DIC Flashcards
May be caused by?
Bacterial sepsis, obstetric complications, disseminated malignancy, and massive trauma.
Skin lesions
Hours to days; rapid evolution. Fever and chills associated with onset of hemorrhagic lesions.
SKIN LESIONS Infarction (purpura ulminans): Massive ecchymoses with sharp, irregular (“geographic”) borders with deep purple to blue color and erythematous halo, ± evolution to hemorrhagic bullae and blue to black gangrene ;multiple lesions are often symmet- ric; distal extremities,areas of pressure;lips, ears, nose, and trunk; peripheral acrocyanosis
followed by gangrene on the hands, feet, and tip of nose, with subsequent autoamputation if patient survives.
Hemorrhage from multiple cutaneoussites,i.e., surgical incisions, venipuncture, or catheter sites.
Mucous lesion
hemorrhage from gingiva
General examination
High fever,tachycardia, ± shock
DERMATOPATHOLOGY Occlusion of arterioles with fibrin thrombi.
Dense neutrophilic in lnfiltrate around infarct and massive hemorrhage.
HEMATOLOGICSTUDIES CBC. Schistocytes ( rag- mented RBCs), arising from RBC entrapment and damage within fibrin thrombi, seen on blood smear; platelet count low. Leukocytosis. Coagulation Studies. Reduced plasma fibrinogen; elevated fibrin degradation products; prolonged prothrombin time, partial thrombo- plastin time and thrombin time.
BLOOD CULTURE For bacterial sepsis
Mortality is high or low?
Mortality rate is high. Surviving patients require skin grafts for amputation or gangrenous tissue.
Common complications: Severe bleeding, thrombosis, tissue ischemia/necrosis, hemolysis,and organ failure
Vigorous antibiotic therapy for infections.
Control bleeding or thrombosis:Heparin,pentoxi phylline, protein C concentrate, intravenous immunoglobulin, and FFP.