Cryoglobulinemia Flashcards
the presence of serum immunoglobulin (precipitates at low temperature and redissolves at 37°C) complexed with other immunoglobulins or proteins.
Type 1-3
Type I Cryoglobulins: Monoclonal immu- noglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA, light chains). Associated with plasma cell dyscrasias such as multiple myeloma, Waldenström macroglobu- linemia, lymphoproli erative disorders such as B cell lymphoma.
Type II Cryoglobulins: Mixed cryoglobulins: wo immunoglobulin components, one o
whichismonoclonal(usuallyIgG,lesso en IgM) and the other polyclonal. Associated with multiple myeloma, Waldenström macroglobu- linemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; rheu- matoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Sjögren syndrome.
Type III Cryoglobulins: Polyclonal immu- noglobulinsthat ormcryoprecipitatewith polyclonal IgG or a nonimmunoglobulin serum component occasionally mixed with comple- ment and lipoproteins. Represents immune complex disease. Associated with autoimmune diseases; connective tissue diseases; wide varietyo inectiousdiseases,i.e.,hepatitis
B, hepatitis C, Epstein–Barr virus in ection, cytomegalovirus in ection, subacute bacterial endocarditis, leprosy, syphilis, and streptococ- cal in ections.
Clinical manif
cold sensitivity in < 50% of cases. Chills,fever,dyspnea,and diarrhea mayoccur following cold exposure.
Noninflammatory purpura (usually type I), occurring at cold-exposed sites, e.g., helix, tip of nose
acrocyanosis and reynauds phenomenon
palapble purpura w bulla
livedo reticularis mostly on upper and low extremity
urticaria induced by cold
Diagnosis is confrmed by determination
of cryoglobulins (blood drawn into
warmed syringe, RBC removed via warmed centrifuge; plasma refrigerated in a Wintrobe
tube at 4°C or 24 to 72 h, then centri uged and cryocrit determined) and diagnosis of underlying disease
Treatment is that of the underlying disease. Idiopathic disease can be treated with plasmapheresis, oral corticosteroids, and mycophenolate mofetil