Diagnostic Imaging (1-8) Flashcards
how is the energy of an x-ray related to its wavelength
inversely proportional
this is a discrete bundle of electromagnetic radiation
these are able to penetrate materials that absorb or reflect visible light, can cause fluorescence in certain materials, and produce an image on photosensitive film
what does damage to tissue by x-rays result from?
- direct interaction with DNA
- indirect ionization of water molecules leading to formation of radicals
name 4 most radiation sensitive tissues; they are actively and quickly dividing tissues
- bone marrow
- epithelial cells of GIT
- gonadal cells
- embryonic cells
name the x-ray biological effect
probability of damage increases with dose (cancer, genetic effects); no known lower threshold
stochastic effects
name the x-ray biological effect
high radiation exposure; damage only over a threshold; severity increases with dose;
erythema, hematopoietic damage, cataract; concern in radiation therapy and nuclear accidents
deterministic effects
this is the amount of ionization per mass of air
name the unit used to measure
C/kg Roentgen R
(amount of ionization per mass of air)
this is the amount of energy transferred by radiation per mass
absorbed dose
name the unit used to measure
absorbed dose
Gray (Gy) = J/kg
this is a measure of radiation and organ system damage in humans: quality factor for different radiation
effective dose
name the unit used to measure
effective dose
Sievert (Sv)
what is the limited effective dose for employees 18+
20 mSv / year
what is the limited effective dose for for trainees 16-18 years old
6 mSv / year
what is the limited effective dose for the general public
1 mSv / year
what is the limited effective dose for pregnant women
< 1 mSv for remainder of pregnancy
what are the 3 exceptions to vet radiation protection regulation that small animals should be sedatd and restrained with sandbags
- critical illness where sedation would deteriorate condition
- specific technique requiring presence
- patient type (LA)
name 6 methods of radiation protection
- indication
- filtration of x-ray tube
- time
- distance
- shielding
- collimation
- personnel monitoring
name the law
if the distance from the primary source is doubled, the intensity will decrease by a factor of 4
inverse square law
what 3 items must be worn for shielding (radiation protection)
- lead apron
- lead gloves
- lead thyroid collar
how thick must the lead be for aprons to protect againt radiation
0.25 mm
how thick must the lead be for gloves to protect againt radiation
0.35 mm
name the method of radiation protection
this is the reduction of the exposed area to the area of interest;
reduces the amount of scatter radiation
name 2 types of dosimeter
- film badge
- thermoluminescent (TLD)
how often should dosimeters be analyzed
at least quarterly
how are x-rays produced
conversion of kinetic energy of accelerated electrons into electromagnetic radiation
where does production, acceleration and deceleration of electrons take place for x-rays?
w/in the x-ray tube
what is the source of electrons for x-rays
what causes acceleration of electrons for x-rays
potential difference
what causes deceleration of electrons for x-rays
how much of the energy in the x-ray tube is converted to x-rays? and what is the rest converted to?
<1% x-rays
99% heat
what unit is the x-ray tube current measured in?
(number of electrons flowing per second from filament to target)
mA (milliamperes x seconds)
what unit is the potential difference in the x-ray tube measured in
kVp (kilovolt peak)
what is the best angle for the anode in an x-ray tube
6-20 degrees
if KVp for an x-ray beam is increased, what other 3 things will increase?
- electrons velocity
- number of x-ray photons produced
- energy (penetrating power of each x-ray photon)
if mA is increased for an x-ray beam, what other 2 things will increase?
- filament heating and tube current
- number of x-rays being produced
name the interaction of x-rays with matter
this is the decrease in intensity of an x-ray beam as it passed through matter
name the interaction of x-rays with matter
when a photon is removed from the beam
name the interaction of x-rays with matter
when a photon changes direction
name the interaction of x-rays with matter
x-ray passes through matter without interaction
name the effect
complete absorption of x-ray photon; photoelectron removed from shell; electron from higher shell falls into space
photoelectric effect
name the x-ray effect
incoming photon ejects free outer shell electron from the tissue atom, photon is scattered; scattered photon has lower energy but may produce ionizations, fog the film and is a radiation safety hazard; results in almost all scatter radiation
compton effect
the photoelectric effect of x-rays is the prdominant interaction in what range of kVp radiation?
low range (up to 30 kVp)
the Compton effect of x-rays is the predominant interaction in what kVp range?
