DIF patterns Flashcards
Bullous pemphigoid
n-serrated pattern
linear C3 in 95% and linear IgG4 in 80%
Chronic Bullous disease of Childhood
LInear IgA
Cicatricial Pemphigoid
LInear C3/IgG, fibrinogen
Occ IgM and IgA in 90%
During’s disease
Granular IgA>C3 in dermal papillae
Drug induced pemphigus
90% intercellular
u serrated pattern
Linear IgG
(sometimes IgM, IgA, C3, fibrinogen)
Herpes Gestastionis
Linear C3, occaisional IgG
IgA pemphigus (Intraepidermal type)
100% intercellular IgA
IgA pemphigus (subcorneal pustular type)
100% intercellular IgA
Paraneoplastic pemphigus
IgG and C3 intercellular and linear/granular at DEJ
Pemphigus Erythematosus
LInear IgG at DEJ and intercellular IgG4 in upper layers
Pemphigus foliaceous
Intercellular IgG4, usually upper layers
Pemphigus vulgaris
Intercellular IgG4>C3, more in lower epi
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Linear IgG, IgM, IgA and C3, fibrinogen at BM and around vessels
Bullous lichen planus
IgM and C3 in colloid bodies