difficult to remember Flashcards
findings in infants of diabetic mothers
- Macrosomia (2nd and 3rd trimester) –> branchial plexopathy, clavicle fracture, perinatal asphyxia
- Small left colon syndrome (1st trimester)
- Cardiac anomalies (1st trimester)
- renal vein thrombosis (1st trimester)
- metabolic findings and effects (2nd or 3rd trimester)
- spontaneous abortion (1st trimester)
- polycythemia (2nd and 3rd trimester)
- neural tube defects (1st)
infants of diabetic mothers - Metabolic findings + effects
hypglycemia: seizures
hypocalcemia: tetany
hypomagnesia: hypocalcemia + low PTH
hyperbilirubinemia: icterus = kernictuerus
infants of diabetic mothers - renal vein thrombosis
- Flank mass + possible bruit
- hematuria + thrombocytopenia
evaluation of precocious puberty
bone age (normal or advanced)
A. normal: isolated breast development (premature thelarche or isolated pubic hair delop (premature adrenache –> reassurance
B. adanced: measure basal LH
- high: central
- low: GnRH stimulation test –> If high is central, if still low is peripheral
glycogen storage diseases - enzymes
- Von Gierke: glucose-6-phosphatase
- Pompe: lysosomal a-1,4-glucosidase (acid maltase)
- Cori: a-1,6-glucosidase def
- McArble: myophosphorylase
epiglottitis vs croup on x-ray
epiglottitis - thumbprint signs
croup - steeple sign
epiglottitis - treatment
- incubate (in OR in case unsuccesful intubation makes tracheostomy necessary
- ceftriaxone for 7-10d
- Rifampin for all close contacts
epiglottitis vs croup - most accurate test
croup: PCR
epiglottitis: C+S from tracheal aspirate
Whooping cough - treatment
- Erytrhomycin or azithrom aids only in the catarrhal stage, not in the paroxysmal
- isolate the child
- macrolides in close contacts
- DTaP vaccine
primary ciliarry dyskenesia vs CF regarding extrapulm features
1ry ciliary: sinus inversus, infertility, NORMAL GROWTH
CF: pancreatic insuf, infertility, FAILURE TO THRIVE
pneumonia and effusion on chest x-ray - management
small effusion and No resp distress or hypoxia –> oral antibiotics and close monitoring
moderate/large effusion OR resp distress OR hypoxia –> U/S, IV antibiotics, drainege
indications for palivizumab in infants
- preterm births less than 29
- chronic lung diseaes of prematurity
- hemodynamically significant CHF
common causes of neonatal respiratory distress - causes
- transient tachypnea of newborn (term or posterm)
- resp distress syndrome (preterm)
- persistent pulm hypertension (term or posterm) –> makes R to L shunts (through foramen ovale, PDA)
Congenital hip dysplasia - age / RF
- breech positioning
- family history
- excessively tight swaddling
Osgood Schlatter disease (traction apophysitis) - presentation / radiology
anterior knee pain / reproduce pain when extend the knee against resistance / tenderness and edema on tubercle
- anterior soft tissue swelling, lifting of tubercle from the shaft, irregularity or fragmentation of the tubercle
systemic-onset juvenile idioath arthritis - clinical presentation
auto-inf disease in children:
- long stading daily fever
- arthritis of 1 or more joints (more than 6 weeks)
- pink macular rash
metatarsus adductus vs congenital clubfoot regarding treatment
metatarsus –> reassurance
clubfoot –> serial manipulation + casting (surgery if refractory)
spondylolisthesis is a developmental disorder characterized by
forward slip of vertebrae (usually L5 over S1) that usually manifests in preadolescent children
- back pain, neurologic dysfunction (eg. urinary incontinence), papable step-off at the lubosacral area present if the disease is severe
Geleazzi test
leg-length discrepancy in developmental dysplasia of the hip
normal delivery - after? (steps) (after apgar)
- suction of mouth and nose
- clamping + cutting of the umbilical cord
- newborn is then dried, wrapped in clean towels, and place under a warmer (it was in a warm environment in uterus)
- gentle rubbing or stimulating the heels to stimulate crying and breathing
- Vit K + opthalmic oitments
neonatal conjuctivitis - types and age of onset
- chemical irritation due to silver nitrate (it is not allergy, esp in developing countries: day 1: eye lubricant
- gonococcal: day 2-5: single IM dose of 3rd gener ceph
- chlamydial: 5-14: macrolide PO
- 3 weeks or more: Hepres infection: systemic acyclovir and topical vidarabine
delivery associated scalp injuries - types
- capute succedaneum: swelling of soft tissues, CROSS sutures lines
- Cephalohematoma: subperiosteal hemorrhage DOES NOT cross suture lines
diaphragmatic hernia - types
- Morgagni: defect in retrosternal or parasternal
2. Bochdalek: defect in posterolateral (MC, usually left)
Charge syndrome
Cologoma or iris, heart defects Atresia of nasal choanae Growth retardation Genitourinary abnormalities Ear abnormalities