Diet In Pregnancy Flashcards
What is a healthy diet
A diet which contains all nutrients needed to keep the body healthy and functioning
A healthy diet can be defined as :
A healthy diet is making sure you eat a balanced intake of foods enabling you to obtain the nutrients you need in the correct amount. It also means eating a diet low in fat, salt and sugar but high in fibre
Why is a healthy diet important during pregnancy
Pregnant women need to make sure their diet is providing enough energy and nutrients for the baby to grow and develop and for their own bodies to cope with the changes
- Nutrient needs for the woman increase in the last trimester because it is when final growth and development of the foetus takes place
What is the eatwell guide
• The eatwell guide shows roughly what you need to eat on a daily basis and how much
•It is divided into the main food groups and it should be followed to help eat a healthy balanced diet full of all the nutrients
How much of the diet should be made up of fruits and vegetables according to the eatwell guide
- One third of the diet should be made up of fruit and vegetables
- A pregnant woman should eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables everyday- these can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced
What does the fruit and vegetables group provide ?
• Dietary fiber- helps digestion and prevents constipation, common in pregnancy
• Vitamin A - For growth and eye development of the baby
• Vitamin C - prevents infection
• Minerals - iron to build up babies store
• Water or fluid - to help prevent constipation
How much of the diet should consist of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy food and why
• One third of the diet should be made up of these foods.
• A pregnant woman should choose wholegrain varieties as they are high in fibre
• Starchy foods help fill you up without containing too many calories
What does the starchy food group provide?
• Carbohydrates - provide energy needed for pregnant mother as she is carrying more weight than usual and needs extra energy
• Dietary fibre - fills us up and helps with constipation
• B vitamins - for energy release
• Minerals - e.g. iron and calcium for build up of baby’s bones
How much of the diet should contain dairy and alternatives according to the eatwell guide
A moderate amount of these are needed in the diet
What does the dairy and alternatives group provide?
• Protein - for the growth of baby and mother
• Calcium - skeleton development
• Vitamin A - growth and eye development of the baby
What are the best options for the dairy group
Semi- skimmed milk, low fat yoghurts, margarine not butter . Avoid unpasteurised cheeses like brie
What does the group containing beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins provide?
• Protein - for growth of the baby and repair of cells
• Vitamins A,B,D - needed to improve absorb calcium
• Minerals - iron needed to meet both mum and babies iron stores
Best options for the protein group are
• Lean meat - chicken, lean mince
• Remove skin from poultry
• Don’t add extra fat when cooking
• Make sure eggs, poultry, meat is cooked all the way through
• Try to eat 2 portions of fish a week at least one oily
What does the unsaturated oils and spreads contain
Vegetable oil
What are ‘good fats’
• Good fats are ones that are best at lowering cholesterol.
• They also help to develop and sustain the health of the baby’s brain, immune system and heart.
What are Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids like omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for the baby’s healthy development and to build and develop cells
How often should foods high in fat, salt and sugar be eaten
Should be eaten less often and in small amounts
How can saturated fat affect the diet and pregnancy
- High levels of saturated fat can also lead to high blood pressure which is dangerous and can cause premature birth
What happens if too much weight is gained during pregnancy
During pregnancy weight gain of around 12kg is normal but more than this can lead to complications during birth such as pre-eclampsia and problems for the baby like neural tube defects
What does salt do in the diet for a pregnant woman ?
- Salt is essential in the diet to maintain fluid balance but having too much salt in the diet in pregnancy can lead to high blood pressure which can impact on the mothers health and cause pre-eclampsia and fluid retention
What does sugar do in the diet in pregnancy
• Sugar contains calories without providing any other nutrients the body needs which can contribute to excess weight gain in pregnancy
• Having sugary foods and drinks can also lead to tooth decay as the baby can use the mum’s calcium for its skeletal growth when dietary intake is not sufficient.
•Care needs to be taken to preserve teeth
What is the fluid intake recommendation and why is it important for a pregnant woman
• The recommended amount is 6-8 cups a day
• Drinking enough water prevents dehydration.
• Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to many complications such as headaches, nausea, cramps, oedema and dizziness.
• This is especially important in the 3rd trimester when dehydration can actually cause contractions that can trigger a premature birth
What is a nutrient and why are they important ?
- Nutrients are substances that are present in our food
- Nutrients have a very important function to do in the body.
- If we don’t get enough of a certain nutrient we may suffer from what is known as a deficiency disease
- it is therefore important we eat a healthy balanced diet to make sure we get all nutrients in the right amount
What are the key nutrients
- Vitamins A,B,D
- Protein
- Fat
- Fibre
- Carbohydrates
- Calcium
- iron
- Folate
What is the function/need for energy in pregnancy
- Energy (calories) is needed growth and development of the baby
- Some young mother need extra energy for their own growth
- Healthy mothers do no need any additional energy above their normal needs until the final stages of pregnancy (weeks 27-40)
- Energy is provided by the fats, carbs and protein we consume but the main source should be carbohydrates
What are good sources of energy
Potatoes, Whole meal pasta, brown rice, whole meal bread etc.
What is the function/need of carbohydrates
- Simple carbs = sugars (release energy quickly)
- Complex carbs = starches + fibre (release energy slowly)
- Main energy source for the body
What is the function of protein
- growth and repair of body cells
- energy
- High biological value (HBV) - this contains all the essential amino acids our bodies need
- Low biological value (LBV) - missing some of the essential amino acids
What are some sources of carbohydrates
- sugars - fruit, milk, vegetables, honeys
- starches + fibres - whole meal bread, cereals, potatoes
What is the function of Fat in the diet
- Saturated fats - more cholesterol which impacts on our heart health
- Unsaturated fats - less cholesterol
- Energy
-Protects vital organs
- Insulates the body
- Provides Vitamins A,D,E,K
Sources of fats
Saturated - meat, cheese, butter
Unsaturated - almond milk, cooking oil
What is the function of fibre (NSP)
Soluble - slows down digestion and helps control blood sugar levels
- Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels
- prevents coronary heart disease
Insoluble - absorbs water + adds bulk to faeces
- Helps keep digestive system in good order
- Prevents constipation