perferable environment for the intestinal enzymes
how long is the small intestine?
7 m
whats the largest internal organ of the body
the liver
whats the function of the liver?
- produces 1 L everyday of bile which breaks down lipids
- stores the leftover bile in the gallbladder
what can happen to the gallbladder?
t could get gallstones which are cholestrol crystals
at what organ is the chemicalabsroption completed?
small intestine
what is chyme
the name of the food after finsihing chemical digestion and going into the large intestine
what is chyme
the name of the food after finsihing chemical digestion and going into the large intestine
what are the times that food takes in each stage of the digesve system
mouth: 5-20 sec
Esophagus: 10s
Stomach: 2-24 hrs
Small intestine: 3-4 hrs
Large intestine: 18h-2d
what does the large intestine include
whats the appendix and its function
a sack-like appendage
it has no function
what is appendicitis
when the appendix is inflamed and swollen and has to be removed surgically
what vitamins do the bacteria in the colon produce
k and b
whast hte main function of the colon
to absorp any left water in the chyme and produce feces
what is a calorie
the energy content of food, or ina other words, the amount of heat needed to raise the temprature of 1mL of water by 1 Celsius
what are complex carbohydrates
what happens to any excess glucose?
it gets stored int he liver in the form of glycogen
whats a comples carbohydrate that isfoud in plant-based foods?
Cellulose or fiber
functions of fat/lipids:
- maintain homeostasis
- protect internal organ
- building blocks for the body
- most energy dense sub-food
what could be a result of excessive saturated fat consuptions?
high levels of cholestrol in the blood causing blocked arteries and heart problems
where and how are fats digested
in the small intestine, they are broken down via bile into fatty acids and glycerol
what are examples of proteins in the body?
- neurotransmitters
- memberane receptors
- enzymes
- hormones
the steps of breaking down proteins:
- break down to amino acids
- amino acids are absorped into teh blood stream into variosu body cells
- body cells through “protein synthesis” assemle the amino acids into proteins the body structure needs
how many types of acids do humans require for protein synthesis
20 amino acids
how many fo the 20 required aminonacids can the human body produce
12 out of the 20
how many essential amino acids do animal products contain?
what are the exact percentages of the MY PLATE recommendation
grains: 30%
vegetables: 30%
fruits: 20%
proteins: 20%
side of dairy
whats the function of vitamins:
- they help enzymes break down foods
what are examples of vitamins made in the body?
colon: B and K
skin: D
what kind of vitamins can be stored in the liver?
fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in small quantities in the liver ad fatty tissues of the body
what are minerals?
inorganic compounds used as building blocks fo r the body and are also involed in metabolic functions
what are vitamins?
organic compounds neede din small amounts fo rmetabolic functions
what is an example of a mineral used as a building block?
iron–> hemoglobin
calcium–> bones
skin and bones
milk and carrots
red blood cell memberane
formation of red blood cells
nerve conduction
contraction of muscle
protein synthesis
balance ph
Synthesis of thyroid hormone
how do steroid hormones work?
initiate the target cell to start protein synthesis
how do steroid hormones work?
initiate the target cell to start protein synthesis
what are examples of non-sterod/amino acid hormones?
- human growth hormone
- insulin
whats an example of a process in the internal body that uses negative feedback?
Thyroxine: act on cells t o increase metabolism
Calcitonin: decreases calcium levels —> signials bones to absorp calcium and kidneys to secrete calcium
functions of calcium
- blood clotting
- bone formatin
- nerve function
- muscle contraction
what does aparathyroid produce and what does it dfo
parathyroid hormone: lowers calcium leverls by signaling bone and kdneys to release calcium
what do the thyroid and parathyroid do together
maintain homeostasis