high kVp range
this reduces x-ray scatter to produce a diagnostic quality radiograph; requires increased exposure
name the type of radiographic image acquisition
uses x-ray film, casssetes with intensifying screens, automatic/manual film processor, view box for film review, and an archive for film filing
conventional radiography
name the layers of a double emulsion x-ray film
- protective coating
- silver halide emulsion
- polyester base
- silver halide emulsion
- protective coating
name the components and ratios of silver halide crystal in a double emulsion x-ray film
- 2% Silver ion (Ag+)
- 98% bromide ion (Br-)
name the 2 parts of exposure effect on silver halide crystals with conventional radiography
- electron in silver bromide released by light energy
- silver atom formation at the sensitivity speck
what does ‘sensitivity speck’ refer to in conventional radiography
trapped electron (in silver halide crystal)
this image reflects the pattern of the part being radiographed and is views through processing
(conventional radiography)
latent image
name the part of image processing with conventional radiography
latent image center catalyzes the reaction which reduced the remaining silver ion into grain of metallic silver
name the part of image processing with conventional radiography
prevents further development and removes undeveloped silver bromide from film
name the part of image processing with conventional radiography
removes fixer chemicals that would otherwise discolor film over time
wash (rinse & dry)
name the effect
the use of an intensifying screen in x-ray film for conventional radiography;
95% of film exposure is from light given off by the intensifying screen
fluorescent effect
name 3 reasons to use an intensifying screen with conventional radiography
- reduce personnel exposure
- reduce patient exposure
- increased contrast
this is used to absorb scatter radiation to imrove radiographic contrast;
recommended when bosy part thickness > 10cm
what must be done to mAs when using a grid with radiography
increased by factore of 2-3
name the type of radiographic image acquisition
image is captures in cassettes containing phosphor storage layer;
cassete put into laser film reader;
computer generates digital image in DICOM which is sent and stored with PACS
(filmless, no chemistry, no darkroom)
computed radiography (CR)
name the type of radiographic image acquisition
imaging receptor plate containing many small detector elements transforming x-rays into electrical signal;
images viewed on local workstation then sent to PACS;
detector panel often built into table
Direct Digital Radiography (DR)
name the type of radiographic image acquisition
provides moving radiographic images (40 frames/sec); high quality images
Dynamic Digital Radiography
name 4 advantages of computed radiography
- time efficient
- good image quality
- lower radiation dose possible
- cost effective
name 3 disadvantages of computed radiography
- laser reader sensitive to dust
- maintenance of moving part
- manual labor still required
name 3 advantages of direct digital radiography
- image obtained w/in several seconds
- good image quality
- lower radiation dose possible
name 2 disadvantages of direct digital radiography
- more expensive
- more fragile
this is where the x-ray tube takes multiple radiographs and fuses images for up to 1.2 m length;
tube rotational and longitudinal rotation to achieve perfect seam of images
image stitching
name 5 advantages of computed and digital radiography (compared to conventional radiography)
- no acquisition and display flexibility
- images are viewable from computers
- all image files in DICOM
- PACS central digital archive with remote back up data
- no fil filing, lost film, dark room, or archive room
name 3 features of DICOM
- unified standard that is vendor independent
- both file format and communication protocols
- prevents manipulation of image data
name 3 features of PACS
- central storage of images
- replaces hard copies film and storage
- allows remote access
what does DICOM stand for
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
what does PACS stand for
Picture Archiving and Communication System
List the five radiopacities in order of their opacity
Radiolucent (dark)
1. gas
2. fat
3. soft tissue
4. mineral
5. metallic
Radiopaque (light)
what are orthogonal projections
two projections, 90 degrees to each other
this is the enlargement of the radiographic image of an object relative to its actual size;
increased film-subject distance
this is the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object;
increases with magnification
this is the misrepresentation of the true shape of an object
this is the superimposition of structures in different planes
this is two structures of the same radiopacity in contact; their margins cannot be identified
border effacement
the patient right is on this side of the radiograph image
the patient rostral/cranial is on this side of the radiograph image
name 3 meanings of side markers
- anatomic left/right side
- recumbency (which side down)
- lateral margin on CrCd/DP or oblique vies
name 6 important viewing conditions for digital radiography
- quite
- ambient room lighting
- block out extra light
- high luminescence and high def monitor
- uninterrupted
- not tired/stressed/busy
name 5 things to check for evaluation of radiographic quality
- exposure
- collimation
- patient positioning
- phase of respiration
- patient factors
name the 5 Roentgen Signs
- size
- shape
- opacity
- location
- number
how to most efficiently use logical and intuitive thinking to interpret a radiograph
in combination with each other (first intuitive, then logical)
systematic search is what type of thinking for radiograph interpretation
logical thinking
pattern recognition is what type of thinking for radiograph interpretation
intuitive thinking
this is what the eye sees
this is what the brain sees
this is the mental completion of incomplete contours based on expected shapes;
creates false organ visibility on radiographs
subjective contours (perceptual distortion)
this is where alternative perceptions can both be seen, but not at the same time;
bias towards the expected perception
multistability of perception
this is the degree of perceptible difference between two color tones
image contrast
name the colors seen in high image contrast
black and white
name the colors seen in low image contrast
gray and gray
this is the difference in radiographic gray tones between two radiographed structures due to their physical differences
object contrast
this is the ability of an x-ray film to produce a degree of image contrast
film contrast
does fat decrease or enhace radiographic contrast
enhances (except in excessive quantities, then decreases)
does gas decrease or enhace radiographic contrast
this is a substance applied to patient to enhance the “natural” contrast of the organ of interest
contrast medium
name 2 types of negative contrast media in radiography
air, CO2
what is the purpose of negative contrast media in radiography
outlining of hollow organ walls