Diet and dental caries Flashcards
diet can affect the teeth during development of post development
during development
how strong is the correlation between diet and caries development
not strongly correlated
where are caries found on the tooth in relation to poor diet and where in the world are caries rates higher
smooth surface caries
industrialized societies
what is the relationship between refined foods and caries
increase refined foods increase in caries
what variable is the most significant in consuming sugars and their effect on caries
not total consumption
what increase the risk of caries in hospital patients in the vipeholm study?
increase in sugar between meals cause increased caries rates
what form of sugar at snack time caused the most caries increase in the vipeholm study
toffee group, sticky form
what did the hopewood study prove about diet
orphanage vs community
until the age of 12 while living at the orphanage very low caries rate
when released into the community where there is access to refined food; caries risk escalated
not all people senstive to sweetness. what is the molecule that represents sweetness sensitivity and what does this mean for caries risk
6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP)
if sensitive to this molecule, sensitive to sweets—> want more sugar
if not sensitive to sweets don’t have desire for more sugar –>lower caries risk
what is the most cariogenic sugar and the sweetest tasting
what is the second most cariogenic sugar
what is the cariogenicity of cooked starches
they stick to your teeth and a-amylase breaks it down and sugars stay on teeth
why is s. mutans more important for smooth surface caries than pit and fissure caries
s mutans has glucotransferases that transports sucrose into the cell for energy; this sucrose helps bacteria secrete ECM that helps attach to smooth surfaces
why is fructose becoming more commonly consumed than sucrose?
carbonated soft drinks
T/F: soft drinks are currently the leading source of added sugars in the daily diet of young Americans