Differential Diagnosis Flashcards
Diagnostic Tests: Bursitis
- +Ober
- Pain with A/PROM based on bursa location
Q: Iliopsoas bursitis presents with pain during which motions?
Hip ER and flexion
Q: Trochanteric bursitis presents with pain during which motions?
Hip IR and ITB tightness
Q: Ischial bursitis presents with pain during which motions?
Limited hip flexion - tight hamstrings
Diagnostic Tests: OA (3)
- Scour
- Limited ROM, CPR
Diagnostic Tests: Femoral Neck Stress Fx
Antalgic gait
(+ percussion test)
Diagnostic Tests: Muscle Strain (3)
- Local tenderness
- Decreased muscle power
- Pain with stretch/contraction
Diagnostic Tests: Piriformis Syndrome (3)
- Local tenderness
- Piriformis stretch test
Diagnostic Tests: Legg-Calve Perthes Disease (2)
- Limb
- Limited ABD, IR, Flex
Diagnostic Tests: Labral Tear (Hip) (2)
- Scour
- Maybe + FABER
Diagnostic Test: Pubalgia
Bilateral adductor test
Description: The patient is supine with both hips flexed to 30, slightly abducted, and slightly internally rotated. The examiner places their forearms on the patient’s medial foot arches and instructs the patient to resist the examiner’s attempt to abduct the patient’s hips
Diagnostic Test: GTPS (4)
- Palpable tenderness at greater trochanter
- Ober’s positive or tight adductors
- Trendelenburg’s negative
- Resisted hip ABD or IR
Diagnostic Test: Hip Muscular Strain (Pull or Tear)
Femural-acetabular impingement test/anteriorsuperior labral tear
Diagnostic Tests: Meniscus Injury (5)
- Joint line palpation
- McMurray’s Test
- Apley’s compression
- Limited ROM
- AP PAM increases pain
Diagnostic Tests: ACL Injury
- Lachman
- Anterior Drawer
Diagnostic Tests: PCL Injury (2)
- Posterior sag
- Posterior drawer
Diagnostic Tests: PF Syndrome (2)
- Apprehension test
- Critical test
Diagnostic Tests: Patellar Tendinopathy
Ely’s Test
Diagnostic Test: DJD/OA (3)
- Decreased WB during gaitt
- Pain at end range of extension, > 90 flexion
- Negative meniscus/stability tests
Diagnostic Test: Patellofemoral Dysfunction (3)
- Poor terminal knee extension control
- Positive critical test
- Functional Tests