Difference Poder Conseguir Flashcards
I can’t drive
Eu não posso / consigo conduzir
The verb poder is implying that the person speaking is not allowed to drive.
This phrase (consigo) suggests that the speaker is unable to drive for a physical or psychological reason
Poder and conseguir are typically not interchangeable.
eu consigo●
tu consegues
ele consegue
nós conseguimos
vós conseguis
eles conseguem
eu posso●
tu podes
ele pode
nós podemos
vós podeis
eles podem
I can’t go to the party.
I am not allowed to go to the party. Maybe I have been banned from going?
Eu não posso ir a festa.
She can’t speak to me like that.
She is not allowed to / shouldn’t speak to me like that.
Ela não pode falar assim (like that) comigo.
Poder is also used when we request something or ask for permission, similar to how “may” is used in English:
May I?
May I go to the bathroom please?
Posso ir a casa de banho?
Do I have permission?
Can you pass me that glass?
Podes-me passar o copo?
I want to know if you’d do a favour for me, not whether you are physically capable of handing me the glass.
Accordingly, even if the question is not technically about asking for permission, you will often hear poder in questions. This is because it adds a subtle element of politeness.
Where can I find a cab?
Onde posso encontrar (find, meet) um táxi?
conseguir is usually used in scenarios where you are attempting to achieve or obtain something. If you were capable of doing something and you managed to do it:
You did it! You managed!
Last night I managed to sleep well.
A noite passada consegui dormir bem.
Were you able to get tickets for Tony x’s concert?
Tu conseguiste bilhetes para o concerto do Tony x?
I didn’t manage to buy diapers because the store was closed.
Eu não consegui comprar fraldas porque a loja estava fechada.
You can do it, Nuno!
Tu consegues, Nuno!
I managed to pass my exam.
Eu consegui passar o meu exame.
My coworker got a promotion.
O meu colega de trabalho conseguiu uma promoção.
Sometimes both works.
Poder may also fit if you include the reason / condition in the sentence. For example:
I can eat apples because I have teeth.
Eu posso comer maçãs porque tenho dentes.
Eu consigo comer maçãs porque tenho dentes.
Both works:
You can buy clothes with that money.
Tu podes comprar roupa com esse dinheiro.
Tu consegues comprar roupa com esse dinheiro.
However, if the reason / condition was specific to rules or permission, you would only want to use poder. For example, conseguir wouldn’t fit in this context:
I can eat apples because it’s not against the rules.
Eu posso comer maçãs porque não é contra as regras.
to be allowed to, may, can
– related to permission, politeness
to manage to, get, achieve, can
– related to ability