Development Flashcards
early development - ages
infants: 0-12 months
toddler: 12-36 months
preschool: 3-5 yrs
infants - motor characteristics
- primitive reflexes disappear - Moro (3 mth), rooting (4 mth), palmar (6 mth), Babinski (12 mth)
- posture - lifts head up prone (1 mth), rolls and sits (6 mth), crawls (8 mth), stands, (10 mth) walks (12-18 mth)
- Picks - passes toys hand to hand (6 mth), pincer grasp (10 mth)
Points to objects (12 months)
infant - primitive reflexes disappear
- Moro (3 mth)
- rooting (4 mth)
- palmar (6 mth)
- Babinski (12 mth)
infant - posture
lifts head up prone (1 mth), rolls and sits (6 mth), crawls (8 mth), stands, (1 mth) walks (12-18 mth)
infant - picks
passes toys hand to hand (6 mth), pincer grasp (10 mth)
infant -social
social smile (2 mth) stranger anxiety (6 mth) sepraration anxiety (9 mth)
infant - verbal/cognitive
- orients: first voice (4mth), then to nameand gestures (9 mth)
- Object permanence (9 mth)
3 .oratory - says mama and dada (10 mth)
toddler - motor
- cruises, takes firs step (12 mth)
- Clibs stairs (18 mth)
- Cubes stacked (age x 3) –> age 1 –> 3 cubes
- cultured - feeds self with fork and spoon (20 mth)
- Kicks ball (24 mth)
toddler - social
- Recreation - parallel play (by 24-36 mth)
- rapprochement - moves away from and returns to mother (24 mth)
- Realization - core gender identity formed (36 mth)
toddler - verbal/cognitive
words - 200 words by age 2
preschool - motor
- Drive - tricycle (3 wheels at 3 yr)
- Drawing - copies line, or cycles, stick figure (4 yr)
- Dexterity - hops on one foot (4 yrs), uses buttons or zippers, grooms self (5 yrs)
preschool - social
- freedom - comfortably spends part of day away from mother (3 yr)
- friends - cooperatice play, has imaginary friends (4 yr)
preschool - verbal/cognitive
Language - 1000 words by age 3, complete sentences and preposition (4 yr)
Legents - can tell detailed sotures (4 yrs)
Primitive reflex - MC reflex
- Moro reflex 2. Galant reflex 3. Rooting reflex
4. Sucking reflex 5. Palmar reflex 6. Plantar reflex
Moro reflex mechanism
abduct/extend arms when startled (sudden loss of support), and then draw together
Rooting reflex mechanism
movement of head toward one side if cheek or mouth is stroked
babinski reflex
toe extension
Sucking reflex mechanism
sucking response when roof of mouth is touched (akoma kai to diko tou daktilo)
Palmar (Grasping) reflex mechanism
curling of fingers if palm is stroked
stepping relfex
walking-like maneuvers when toes tough the ground
Galant (superman) reflex mechanism
Stroking along one side of the spine while newborn is in ventral suspension (face down) causes lateral flexion (hip) of lower body toward stimulated side
decreased weight gain more than decreasing in height - ddx
- undernutriotion
- malabsorpion
- inadequate digestion
decreased weight gain more than decreasing in height - workup
- assess caloric intake
- stool studies for fat
- sweat Cl test
normal weight gain and decreased height - ddx
- skeletal dysplasia
- hypercortisolemia
- GH def
- T4 def