Diet and nutrition Flashcards
How many calories does the average woman ned in a day?
How many calories does the average man need in a day?
How does age affect calorie intake?
Children need less calories than adults. Teens can take on the most because their day to day life is still active.
How does gender affect calorie intake?
Men have more muscle mass, women have more fat stores. Generally men are taller and broader in build.
How does lifestyle affect calorie intake?
Using a car means that you don’t walk as much. Many jobs mean that you are sat behind a desk all day. The more active you are, the more fuel you need.
What is the definition of basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
The lowest calorie intake of energy required by the body for normal healthy living, which is also determined by age, body size, body composition and gender.
What is the energy equation?
Total energy needed = BMR + physical activity
Describe how the food we eat gets turned into energy to use.
In the mitochondria, glucose from our diet gets turned into energy with the aid of oxygen pyruvic acid and fat. This energy is known as ATP.
What is glucose stored as in the muscles?
What does ATP stand for?
Adenosine Tri Phosphate
What are the 7 essential elements to the diet?
Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre and Water.
What are the 3 quantitative elements of the diet?
Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
What are the 4 qualitative elements of the diet?
Vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
When should you eat in relation to your dance rehearsals and performance?
You should eat 2 hours before exercise and then again within an hour of dancing. Ideally you should eat lots of light meals as oppose to less larger ones.
What is vascular shunt?
The blood gets directed to muscles rather than to the digestive system. This causes any undigested food to remain undigested whilst you dance.
What percentage of your dietary intake should come from carbohydrates?
Describe the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates are sugars found in cakes, white breads, white pastas and white rice. Simple carbohydrates have a higher level of glucose and if not used immediately will be stored as fat. Complex carbohydrates are found in vegetables, wholemeal bread, rice potatoes, pasta and cereals.
What are the better type of fat?
Unsaturated fats
What can too much cholesterol lead to?
Clogging of the artery walls, increasing blood pressure and circulatory problems.
What are proteins composed of?
Amino acids.
What are proteins used for?
To make tissues, bones and skin, to repair damaged tissue and to enable growth.
When are proteins used to supply energy?
When there is a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats and when intense activity is sustained for long periods of time.
What percentage of your dietary intake should come from protein?
What percentage of your dietary intake should come from fat?
How often should a dancer intake water?
A dancer should ideally sip water every 20 minutes throughout a strenuous class to replace the fluid replaced through perspiration.
How much water should you drink a day?
1.5-2 litres
What happens if your body doesn’t have enough water to perspire?
Sweat regulates temperature. Without enough water your body can’t perspire which can lead to dizziness or even fainting.
How can you train your body to take on more water?
Set reminders on your phone for every few hours, carry a drink with you or make sure you have a glass of water before every meal.
What are the signs of being dehydrated?
Headaches, thirst, a dry mouth, fatigue or a loss of concentration.
Which vitamins are fat soluble?
A, D, E, K
Which vitamins are water solubles?
B, C
What is vitamin A needed for?
Bone growth and it regulates the immune system.
What is vitamin D needed for?
Bone growth and maintenance.
What is vitamin E needed for?
Prevents red blood cells from deteriorating and acts as an antioxidant.
What is vitamin K needed for?
Bone health and to assist with blood clotting.
What is vitamin B needed for?
B1, B2, B3 release energy, B6 is involved in red blood cell formation and B12 is important for maintenance of the nervous system
What is vitamin C needed for?
Improves the immune system function and increases absorption and visualisation.
What is the mineral calcium needed for?
Maintains healthy bones, regulates the metabolic processes and aids muscle contraction.
What is the mineral iron needed for?
It is used in haemoglobin and by the immune system.
Why are vitamin D and calcium required by dancers?
They are important for the prevention of osteoporosis (brittle bones) caused by a decrease in bone density.
What is the benefit of fibre in the diet?
It encourages the slow release of sugar. Without it fibre won’t digest properly and you may feel tired, bloated or even sluggish.
What foods will you find fibre in?
Bran flakes, root vegetables, fruit and cereals.