Diffrentiation thesis Flashcards
What is the differentiation thesis?
- Heelas and woodhead
- claim that religion no longer influences other main institutions like the family and education but is still apart of peoples lives which shows it has changed from what it used to be
Why are religious beliefs changing?
- globalisation
- more beliefs being introduced leading to questioning and monopoly of truth being weakened
- more accomodating and appeal to people who suffer from deprivation
Decline in religion but continued importance
- Luckman - religion has become privatised
- Davie - believing without belonging
- Lyon - relocation of religion (globalisation)
- Hervieu - Spiritual shopping
all points show individualisation and how people are focused on their own lives and finding their own path
- does not mean religion is not important but it is varied between individuals as it helps them to find their way
- is not traditional but is many different aspects and spread out
Transformation of religion in postmodern society
Stark and bainbridge
Religious market theory
- goes through cycles of decline, revival and renewal - not disappearing but transforming
- churches operate like companies and they have better quality of what others provide to attract more ‘customers’ when people challenged
Religious consumerism
- when there is a choice people tend to consume
- when there is limited choice people turn away because it does not always meet there needs
e.g NAMs - bring in spirituality so people consume it as it is completely different from religion
- argues religion is practiced for social reasons than religion especially among ethnic minorities
e.g cultural defence and transition bring about solidarity and community more than anything
-claims they have had minimal effects on society and they join because of novelty factors and what is fashionable e.g yoga
- does not really impact religion as they are spiritual beliefs - for religious consumerism